Patricia Brent


Title: Alone Patricia

Author: Herbert George Jenkins

Translator: Meymant Dana

Publisher: Behnoud

Subject: English story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 181 p

Language Farsi



Patricia Brent, spinster is  work by Herbert George Jenkins translated into English by Meymant Dana. This novel, which is in the adult age category, has been published in 181 pages by Behnoud Publications.

Patricia is a beautiful twenty-four-year-old girl who lost her parents as a child and lives alone in a Galvin boarding house. One day, by chance, he hears the voices of old women living in a boarding house, who call her an isolated and lonely girl who has no man in her life and has never attracted the attention of any man. And this causes Patricia to think of a plan that will change her destiny and life …
Patricia has been working as a political secretary in London since the death of her father and lives in a boarding house, until one night when she enters the dining hall for dinner, she realizes that she is single and that someone in her life No, Patricia decides to take revenge for this, so she falsely claims to have a fiancé and …

The first page of Patricia the Lonely novel:
“She is always a housewife, no one comes to her, she does not have a male friend, if she should not be more than 27 years old, it is not so ugly.”

A triumphant voice said:

There is something other than beauty that attracts a man.

_ like what?

The second voice said with a song that disgusts:

– Something that is not very appropriate to say کس sex… zenith, in any case, it turns out that Patricia does not have it, I feel sorry for her, poor girl is very lonely. I do not know how he has not found anyone.
Patricia heard the dinner bell coming down the stairs to the dining hall, where she heard a conversation between the two old women in the half-open hall, and her face turned red with shame, as if she had been slapped.

He was upset that what he had heard was true, he was really alone.

She did not have a man friend to invite her to dinner or take her for a walk. Suddenly he said to himself, “Twenty-seven years! “While he is just twenty-three years old!”

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