The book Man and His Symbols by Carl Gustav Jung, one of the greatest psychoanalysts of the twentieth century, introduces you to a new world of the unconscious, examining the role of each nation’s culture and myths in the personality of its constituents and explaining the concept of archetype.

About the book Man and His Symbols:
The book Man and his symbols is the last work of Carl Gustav Jung before his death. He wrote this book to fulfill one of his long-held dreams.
This brilliant psychologist and psychoanalyst dreamed that instead of just a certain stratum, a large range of people understood his books, and for this reason, he wrote this book for the general public.
In this book, Jung comprehensively examines the unconscious world; A world whose language, he believes, is a symbol that constantly manifests itself in dreams. This work consists of five chapters, the first of which is written by Jung and the next chapters by Marie-Louisefon Franz, Joseph L. Prepared and arranged by Henderson, Anie Liafe, and Yolande Yakubi.
Jung had come to believe that dreams could receive useful information from the subconscious levels of the mind and provide it to us; he felt that having a higher and better understanding of oneself would help us to have a better and more enjoyable life.
For these reasons, people who listen to this audiobook, in addition to learning the meaning and concept of symbols throughout history, will have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of themselves.
Sigmund Freud was the first human being to attempt to empirically examine the subconscious. His view was that sleep is not accidental and is related to our conscious thoughts and issues.
Such a view was by no means conventional and owes much to the achievements of valuable neuroscientists such as Pierre Jeanne, in that psychoanalytic symptoms are linked to at least one conscious experience, and appear to be manifestations of discrete parts of our conscious moment in a particular situation. , They can become self-aware again.
Carl Gustav Jung set out to accept the two conditions for writing the book Man and His Symbols. The first condition was that in order to write this book, a group work should be done and the result of the efforts of a number of like-minded people, and the second was that the unpredictable problems in solving the book should be the responsibility of “Freeman”.
In The Audiobook of Man and His Symbols, Jung and his colleagues examine the effect of symbols on human personality and psyche. Jung believes that all persons, far from any religion, share a common subconscious mind and use peer-to-peer symbols, both of which have a high and low aspect of mental life.
Jung and proponents of analytical psychology believe that the human psyche is subconsciously linked to archetypes, and that archetypes can be used to cure mental illness.
The Audiobook of Man and His Symbols consists of five chapters, the first with Jung and the next four with Marie Louise von Franz, Joseph L. Henderson, Aniela Jaffe, and Yolando. Prepared and compiled by Jolande Jacobi.
Get to know Carl Gustav Jung better:
Carl Gustav Jung was born in 1875 in Switzerland. As a young man, he developed a strong interest in philosophy but studied medicine. He received a scholarship from the University of Basel and studied psychiatry.
He achieved great success in this science and started his activity after graduating from a hospital in Zurich. He worked closely with the hospital manager and made significant contributions to patients and the hospital, which made him famous. Finally, in 1905, he became Borgholtzley’s senior physician and professor at the University of Zurich.
He later became acquainted with Freud and spent two years with him. Their relationship then deteriorated for a number of reasons, coinciding with Jung’s midlife crisis.
In the last years of his life, Jung found himself in an unpleasant mental state and those around him turned away from him. It was at this time that Jung called his method “analytical psychology” and introduced topics such as shadows, the collective unconscious, the persona, and so on in psychology. He died in 1961.
In a part of the audiobook of man and his symbols, we read:
“I have already referred to what anthropologists have called the ‘fear of new things’, a deep and superstitious fear of new things in primitive people reacting to vague events, just like wild animals …
“This can be easily seen in the reaction of each person to their dreams, when they are forced to admit an astonishing idea.” “In the study of dreams, two main points must be considered: first, that the dream must be regarded as a fact about which no one should have any preconceived notions, except that it has meaning in any case, and second, that the dream is a manifestation of the unconscious. Is.”
Table of contents of the book Man and his symbols
Chapter One: Slow and Kaveh in the Unconscious – Part One: The Importance of Dreams
Chapter One – Part Two: The Past and the Future in the Subconscious
Chapter One – Part Three: The Function of Dreams
Chapter One – Part Four: Analysis of Dreams
Chapter One – Part Five: The Problem of Characteristics of Individuals
Chapter One – Part Six: The Archetype in the Dream Icon – Part One
Chapter One – Part Six: The Archetype in the Sleep Symbol – Part Two
Chapter One – Part Seven: The Human Soul
Chapter One – Part Eight: The Role of Symbols “Symbols” »
Chapter One – Part IX: Treating Personality Disruption
Chapter Two: Ancient Myths and Man Today – Part One: Immortal Symbols
Chapter Two – Part Two: Heroes and Those Who Build Them – Part One
Chapter Two – Part Two: Heroes and Those Who Build Them – Part Two
Chapter Two – Part Three: The Archetype of the Religion of Teaching Religious Secrets
Chapter Two – Part Four: Ugly and Beautiful
Chapter Two – Part Five: Arfeh and the Son of Man
Chapter Two – Part Six: Symbols of Excellence
Chapter Three: The Process of Individuality – Part One: Psychological Development
Chapter Three – Part Two: The First Encounter with the Unconscious
Chapter Three – Part Three: Discovering the Shadow
Chapter Three – Part Four: The Feminine Element or the Feminine Element
Chapter Three – Part Five: The Male Element or the Male Element
Chapter Three – Part Six: The Self, Symbols of Integrity – Part One
Chapter Three – Part Six: The Self, Symbols of Integrity – Part Two
Chapter Three – Part Seven: Communicating with Yourself
Chapter Three – Part Eight: Your Social Aspects – Part One
Chapter Three – Part Eight: Their Social Aspects – Part Two
Chapter 4: Symbolism in Visual Arts – Part 1: Sacred Symbols, Stone and Animal
Chapter Four – Part Two: The Symbol of the Circle
Chapter Four – Part Three: New Painting as a Symbol
Chapter Four – Part Four: The Hidden Spirit of Objects
Chapter Four – Part Five: Escape from Reality
Chapter Four – Part Six: The Unity of Opposites
Chapter Five: The Existence of Symbols in Individual Analysis – Part One: The Beginning of Analysis
Chapter Five – Part Two: The First Dream
Chapter Five – Part Three: Fear of the Unconscious
Chapter Five – Part Four: The Saint and the Prostitute
Chapter Five – Part Five: Gradual Advances in Psychoanalytic Analysis
Chapter Five – Part Six: The Dream of Divination
Chapter Five – Section Seven: Confronting What Is Irrational
Chapter Five – Part Eight: The Last Dream
Chapter Five – Part Nine: Science and the Unconscious
1- Introducing the book Man and his symbols on YouTube
2- Introducing the book Man and his symbols in Aparat
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