Love Warrior


Title:Love Warrior

Author: Glenn Doyle Melten

Translator: Masoumeh Rashedi

Publisher: Atisa

Subject: Melton Glenn Doyle / Marriage

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 200

Language: Farsi

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Love Warrior is not a story or a memoir, but a biography of a person who talks to others about frustration, boredom, society, escapism, teenage relationships, quitting addiction, motherhood, forgiveness, and love in his life. Says. He certainly paid a high price for self-knowledge.

Glenn Doyle Melten, one of the best-selling books in the United States, is one of the best-selling books in the United States of America.

It is a great courage to touch the deep holes of your life and say without fear what you have been and what you have done. In this book, Glennon Doyle Melton writes the story of his life with indescribable courage, in which the reader of his story inadvertently gets stuck in the deep holes of his life, and from time to time he feels that maybe this deep hole, It was or is a hole in his life.

By reading the book Warrior of Love, you will encounter undeniable facts that everyone is trying to deny. Have you ever wondered how real I have been in life? How much of me is myself and how much of my shadow?
Glenn Doyle Melten, with a unique narrative of his story, connects you with your inner self and empowers you to not be afraid in the face of adversity and to embark on your warlike journey. He gives you the opportunity to explore your past and use it to provide a smoother and clearer path to your future; A clear path without obstacles and holes.

Melten speaks to you in a beautiful and pleasant language of his unparalleled love and character. He teaches you that if you get up, do not be afraid and try to know your true self, then you have started the journey of a love warrior.
The story of Glenn Doyle Melten reminds you of many points and teaches you how to get rid of the repressed anger that is stuck in you, the untreated complexities, the enmity with the world and the enmity with yourself.

The up-to-dateness of this book is one of its positive features. Life happened in the same generation that you live in, and it happened at the same time that you were on the path to machine life. For this reason, the feelings and lifestyle of the author will be quite palpable for you.

Some comments about Love Warrior:
– A powerful and admirable story about self-knowledge; Beatzier, brave and generous. (Boston Globe)
The Warrior of Love, with its painful realities, is a book that everyone should read, why and why not. (Chicago Tribune)
– A breathtaking story that has been narrated as beautifully as possible. “Warrior of Love” is a compelling narrative that achieves something bigger and more imaginative, the mystery of liberation. (Book page)
– Glenn Doyle Melten is the master of sharing her emotional life with the world. He reveals himself in the “Warrior of Love” to the fullest, recounting his struggles and struggles and the depth of his flexibility in the darkest times. (Circle Family Magazine)
– This biography is not really about how Melten rebuilds his relationship with his wife; This book is about how Melten rebuilds his relationship with himself. It is about a woman who lets go of the sexual messages that surround her all her life so that she can grieve with the most complete and trustworthy part of herself. Highly invigorating… Highly captivating. (Besel Datcom)
In a part of the book Love Fighter, we read:
If I could go back to the morning of my graduation, I would say to my parents, “I know I have to get out of here, but I do not want to! I do not want to go back to where I was before. I do not want to go back to high school. But I’m not saying anything. I assure everyone that I am fine.

It is a week to go home from school. I have been nominated to return home and have been called the “leading leader” of my class. Immediately after my discharge from the mental institution, I wave to the crowd that has filled the sidewalk to greet us, while I look transformed and in beautiful blue clothes.

My mother and grandmother drive me through the crowd. I can feel their hope. We have gone through a lot of problems and now I am here, being admired. This is a victory for them.
But I know the truth. You have to be known to be loved, and none of these people who wave to me know me. They only know my representative. This is not a parade for my victory, but why for my representative. He is the one who shakes hands. I am the one who has caught his breath again. He is a star … and I am a mental patient.

As I wave my hand, I think of it as my specialty: Leading Leader! It’s reasonable. I am a good leader because I follow the rules well.

Introducing the book Warrior of Love
“Love Fighter” by Glenn Doyle Melten (1976) is an amazing and acclaimed work about a woman’s life. A woman who fights to revive her love and life together. Trust her husband and come back to life; A woman’s life with all the questions that come to her about marriage, family and life.

Questions that may have the power to make a person surrender or make him just wish he survived, but this story makes us think beyond and come back like a phoenix with new love and hope and double strength. Let us be built and built, believing that the only watering is love, if we find the only connection between the mind and the soul and the way to protect it as a warrior of love.

Glenn Doyle Melten has written the story of her life so boldly and realistically that the reader inadvertently gets stuck in the deep holes of her life and from time to time feels that maybe this deep hole was also the hole of her life … or is. Facing the undeniable facts that we all try to deny is what happens to us when we read Love Fighter.
How real have we been? How many of us are ourselves and how many of our shadows? Doyle Melten has many things in common with us; Angers within us – the repressed wraths that are trapped within us, the misguided and foolish attempts to be loved, the unhealed complexes, the undeniably denied fears, the enmity with the world, the enmity with ourselves, and finally … God tells us the way of love Smoothes.

Excerpt from the book: My father puts my hand in Craig’s. Now is the time when my hand should not be in the hands of anyone other than him. we do not have much time.
Craig takes my hand and we suddenly face each other. This confrontation happens so fast that I look away from Craig and turn to the priest, although I know it is too early. Craig looks at me, and a moment later, he looks away from me. I look into his eyes out of the corner of my eye and at how young he looks – just like a child in his father’s formal clothes.

Critique of the book Warrior of Love
Doyle Melten in Love Fighter reminds us of many things; Anger within us – the repressed anger that is stuck in us, the misguided and stupid attempts to be loved, the unhealed complexes, the undeniable fears of denial, the enmity with the world, the enmity with ourselves, and finally that we are told by God that we love God and Smoothes. This book is a very beautiful and attractive book that the reader can not put down until the end of the book.

About the novel Warrior of Love
The story of the love warrior can be considered an honest and wonderful personal account. A report of the extremely fragile “self” and how it transitions from the ruling laws. , Pays attention to his emotions and thoughts. The author’s explicit and reckless expression of himself and his feelings easily fascinates the audience from the very beginning of the story.

At the beginning of this biography, the author indirectly mentions that he is a warrior of love; in other words, he reveals his view of the laws of the world with the help of a few sentences in the beginning of the story.
“We know what the world wants from us. We know we have to decide whether to stay small, calm and simple or to allow ourselves to be as big, restless and complex as we were made for it. Every girl has to decide. “To wait for praise or to fight for love.”
In the novel Warrior of Love, we see three important events that happen to the author. Each of these events somehow changes the course of his life and changes his views. Events such as learning about pregnancy, going to church and facing. With the painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as the betrayal of her husband, they have been a challenge to her awareness of the power and power of suffering. The place of “self” is shown to distance itself and believe in its sufficiency to appear in the world.

“My body wants to give and take love, I listen to it. “It’s not just about trusting Craig, it’s about trusting myself.”
In the first part of the story, the main character is a fragile but power-hungry creature who is always deeply afraid of expressing his true self, so by learning the “rules” he hides behind a mask he has made for himself. In this moment of life, Glenn to see Being around friends and hiding his vulnerability involves alcohol, drugs and sex.

This process continues until Glenn realizes that she is pregnant. Glenn’s skepticism about accepting the invitation when confronted with an image of the Blessed Virgin becomes a certainty that eliminates her fear of the possibility of raising her child alone.

In the second part, the author describes his life process, this time in the role of mother and wife. Another important event that once again challenges Glenn is his wife’s infidelity to him. They were chosen above the facts, they are now challenged. This is where the main character of the story decides to discover and heal his injured “self” regardless of what the “laws” have ever expected of him. The section shows well the changes in the author’s views and his readiness to be seen, accepted and expressed as he is.

In the third part, we face a completely different “Glenn”. Now Glenn has recovered and accepted suffering as a part of his human existence. In addition to accepting himself and his sufferings, he also managed to discover a warrior and a hero within himself. And therefore calls himself a “love warrior.”
What the audience learns in the course of this story is to become aware that shortcuts or, as the author puts it, “comfort buttons” can not be the answer to human questions about suffering in the long run. Suffering is inevitable. It is imbued with the existence and nature of man, and we may even have to admit that it may never disappear. But the absence of suffering is not a reason for man’s inability to face it. He realizes himself.

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