It ends with us


Title: It ends with us

Author: Colin Hoover

Translator: Zahar Alushi

Publisher: American Story

Subject: Nick Farjam

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 296 p

Language Farsi

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It ends with us is a work by American author Colin Hoover. Colin Hoover published his first novel in 2012, and since then, all of his novels have become bestsellers in the New York Times.

In the part of the text on the back cover of the book, we will finish:

With this bold and completely unique novel, Colin Hoover tells the story of an unforgettable love that must be paid the highest price.

The media and writers have given different opinions about this novel. USA Today writes about this novel: “A heartwarming and delicate story that will not be forgotten. “The kind of books that will be remembered.” “It is a bold and engaging novel that captures emotion,” writes the booklist.
“Even when Hoover gives hope, the power and suffering of the relationship stay with the audience.” “Colin Hoover reminds his audience that love is fragile and mixed with courage, hope and tears.” “Every heartbroken person should read this book.” Finally, Sarah Peykanen, author of the international best-selling novel Perfect Neighbors, writes: “We end it is not an ordinary love story. This book breaks your heart and at the same time, fills it with hope. “By the end of the story, you will laugh in tears.”

Summary of the novel We will finish
There is a sentence on the cover of the book that may be a complete summary of the book’s story. A sentence like this: “Sometimes, the one who loves you hurts you the most.”

The story of this book is about Lily, a 23-year-old girl who had a complicated relationship with her father, and now that she is dead, she has to speak at the funeral at her mother’s request. “As a daughter, I loved her, but as a human being, I hated her,” Lily says of her father. And the reason Lily hated her father was that he beat his mother when he got angry. Of course, her father tried to make up for it after that, but the main issue still persists and this issue has a great impact on Lily.

After speaking at the funeral, Lily feels bad, and takes refuge in the backyard to vent her emotions. Lily stands on the edge of the back door and looks down. He thinks about death but does not intend to commit suicide. Rile Kinkid, a neurosurgeon, walks up to me, and when he sees a girl standing on the edge of the building, he thinks she is trying to commit suicide and tries to stop her from doing anything stupid by talking. Lily, who does not intend to do something stupid, starts a conversation with Riley, and this strange meeting in the backyard of a house in Boston is the beginning of a romantic and complicated relationship.
Neither Lily nor Riley thought anything special had happened between them, but when they meet again, a feeling arises within them and…

The next month or two is the most important time in my career. I have to focus. “My residency is coming to an end and then I have to sit down and study for my exams.” He walks into the living room and talks madly with his hands. “But all last week, the thought in your life was hell. I could not get you out of my mind at all; At work, at home. I always think about how fascinated I am when I am close to you.

As this part of the story progresses and Lily and Rile get closer to each other, Lily also reviews her past memories. Sweet memories in which she fell in love with another boy named Atlas.
When Lily enters into a relationship with Ryle, life suddenly becomes so beautiful for her that it is unbelievable, but when the worries about the new relationship occupy her mind, the memories of her past and her first love engage her. Atlas had many things in common with Lily in the past and protected her. When Lily suddenly sees Atlas again, her relationship with Riley is threatened, but…

About the novel, It ends with us
The author targets a key point in this book. Colin Hoover tries to teach the reader that pasts and patterns do not matter and we should not get caught up in them. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what to do next. Of course, this decision will not always be easy, but if we do not save ourselves and finish, life will undoubtedly become harder and harder.

Entering into a romantic relationship always carries a lot of responsibility, and each party must also consider the other party’s circumstances. Now in this relationship, if you are more in love with the other party, you may do anything for him, and no matter how difficult the situation, you will stay in this relationship because you are in love. But how long should it continue? This book may be a good answer to this question.
I think Lily’s mother’s character was one of the book’s strengths. A character who at first seems intellectually distant from Lily and knows nothing of her thoughts. Mother and daughter seem to be completely different worlds, but the mother’s spiritual support and presence in difficult situations always strengthens Lily’s heart. This support in the most critical moment of the novel makes the reader understand the main point well.

But in general, you should not expect much from this book. The issues raised in the book are important, but the author’s pen is not as good as it should be, and the serious audience will not be surprised. I suggest you read this book if you are interested in novels in the style of my novel before you or the novel Probability of Love at First Sight. This book can also be a good option for teenagers who have just started reading.

We will finish some sentences from the text of the book
I think about others and how they ultimately decide to end their lives. Do they later regret their decision? Surely, right after they do this, and a moment after the work begins, they feel a little remorse when they fall quickly. Do they look at the ground as the earth rushes towards them and say, “Wow, I’m dirty. “What nonsense was that?” (We Finish Our Book – Page 9)

Gardening used to be the best way for me to vent my anger. Whenever I was stressed, I would go to the backyard and find any weeds I would pull out.
Once, someone told me that there is no such thing as a bad person; We are all human beings who sometimes do bad things. This word has remained in my mind forever, because it is true. We all have a little bit of good and bad in us.

It ends with us

I shake my head and say as I lower my voice, “You do not understand, do you?” Right now, I’m more broken than I’m able to keep screaming at him. “Riley, I love you. Maybe if it was a few months ago, we could have continued the same casual relationship. You could have gone and I could have easily gone to my life but it was not mine a few months ago.

You have waited a long time and many parts of me have accumulated in your being. So please do not play with me, do not hit my photo on the wall of your apartment and do not send me flowers; Because when you do this, I do not feel good, Riley. This bothers me.
I was worried that the relationship with you would add to my responsibilities. I have avoided this issue all my life. I had suffered enough before, and seeing the tension that my parents’ marriage had created for them, and the failure of some of my friends in marriage, made me reluctant to play such a role at all.

But tonight I realized that a lot of people are doing the wrong thing. Because what is happening between us is not like responsibility. I feel like a reward and I fall asleep thinking about what I did to deserve such a reward.

All human beings make mistakes. What builds our character is not our mistakes, but how we deal with those mistakes and learn from them, rather than justify them.
Perhaps love is not something that is a complete cycle and comes to an end; Maybe it’s something that has ups and downs, just like the people we encounter in our lives.

Every human being deserves to be given another chance; Especially those who are dearer to us than anyone else.

His eyes fill with sadness, and that makes me realize that going is the best thing to do right now. None of us have taken each other out of our minds and I do not know if we will ever do it or not. I’m thinking that forgetting is a misconception, and being here, while I’m still thinking about what ‘s going on in my life, makes things worse for me.

Patterns exist because it is painful to break them. It takes a lot of suffering and courage to change the pattern we are used to. Sometimes, it seems easier to continue the same routine than to face the fear of climbing while we may no longer be able to land on our feet. My mother continued this routine. I continued it. But now we’re done.
Sometimes someone who loves you hurts you the most. I think a lot about death; In particular, today, just twelve hours ago, I delivered the most heartfelt speech at the funeral that the people of Peltura, Maine, have ever witnessed. Well, it was probably not the most heartfelt speech, and it could have been the most unsuccessful speech. I think it depends on whether you ask my mother’s opinion or mine.

My mother will probably not talk to me for a year. Don’t get me wrong, my speech was not like the speech of Steve Jobs’s sister or Pat Tillman’s brother at their funeral to be recorded in history, but it was passionate in its own way. At first I was anxious. After all, Andrew Bloom’s funeral was admirable; The beloved mayor of my hometown, Paltoray Maine, the owner of the city’s most successful real estate agency, the wife of Jenny Bloom, the most respected assistant to Pletora’s general manager, and the father of Lilly Bloom, the bizarre red-haired girl who one day falls in love with a homeless man and shames the whole family. شد.
It was me. My name is Lily Bloom and Andrew was my father. Today, as soon as I spoke to him at the funeral, I got a plane ticket straight to Boston and picked up the first tall roof I could find. Again, not because I am suicidal. I have no intention of throwing myself off this. I came here just because I really needed fresh air and silence, and my damn apartment on the third floor does not have access to open space, and my roommate likes to hear her singing all the time.

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