The book is Humans : a brief history of how we f*cked it all up written by Tom Phillips and translated by Zahra Kamali Dehghan. Tom Phillips, with the meticulous subtlety of a researcher and the humorous skill of a satirist, shows how human beings have disrupted the order of everything for four million years.

About the book A brief history of polluting the world
The story of humanity is a very entertaining account of the unforeseen consequences of arrogance and ignorance, ignorance and moral weakness of human beings from ancient times to the present. History does not seem to have taught us anything.
We are doomed to suffer from the clowns of ignorant people with good and bad intentions. This book shows you these human clowns to make you both laugh and regret reading them.
In this book, Tom Phillips talks about the stupidities behind humanity and shows that man is so lucky with all this mistake and sabotage that he has not yet become extinct and is still alive. This book is actually a hilarious album of the worst successes for humanity.
To whom do we recommend reading a brief history book to defile the world?
We recommend this book to all those who are interested in history with the language of humor.
Part of a brief history book to defile the world
In ancient times, when the sun rose through the great valleys of the river and the plains of Ethiopia, a young monkey was resting on a tree. We do not know what the monkey was thinking or doing that day.
Maybe he was thinking of finding something to eat, or he was thinking of finding a pair, or maybe he was looking at another tree to see if it was better.
He certainly did not know that what was happening that day would make him the most famous member of his species.
Even if you could say something to him, the concept of fame did not make sense to him. He also did not know he lived in Ethiopia, because it was millions of years before he cleverly thought of drawing lines on a map and naming the shapes we were fighting for.
He and his relatives were a little different from the other monkeys living there at the time: there was something unusual about their hips and legs that allowed them to walk in new ways.
Previous generations of these monkeys first lived in trees and gradually walked straight through the grassy plains (savannas): the initial, timely change that helped you, me, and everyone else on the planet. The monkey was unaware of this, but he lived almost at the beginning of one of history’s most prominent stories, and that was the beginning of man’s great journey.
He fell from a tree and died. Nearly two million years later, a different group of monkeys, some of whom now have doctorates, discover his fossilized bones.
Because the discovery happened in 1970, when they were listening to a famous song by a very good Liverpool band, they decided to name it Lucy. He was a completely new species; What we now call Australopithecus afarensis 31. He was called the “missing link” between humans and apes.
A Brief History of the World’s Dirty by Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips is a journalist and comedian in London. He was the Editor-in-Chief of BuzzFeed UK, where he split his time between reporting very seriously on important topics and making jokes. He studied archeology, anthropology, and the history and philosophy of science at Cambridge.
Throughout his career, Tom has been a member of a highly acclaimed comedy troupe, working in television and parliament, and once running a failed newspaper.
A Brief History of Sweeping the World is a 2018 non-fiction book by Tom Phillips, published by Headline Publishing in the United Kingdom and Hanover Square Press in the United States.
Modern humans have come a long way in the 70,000 years they have walked the earth. Art, science, culture, trade – in the evolutionary food chain, we are the real winners.
But sailing on this turbulent sea has not always been easy, and sometimes – only sometimes – we have really made progress in this area.
By uniting the history, science, politics and culture of the Pope, human beings present a panoramic exploration of the human race in all its glory and absence. This book shows that even the most trivial mistakes can change the course of civilization as we know it.
In the description of this research, it should be said: fun, attractive and full of brilliant insight, this unique summary offers a new perspective on world history.
Phillips argues that humans are usually more prone to error than to success.
Excerpts from a brief history book to defile the world
It was about seventy thousand years ago that humans first began to destroy everything. At that time, our ancestors gradually migrated from Africa and spread all over the world.
First, they entered Asia and a little later, they went to Europe. As a result, the reason for the dissatisfaction of many people is that our species in the past, the Homo sapiens, were not the only humans on the planet.
It is not yet known exactly how many other human species existed at that time. Examining a broken skeleton and trying to figure out exactly what counts as a separate species or subspecies, or just an unusual species of the same species, is very complicated.
It’s also a great way to start a discussion with a group of paleontologists, with little time. But anyway, you classify them.
1- Introducing the book Humans : a brief history of how we f*cked it all up on YouTube
2- Introducing the book Humans : a brief history of how we f*cked it all up in Aparat
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