Atomic habits are the author’s four-step model for habits; clues, inclination, responsiveness, and reward are the four rules of behavior change that evolve these stages. Audiences with a background in psychology may have heard some of these terms in agent conditioning, first coined by Skinner in “The Stimulus, the Response, the Reward” in the 1930s, and more recently in the book “Clues, Routine, Reward” in the book. The Power of Habit by Charles Dahig has become popular.
Behavioral scientists like Skinner have found that if you provide the right reward or punishment, you can motivate people to act in a certain way. But while Skinner’s model well explained how an external stimulus affects our habits, it failed to explain well how our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs affect our behavior. In recent decades, scientists have begun to determine the relationship between our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Human behavior is constantly changing: situation to situation, moment to moment, second to second. But Atomic Habits is a book about things that do not change. It is about the principles of human behavior. Eternal principles that you can rely on every year. Ideas you can use to build your business, build a family around it, and make a living.
There is no single way to build better habits, but the Atomic Habits book outlines the best ways we know of, an approach that will work regardless of where you start or what you are trying to change. The strategies covered in this work will be useful to anyone looking for a step-by-step system for improvement, whether your goals focus on health, money, productivity, and relationships, or a set of them. This book will be your guide as long as human behavior is concerned.
In Atomic Habits we learn how to:
– Design a system that gets better by 1% every day.
– Break bad habits and stick to good habits!
Avoid the mistakes that most people make when changing their habits.
– Overcome the lack of motivation and will.
– Develop a stronger identity and believe in ourselves.
Make time for new habits (even when life is incompatible with us).
– Design our environment in such a way that success is easier.
Make small, simple changes that bring great results.
– How to return to the right path when we are on the wrong path.
– And most importantly, how to implement these ideas in our real life.
In part of the book Atomic Habits we read:
Our genes are not in a way that eliminates the need for hard work. They make it transparent. They tell us you have to work in these areas. Once we understand our strengths, we know where to spend our time and energy. We know what opportunities to look for and what challenges to avoid. The better we understand our nature, the better our strategy will be.
Biological differences are important. However, it is better to focus on fulfilling your potential than to compare yourself to others. The fact that every human being has certain limitations and limits in each ability, especially does not mean that you do not try to reach the limit of capabilities. People look at these limits and ceilings so much and get so caught up that they seldom make the effort to get close to them.
Also, if you do not try, genes alone will not make you successful. Yes, that coach may have better genes than you, but you have to train as much as he can to comment on better or worse genetics. You can never relate their success to luck and genetics unless you put in as much effort as the people you admire.
Honestly, one of the best ways to maintain your satisfaction with habits in the long run is to choose behaviors that are most in tune with your skills and personality. Work hard on things that are easy to come by.
Index of the book
Introduction: My story
Basic Principles: Why Small Changes Make Big Differences
1: The surprising power of nuclear habits
2: How your habits shape your identity (and vice versa)
3: How to make better habits with 4 simple steps
Rule number one: make it clear
4: A man who did not look good
5: The best way to start a new habit
6: Excessive credibility for motivation; Often the environment is more important
7: The secret of personal control
Rule number two: make it attractive
8: How to make a habit irresistible
9: The role of family and friends in shaping habits
10: How to identify and correct the causes of bad habits
Rule 3: Simplify it
11: Go forward slowly, but never back down
12: The law of least effort
13: How to stop wasting time using the two-minute rule
14: How to make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible
Rule 4: Satisfy it
15: Constitution changes behavior
16: How to stick to good habits every day
17: How a responsible partner can change everything
Advanced Tactics: How to turn from more or less good to really great
18: The Truth About Talent (When Genes Are Important and When They Are Not)
19: The Golden Rule: How to stay motivated in life and work
20: The weakness of good habits
Conclusion: The secret to lasting results
What to read next
Small lessons from the four rules
How to apply these ideas in business
How to apply these ideas in raising a child

In Atomic Habits we learn:
How to start (and stick to) good habits
How to make the right decisions and avoid making bad decisions
How to be more successful in less time and think strategically
How to design the conditions for success
How to achieve great results without overshadowing yourself
About James Claire
James Clear james clear is an American writer, speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of the Academy of Habit. He inspired millions of people around the world after the publication of Atomic Habits to change their habits to find their inner strength.
To read most of the concepts in this book, he read and researched for hours before finally discovering and constructing them. Claire has also spoken at events and major companies around the world, such as Cisco, General Electric, Honda, Intel, LinkedIn, Lolonmon, McKinsey, and others about their habits and continuous improvement to help individuals and organizations to Try to live better.
Why read Atomic Habits?
The Book of Atomic Habits is a success-oriented book based on the creation of small habits. Everyone needs to make positive changes at some point in their lives, but to do so they must first set their own goals.
For this reason, the most effective way to change habits is to focus on small or nuclear goals. This book with its smooth and psychological translation is easily understood and applicable by everyone. If you have decided to change your life slowly and steadily, this book will be a suitable and ideal choice for you.
The Book of Atomic Habits is in the category of success books on the subject of quitting.
The Atomic Habits book is suitable for the adult age group.
The number of pages of the printed version of the book is 332 pages, which you can read in 23 days by reading it for 20 minutes a day.
The Book of Atomic Habits is one of the most important books that anyone should read at least once. This book is a good choice for people who have more time to study and want to spend more time studying to change and modify their behavior.
In a part of the book, we read about nuclear habits
Neuroscientists have discovered that when emotions are disturbed, we practically lose the ability to make decisions; Because we do not have a clue what to look for and what to avoid? In the words of one neuroscientist, Antonio Damasio, “it is a feeling that allows you to categorize things as good, bad, and neutral.”
In short, the particular passions you have and the feelings and habits you practice are, in fact, an attempt to respond to your underlying motivations. Whenever you succeed in motivating yourself with the help of a habit, you will be eager to do it again. You will learn to predict over time. Checking social media helps you feel in love and
Watching YouTube gives you the opportunity to forget your worries. Habits become attractive when we associate them with positive emotions. We can use this insight more to our advantage than to our detriment.
How do we reprogram our brains to enjoy difficult habits?
Sometimes we all need a slight change in mental form; For example, we often talk about things we have to do at a certain time, I have to get up early to go to work. To grow my business, I need to get more sales calls. I have to make dinner for my family.
Now imagine just changing one word: “I do not have to”, “I can”. I can wake up to go to work. To grow my business, I can get more sales calls. I can make dinner for my family.
By simply changing a word, you change the way you look at each event. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. The key point is that both forms of reality are true. You have to do these things and you can do these things. Evidence can be found for any type of mental form we adopt.
1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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