All life is problem solving is written by Karl Popper and translated by Shahriar Khajian. In the description on the back of the book, we read: “This book consists of two parts.
The first section deals with the philosophy of science and epistemology and the problems of the natural sciences, in which Popper shares some of his most important and daring views on knowledge and the humanities, and issues such as how scientific theory evolved, the theory of three worlds, conjectures and refutations, and evolutionary theory. Expresses knowledge and..
“The second part is articles on history and politics, and deals with issues such as democracy, peace, progress, freedom, technology, philosophy of history, communism and socialism.” “About the Body and the Mind”, “Epistemology and the Problem of Peace”, “The Epistemological Situation and Evolutionary Epistemology” and “Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge” are the titles of some sections of the book.
“When I think of our European and American history, I think of almost the same conclusion as H.,” Popper wrote in part of his introduction to the book. ا. ال. The historian Fisher has arrived, and I have quoted him several times, saying: “The truth of progress is clearly embossed on the pages of history, but progress is not a natural law. “It means that the progress made by one generation may be wasted by another generation.”
The book’s topics include: Logic and the Evolution of Scientific Theory, A Realist’s Notes on the Body and Mind, Epistemology and the Problem of Peace, The Epistemological Situation and Evolutionary Epistemology, Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge, Kepler’s Metaphysics of the Solar System and His Experimental Critique Freedom, according to the theory of democracy, is a life full of problem-solving, against the professionalist interpretation of history, the struggle for peace, the fall of communism; Understanding the past and the impact of the future, the need for peace, Mazarik and open society, and how I effortlessly became a philosopher.
About the author All life is problem solving:
Sir Carl Raymond Popper (July 28, 1902 – September 17, 1994) was an Austro-English philosopher, scientist, logician, mathematician, and professor at the London School of Economics. He is considered one of the greatest philosophers of twentieth century science and has left many works in political and social philosophy.

Popper was educated in the Lutheran school and graduated from the University of Vienna. In 1918 he dropped out of school to pursue a personal studies, taking courses in history, literature, philosophy, mathematics, physics and medicine.
He became a Marxist in 1919 as a result of communist propaganda, but it was not until a few months later that he realized that in capitalist society bread and water were in liberalism and turned away from it.
The scientific weakness of Freud’s psychoanalysis and Adler’s personal psychology was also revealed to him in the same year, and he was drawn to Einstein’s interest in the theory of relativity, which had just emerged from a serious test plant.
In 1922 he passed the entrance exam to the University of Vienna. In 1928 he presented his doctoral dissertation entitled “On the Problem of Method in the Psychology of Thought” and participated in two oral exams “Philosophy and Psychology” and “History of Music” and obtained a doctorate with honors. Popper also worked while studying. He was once a shelving student and for a time a social worker for homeless children
During his academic career, Popper has received numerous scientific awards and honors, including dozens of honorary doctorates from prestigious universities such as Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Vienna and the University of London.
Queen Elizabeth II also gave her the title “Sir” in 1965 for Popper’s services to science, and in 1982 named her “Honorary Companion”.
Popper Member of the Royal Society and Academy of England, Foreign Member of the American Academy of Sciences and Arts, French Association, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Lynchhay, Member of the World Academy of Philosophy, Affiliate of the Royal Academy of Belgium, Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts History of Science, Honorary Member of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Member of the German Academy of Languages and Literature, Honorary Member of the PBK at Harvard, Member of the German Philosophy Association, Honorary Member of the London School of Economics and Political Science and Darwin College, Cambridge.
1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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