Waiting for Godot


Title: Waiting for Godot and a few other plays

Author: Samuel Beckett

Translator: Najaf Daryabandari

Publisher: Karnameh

Age category: Adult

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
Waiting for Godot is the famous work of Irish playwright, novelist and poet Samuel Beckett. In Waiting for Godot, Beckett writes the story of two poor men who sit and wait for a man named Godot.

In the book Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett shows the emptiness and futility of life. You can read this work translated by Morad Hossein Abbaspour.

About the book Waiting for Godot
Waiting for Godot is a strange work by Samuel Beckett about the emptiness of life. In The Waiting for Godot, Beckett writes the story of two friends, Estragon and Vladimir. They are sitting in a place like a barren desert, waiting for a man named Godot.

Even though they do not know who he is? Why is he supposed to come? And what do they want from him? Their expectation can be interpreted as an expectation to live. Estragon spent the night in a pit.
He has been beaten by unknown people and now, by narrating last night’s memories, he remembers the violence of the people … Anyway, time passes and the two are still waiting for Godot until a courier arrives and announces: Godot will not come tonight, but he will definitely come tomorrow .. .

Who do we recommend the book Waiting for Godot?
Waiting for Godot is considered an example of absurd literature, but this book can be fascinating and readable for lovers of philosophy.

About Samuel Beckett
Samuel Barkley Beckett was born on April 13, 1906 in Ireland. Beckett was born into a Protestant religious family. During his studies, he continued to have religious beliefs as long as he worked as a teacher.

But after leaving the academic environment and migrating to Paris, he gradually abandoned his religious beliefs. Samuel Beckett also received the 1969 Nobel Prize in Literature. Waiting for Godot, Malone Dies, Tragedy, End Game and Malloy are some of Beckett’s most famous works.

Samuel Beckett died on December 22, 1989 at the age of 83 and is buried in the Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris.

Sentences from the book Waiting for Godot
Rural road. A tree.


Estragon is sitting on a small hill, trying to take off his boots. He kills Putin with both hands, he falls to the ground. He gives up, he is tired, he rests a little and he starts working again as before. Vladimir enters.

Estragon: (stops working again.) Nothing can be done.

Vladimir: (Comes with short, heavy steps and open legs.) Me too

I’m believing this. All my life I tried to keep him away from me, I said Vladimir be wise, you have not tried everything yet. And I continued to fight. (He thinks, drowning in the thought of struggle. He turns to Estragon.) You’s there again.

Estragon: Me?
Vladimir: I’m glad you came back. I did not think you would come back.

Estragon: So am I.

Vladimir: We met again! We should celebrate this. But how? (Thinks.) I want to hug you.

The book Waiting for Godot is one of the world famous literary works written by Samuel Beckett. In this play, the displacement of today’s human race can be clearly seen. A unique comedy tragedy written in two scenes.

we are waiting. کلافه‌ایم. No, do not protest, we are in trouble to the point of death. There is no denying this. So what is a diversity that we find? Let ‘s miss it. Come on, let me be busy! (He walks with high steps to a small hill, stops.) In an instant, everything disappears and we are alone again, between nothingness and emptiness!

The story goes that Vladimir and Estragon are both going through the last days of their lives and are waiting for a person named Godot. To pass this time, they take a deep journey inside to face whatever is bothering them, and in the meantime, they even resort to insults and swearing, which incidentally leads to fights and arguments.
In the play Waiting for Godot tragicomedy in 2 acts, many conversations take place between these two characters (Vladimir and Estragon), in the middle of which even our souls do not know that they are waiting for someone. They have no knowledge of him and the time of his arrival, or he is a pretext for the continuation of their absurd and meaningless existence.

“The Last Game” refers to a painting that “saw everything as ashes, the meadows and the sails of boats.” “A crazy painter who has escaped death alone and thinks he is the apocalypse.” Beckett is closer to this crazy painter / engraver of “The Last Game” than anyone else and most of all his creations.

But what led Beckett to be Beckett most was the play “Waiting for Godot.” The title of the play was originally intended to be “Waiting”. Then “Waiting for Godot” and the author under the title – in the English edition of the book – added the composition “Comedy Tragedy”, which implies many points.
Like the phrase “a book for everyone and no one” that Nietzsche cleverly put next to “this is what Zarathustra said”. Naturally, Beckett was not the first person to feel that he had entered a completely tragic world, and again, he was not the first to feel the need to laugh at this completely tragic world.

(Nothing is more ridiculous than misery.) This inconsistent combination of comedy tragedy can be seen more than Beckett in the writings of some twentieth-century writers, most notably in the writings of Franz Kafka. The reader does not know whether to laugh or cry over the strange fate of “Gregory Samsa”. Likewise, “Joseph K.” in the novel “Trial” and “Hero” “Against the Law” and ….
They should only be read and, if possible, according to the German philosopher Heidegger. As on the fate of two homeless people in the sky named Vladimir and Estragon. They are the Sisyphus of our time and the narrators of new forms of human suffering. Sisyphus who are doomed to spend the day waiting for an eerie person named “Godo” with little entertainment and little facilities and only a few rotten carrots and radishes, and again and again and ….

Someone we do not know much about, we only know is about to come (according to the text) and beyond the text – because we are intelligent readers – we know that it will probably never come. But the problem is: first, that we are not sure he will not come, and second, that we are out of the scene and can not tell the two wanderers that Godot probably will not come tomorrow.

It can be guessed that if the play had been written in three scenes (the author’s first decision), Godot would not have come again and nothing would have happened.
Although some critics of the play admit that it could have ended flawlessly in the first act, it must be admitted that the second act, at least for someone who reads Beckett’s work more carefully, does not look exactly like the first act.

On the other hand, the whole play and the story of “Gogo” and “DD” is an extension of a poem that Vladimir sings out of impatience and perhaps joy at the beginning of the second scene: A dog came to the kitchen …. and a chef steals a piece of bread and dies And the arrival of other dogs and digging a grave for him and writing the same story on his tombstone that is a lesson for other dogs.

At the beginning of the second act, although Estragon’s problem is still his boots and Vladimir is busy with questions about the nature of the questions in the first act, there are some minor changes that make the task more difficult for the reader.
Most importantly, the tree (assuming it is the first curtain tree) has four or five leaves. Another small incident is that Pozzo is blind and Lucky is dumb. (Assuming they are the same as Pozzo and Lucky in the first act) – Remember that the only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain in this play, and this uncertainty is the main feature of “Waiting for Godot” that time, It brutally destroys places, characters, events, and everything.

Vladimir: Time has passed.
Estragon: It was over anyway.
Vladimir: True, but not so fast.
Samuel Beckett, Irish writer, poet and playwright and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, was born on April 13, 1906. The playwright lived as an immigrant in Paris for decades and wrote many of his works in French. He, along with Eugene UNESCO, is credited as one of the founders and theorists of the Absurd Theater.

Excerpts from the book Waiting for Godot

Estragon: “Are you sure he’s coming today?” Vladimir: “He said Saturday is coming … I think …” Estragon: “But which Saturday? New, how do you know today is Saturday? Couldn’t it be Sunday? Or Monday? “Or Friday?” Vladimir: “It is not possible!” Estragon: “Or Tuesday?”
Estragon: “Let’s not do anything. “It’s safer.” Vladimir: “Let’s wait and see what he says.” Estragon: “Who?” Vladimir: “Godot.” Estragon: “Well thought out.”
Estragon: “Do we always find something that gives us the feeling that we exist?” Vladimir: “Yes, yes, we are magicians.”

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