The hate u give


Title: The Hate You Do

Author: David Guggins

Translator: Mahboubeh Agha Jani

Publisher: The Contemporary Way

Subject: American teen stories

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 388

Language: Farsi

Categories: , ,


The Hate You give is the story of a 16-year-old African-American girl named Starr Carter.

The story begins where Star is returning from a party with his best friend Khalil.

Khalil, who has just chosen a new and dangerous job, is arrested by the police.

The police stop Khalil’s car only because of the broken headlight, but after a very simple clash, the police shoot Khalil and Star witnesses the death of his best friend.

In the continuation of the story, Star tries to deprive his friend of his right from the law, and in this way, he encounters problems.
Star’s encounter and the way he deals with his problems completes the story of the hate book you are working on.

Melanin is the main pigment that determines the color of human skin. There are many factors that change the color of a human skin. This means that two people of the same race may have different skin colors.

For example, in one African breed, there can be more than thirty-five skin tones. With these interpretations, judging a person only by the color of his skin is a very inhumane act.

Angie Thomas belongs to the category of human beings who can see and love human beings regardless of their color and race. In the book Hate You Work, he tells the story of a teenager whose only dark skin color causes his death.

The Hate U Give The Hate U Give was first published in 2017. Although less than three years have passed since its publication, it was immediately listed as one of the best-selling books in the teen genre, having been at the top of the list for about a year.

The theme of the hate book you are working on
The main theme of this book is racism in American society, injustice and a sense of belonging.

Racism has a long history in the United States and has always been one of the main themes in the stories of American writers such as Tony Marrison and Ernest Hemingway.

The issue of injustice is included in the book Hate in Mickey when a white policeman kills Khalil for no good reason.

Khalil’s blackness in the 21st century was not and is not a valid reason to kill him.

Therefore, being charged just because of a different skin color can be considered a great injustice.
The last issue that Angie Thomas addresses in her book is the lack of a sense of belonging to a community.

A society of any size should feel a sense of belonging to each of its members, but the black American community still does not receive that feeling from their country after nearly a hundred years, and it hurts them more than anything else.

The hatred you have; Fact or story
Auckland police shoot an unarmed black boy named Oscar Grant in the early hours of the first day of 2009 as a result of a collision at a train station.

The news of Oscar being killed by a police officer spread around the world and provoked strong reactions.

Many groups, such as supporters of black people, protested;

And about ten years after his death, a full account of the events of that night was made available to the public by Bart’s police.

When the horrible news reached the student Angie Thomas, she was very upset. Angie tried to bring her story into literature by writing a story about Oscar.

“I wrote a short story that night amid a lot of sadness and anger,” says Angie Thomas, who first wrote a short story about the accident.
“A story in which a boy named Khalil, whose character was very similar to Oscar, is shot, and at the same time I portrayed a girl next to him who was very similar to me.”

In the five years since Oscar was killed, and with the deaths of about five other Oscar-like blacks, I decided to turn my short story into a novel, which has become a movie today.

About the author of the book Hate You Do: Angie Thomas
Angie Thomas is a thirty-year-old black American writer born in Mississippi.

The Hate That You Can Work is Angie Thomas’s most famous work, and her second book, On the Came Up, has just been published, but unfortunately it has not yet been translated into Persian.

Angie, like most black Americans, has had a hard time with Corky.

At the age of six, he witnessed a bullet being fired at a relative;

The next day, Angie’s mother takes him to a local library and tells him that life is worth living and that many beauties await him besides the ugliness he has seen. It was his mother who inspired Angie to become a writer.

Angie Thomas wrote in the fantasy genre before she wrote the book Hate.

He has his short stories in this genre.

But after writing the book Hate That You Can Do, he realized his interest in the genre of realism and adolescence and focused on it.

Angie Thomas is inspired to write about everyday events.

Events such as daily news and events that affect more or less a section of society.

In addition to his interest in writing hip-hop music, he still occasionally writes and sings rap poems for himself.

The hate film you make
The impact of Angie Thomas’s story was so great that a film called “Hate You Work” was made based on Angie Thomas’s novel.

The screenplay was written by Audrey Wells and directed by George Tillman.

The film grossed more than $ 34 million worldwide and received rave reviews from film critics.

In a part of the book Hate that we can read
Maya and Haley also called and asked about the condition of the shop, the house, the family and myself. None of them even mentioned the story of the fried chicken.

It is strange to talk to them about the Heights Guard.

We never talk about it. I’m always afraid one of them will call me Sogdoni.

I understand Garden Heights was really a Sogdonian, not a lie, but it was exactly like when I was nine and I got into a fight with Sven.

He came down to beat me and named me Dwarf Dwarf.

Now that I think about it, it was a ridiculous insult, but then it destroyed me a lot.

I knew I might be a dwarf – after all, everyone was yelling at me at the time – and I might have called myself a dwarf, but when Sun said it out loud, it became a sad truth.

I can call Garden Heights Sogdoni, but no one else can.
Mom was on the phone, checking on our neighbors and answering the rest of us who were checking on our situation.

Ms. Jones said down the street, she and her four children, like us, hid in their shelter.

Mr. Charles, who was also our neighbor, said that if the power went out, we could use his generator.

Uncle Carlos also asked how we were. Grandmother picked up the phone and told Mom to take us to her.

It was as if he had passed through all this unrest and reached their house.

My father called and said that there was no problem with the shop. But I was still worried, and every time I heard the news of the shop being attacked, my heart pounded.

Now the news was not satisfied only with Khalil’s name and also showed his photo.
But I was called a witness and sometimes a sixteen-year-old black girl.

The hate book you are working on, originally titled The hate u give, is a work by Angie Thomas that made a lot of noise when it was published and aroused the emotions of many black Americans.

On the back cover of the hate novel you are working on:
In a world where the voice of the minority is getting louder and louder, American author Angie Thomas, in her first book, tries to depict the issues of the day in the most beautiful language possible and in the form of a story inspired by a true story.

The Hate That You Can Make is the best book of 2017 chosen by the members of Goodreads site and it is one of the books that went to the New York Times bestseller list from the very beginning and remained in that list for a long time.

It was also nominated for the US National Book Award for the highest possible eight-star rating, a book that great writers such as Jason Reynolds, John Green and many others have referred to with terms such as “Nail” and “Stunning”.
The novel deals with the important issue of racism. An issue that still exists in First World societies, despite all the advances, and that human beings suffer from.
Now consider what effect this can have on children and what hatreds it can put in their hearts.

The hatred that pervades Star Carter throughout the novel.

Star needs to prove to himself that he can stand up to oppression and do the right thing.

Part of the text of the hate book you are working on

I have seen this happen over and over again, a black man being killed for his skin color and falling apart everywhere.

I myself had posted many messages of condolence and photos on social networks, and I also signed a letter of protest.

I always thought to myself that if I saw something like this one day, I would be the loudest voice I have ever had and I would make the world understand what happened.

Now I have seen that and I am afraid to say anything.

In this novel, the author in the form of a star character gives the opportunity to all teenagers and people who have gone through difficult days, and in my opinion, the positive point of this book is in this regard.

In teaching the audience how to endure difficult situations. It also teaches families how to support their children in difficult situations.

In another part of the back cover of the book it is stated:

The hatred you work for is for all those who feel lonely and oppressed in the world, regardless of their nationality, gender, ethnicity or race.

This book wants to show that anyone can be a voice in a community that does not want to hear what we have to say. Do the right thing, do not give up.

Sentences from the text of the hate book you are working on

The problem with looking left is that you end up feeling overwhelmed and you get beaten up or beaten.

The hatred that works in the hearts of children destroys everyone’s life.

People like us become famous on social media in situations like this and become hashtags, but they rarely get something called justice.

I think we are all waiting for that moment, the moment when everything ends right.

His eyes widened. “Oh my God. “Did you think I was a racist?”
I looked at him. “You threw a piece at the only black girl who was there and said ‘fried chicken.’ what do you think?”

“My God, Star!” After all these years of friendship, do you think I’m a racist? Really?”

“You can talk racist but not be racist!”

Funeral services are not for the dead, they are for the living.

Sometimes, even if you do everything right, things may not work out. The point is, you should never stop doing the right thing.

Faith is not just believing but moving towards belief.

For a moment, I imagined the world without Baba, and the world was no longer the world.

I think one day the world will change. How? I do not know. When? I certainly do not know. Why? Because there is always someone who is ready to fight. Today is my turn, maybe tomorrow is your turn.

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