The art of knowing yourself


Title: The Art of Self-Knowledge

Author: Arthur Schopenhauer

Translator: Ali Abdullahi

Publisher: Center

Subject: Psychology

Age category: Adult

Language: Farsi



The art of knowing yourself  by Arthur Schopenhauer
The book The Art of Self-Knowledge is known among Schopenhauers as the Hidden Book or Mysterious Office. In this book we hear that: “Self-knowledge is the first step towards wisdom. Know yourself! What does this mean? It means so just be! And be at the same time! “In short, there is, of course, a contradiction in this discourse of the wise men.”

The art of self-knowledge
Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher and one of Europe’s greatest thinkers. His father was a businessman, but unlike his father, he was not interested in business and was more interested in studying science, so he studied medicine and then philosophy. He believed that philosophy should not be confused with complex sentences because all people should be fully aware of philosophy.

Arthur Schopenhauer’s thought was always opposed to Hegel’s German idealism, and Kant’s thoughts and ideas were always praised by the great theorist.

One of the most famous works of Arthur Schopenhauer is the book “On the Wisdom of Life”. Arthur Schopenhauer’s Art of Knowledge has been translated by Ali Abdullahi and has been heard with the voice of Hassan Azadi in the new book.
This book is very different from other Schopenhauer works in terms of writing style and theme. It is as if the author himself knew or perhaps intended to publish this book after his death, because during his life he added pages to this book and was in no hurry to write this fruitful book.

Life of Arthur Schopenhauer, author of The Art of Self-Knowledge
He was born in Danzig, Prussia (Gdansk in present-day Poland) to a Dutch father and a German mother. His father was a businessman and wealthy, but he had no interest in business and was more interested in studying science. Schopenhauer was only 17 years old when his father committed suicide, after which his mother moved to Weimar. His mother was a writer but had no affection for her son, and soon the mother and son separated.

In fact, he had not tasted his mother’s love, and of course this had influenced his beliefs. Schopenhauer opposed her mother’s remarriage, which led many to believe that her philosophy contained half-truths about women. The mother-child relationship was formal and far from contentious for a while, but her mother, who had heard from Goethe that he would become a great man, ended the mother-child relationship by throwing him down the stairs.
At university, he first studied medicine, then natural sciences, and then philosophy. In 1813 he received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Jena, writing a treatise on philosophy.
He did not need to earn a living, but he wanted a name and a reputation. He wanted to be a teacher, but his field of study did not prosper much, and he carried it over to Hegel’s inner opposition. At the age of thirty (1818) he published his important book, The World is Will and Drama (The World as Will and Imagination). But the book did not go unnoticed, and Schopenhauer resented his contemporary genius. Sixteen years after the book was published, Schopenhauer was informed that most of the printed copies of the book had been sold instead of waste paper.

Schopenhauer had a restless and shaky nature and was full of suspicion and nervousness. He did not marry and lived alone. He wrote several other books that did not add much to the content of his main book. In the last years of his life, he became less and less famous, and after his death, his fame gained strength.

Schopenhauer was a friend of Goethe, a German writer, and Hegel, a famous philosopher, a contemporary, and a friend of the former.
He was invited to the University of Berlin in 1822 as an assistant professor. He chose the same hours as Hegel to teach, and this prevented students from attending his class; For this reason he resigned and wrote an anti-Hegel satire:

“… there is no time more incompatible with philosophy than to use it for political purposes and to make a living. No one opposes the famous saying that life first comes after philosophy. These gentlemen want to live through philosophy, and they even want their wives and children to eat this way. The song “I sing for someone to give me bread” reigns everywhere.

The ancients said that making money through philosophy was the work of the sophists, that what is achieved with money is nothing but vulgar.
In an age when all of Hegel (these spiritual caliphs) has been hailed as the greatest philosophers for twenty years, it is not possible to give him a real value that Mehsud makes for others; on the contrary, truth is always found among the few and must be He waited calmly and humbly for the few who enjoyed the truth to be found. Life is short, but the truth goes farther and lives longer; Let’s tell the truth…

Schopenhauer did not marry for the rest of his life and considered marriage to be a foolish responsibility. He would get up at seven o’clock every day, take a bath, and write non-stop until noon.

Then he played the flute – which he did very well but only for his own enjoyment – and invited himself to an expensive lunch at Frankfurt’s best hotel, the English Hoff.
He had lunch for a long time and often ate only lunch, but sometimes he talked to educated foreign hotel guests or army officers. He then went to the library to read the newspapers – preferably the Times of London. Then he picks up one of his poodles – usually the one called Sanskrit Atman – and walks away. When he was lonely, he would growl at himself as he walked.

After walking and before returning home, he could go to a music hall or a concert alone. If he was tired of talking to others during the day, he would not open the door to anyone and go to bed at ten o’clock at night. Schopenhauer with cholera outbreak; He left Berlin for Frankfurt and stayed there for the rest of his life

It is obvious that Nietzsche was sixteen years old at the time of Schopenhauer’s death and had no association with him. Or: “Nothing bothered German thinkers as much as the dissimilarity between Schopenhauer and them.” Elsewhere in Nietzsche v. Wagner, he says: “Schopenhauer and I are a coincidence among the Germans.
Nietzsche sees Schopenhauer’s loneliness well in his work as well. I am surrounded by waves of ups and downs and giants, and I still trust my weak, fragile ship; The same is done by a man sitting quietly in a world full of torture. “He believes in the principle of individuality.”

Schopenhauer consulted with a lawyer to see how far he could go in insulting others and what insults went beyond the limits set by law. On the other hand, Schopenhauer had a special respect for Kant and considered himself his true heir.
Schopenhauer died on September 21, 1860, at the age of 72, while eating breakfast and looking healthy.

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