

Title: Encouragement

Author: Jane Austen

Translator: Reza Rezaei

Publisher: Ney

Subject: English story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 308 p

Language Farsi

Categories: ,


Persuasion‎ is the effect of Jane Austen.

Romance novels are very popular these days. Many writers around the world are interested in writing love stories. That’s why you may have come across a book with a rich story: a book that will immerse you in its wonderful atmosphere and enjoy reading it. If choosing a good and enjoyable novel is also your concern and you want to be more aware of its generality and quality before preparing the book, join us in introducing today’s book to introduce you to Jane Austen’s beautiful work called Encouragement.

About the author of the book Persuasion‎
Jane Austen was born in 1775 in the East of England. He lived in a family of seven and his father was a priest. His novels, two hundred years later, still hold the audience by the story. This attraction shows the strong art of the author who has been able to create stories that future generations will enjoy reading. He is an author whose books have always been among the best-selling books in world literature.

Jane Austen chose women as the protagonist of her stories. He chose a new style of writing. Austin believed that women writers of his time wrote stories devoid of charm. His knowledge of women and his skill in irony enabled him to write much more strongly than other writers.

Four famous books, Pride and Prejudice, Wisdom and Emotion, Mansfield Park and Emma were published during Austin’s lifetime. Two books by Northanger Abi and Encouragement were published after his death. When he died at the age of 41, he had unfinished books in his hand that were never published. Jane Austen remained single until the end of her 41 years and never married. The following works can be mentioned from the books of this author:

Pride and Prejudice; Wisdom and Emotion; Northangar Abi; North Monastery; Mansfield Park; Emma; Encouragement.

Incomplete works are also remembered by Jane Austen:

Eleanor and Marianne; Watson and Susan Lady; Sandyton.


Jane Austen had a tremendous impact on world literature. Two hundred years after Jane Austen’s time, her image was printed on an Italian Dehpund scan in gratitude for her. Austin finally died in 1817 for an unknown reason. Historians have not yet been able to determine the cause of his death.

About the book Persuasion‎
Many people consider persuasion to be Jane Austen’s best work. The book was published in 1818, when Austin was no longer alive. Encouragement is a love story about a life full of love that begins with reason.

This story begins with a sad atmosphere. Everything is so beautiful and cohesive that it overwhelms the audience. The reader does not feel that he is walking through two hundred years ago and he deeply feels all the moments of the book.

The main character of the book is Encouraging a Girl by the Name of Priority. He sees Captain Wentworth again years after their separation. This reunion is going on for both the fragile and the cold; Because they both remembered the past and their wrong standards. Their past attitudes and decisions make them feel ashamed.

The story focuses on these two characters and it remains to be seen whether this meeting will bring them together again. Does this feeling of remorse lead to the formation of their relationship or does pride prevent it? Will the end of the story lead to a sad and intimate adventure or will it end happily?

Perhaps if you knew that persuasion was one of the best-selling books of the present century, you would be more interested in reading it. It is better to read this book, which is known for having a strong and simple text, and enjoy the charms of this romantic novel.

The structure of the book Persuasion‎
The book of persuasion has an interconnected structure. The story is told to the audience step by step. This book has two parts. The first and second parts are very close to each other. The reason for this division is a relative change in the atmosphere of the story.

Is this book for you?
Encouragement book will be a good choice for lovers of Jane Austen’s works. If you have read other works by this author, choosing a book encourages you to read another fascinating and beautiful work by this author. This book is also recommended for those interested in world literature.

Persuasion‎ is a novel by Jane Austen that was published in 1818 (practically in December ١٨١٧) and after her death along with Northnger Abbey. But Jane Austen wrote it in 1815 and 1816. This latest Jane Austen novel is also full of humor, insight and a clever look at people’s behavior. But other than that, which is a feature of all Austin-era novels, there is a difference between persuasion and his other novels, and that is the novel’s more pessimistic tone.


The story of this novel is about Anne Elliott, a 27-year-old English woman, whose family decides to move to a lower place due to debt. At the same time, the war ends. They rent their house to an Admiral and his wife. The landlady’s brother, Captain Frederick Wentworth, was engaged to her in 1806, and they now meet twice. Both are single and have not had any other relationship for the past 8 years.

This novel has been translated into Persian by Reza Rezaei and published by Ney Publishing

Part One
Chapter 1 Sir Walter Elliott Clinch Holly of Somerset was not a man to pick up a book for his own occupation other than the Baronet’s biography. With this book, he filled the hours of unemployment and emptied the hours of sorrow and grief, went to the sea of ​​old privileges, and thought and mentioned it, admiration and praise or awe and respect, and unpleasant feelings that come from the trivial affairs of the house. It was automatically turning into regret and disgust. When he went to countless positions and titles of the last century, even if all the pages of the book were for him, he read his biography with such interest that he did not have it all … This favorite book always opened to this page:

Elliott Clinch Holly.
Walter Elliott, born March 1, 1760, married July 15, 1784, to Elizabeth, daughter of James Stevenson South Park, Gloucester; The children of this lady (died 1801) are: Elizabeth, born June 1, 1785; Ann, born August 9, 1787; A dead boy born November 5, 1789; Mary, born November 20, 1791.

This was exactly the type of printing press, but Sir Walter had completed it as soon as he and his family knew it, and wrote after Mary’s date of birth: “Married December 16, 1810 to Charles, son and heir of Charles Mazgrow “Operation in the province of Somerset” and before the year of his wife’s death, he had added the exact day and month of his death.
Then came the history and honors of this old and dignified family in the usual way: how they first settled in Chesher, how they were honored in Dagdale – serving as chief sheriff, a district representative in three consecutive parliaments; Proof of devotion and protection of Baronet’s honor in the first year of the reign of Charles II, with all the Marys and Elizabeths with whom the family members were married, a total of two beautiful pages in the twelfth section, and at the end the family logo and the inscription: Headquartered in Clinch Hall, Somerset, and last but not least, Walter’s handwriting:

“Possible heir, Mr. William Walter Elliott, grandson of Sir Walter II. »
Sir Walter Elliott was so proud of himself and his position. He was really handsome when he was young, and at forty-four he was still a very attractive man. Even among women, there were few people who looked so good. No newly arrived lord is supposed to enjoy his position in the circles and assemblies so much. Beauty seemed to be superior to any gift, except, of course, the gift of the Baroness, and Sir Walter Elliott, who had these gifts together, was constantly sacrificing his charity and taking himself into account.


His good looks and social status were at least useful in his marriage. That is why a woman who was caught was far higher than the woman who deserved it. Lady Elliott was a wonderful woman, intelligent and lovable. If we ignore the fascination of his youth, the same fascination and love that made him Lady Elliott, yes, other than that, no flaws could be found in his thoughts and behavior ….

For seventeen years, Azgar joked about her husband’s flaws, or made him look insignificant, or hid him, and bought him honor and respect. Of course, he was by no means the happiest person in the world, but in performing his duties, with his friends and children, he had the benefit of happiness to give his heart to life and not be so eager to leave when saying goodbye to the world and mafias … The three daughters, the older two of whom were sixteen and fourteen years old, were not at all sure that a mother would leave her alone safely.
Worse, leaving them in the care of a complacent and reckless father who did not deserve their care and upbringing. But Lady Elliott had a very close friend, a wise and worthy woman who had come because of their great love for each other and lived in the village of Klinc to be close. Lady Elliott relied on her love and advice, and imagined that she was the best helper to continue the same training methods she had passionately pursued for her daughters.

This friend and servile did not get married, contrary to the predictions of friends and acquaintances …. Thirteen years had passed since Lady Elliott’s death and the two were still neighbors and close friends. One of them remained a widow, and the other a widow.
Lady Russell was old, her personality was firm, and her hand was in her mouth … Well, the fact that she was not thinking about remarriage at all was not considered a problem by the people, because generally when a woman Remarries People get upset unintentionally, even more so when the woman does not remarry. But Sir Walter had other reasons for being single …. Suffice it to say that Sir Walter, like any other good father (after one or two failures in very, very unreasonable courtships), boasted to himself that he would remain single for the sake of his beloved daughters. Remained.

For his older daughter, he was really willing to give up everything, even the things he did not want to miss. At the age of sixteen, Elizabeth had every right to inherit from her mother, and because she was so handsome and resembling her father, she was very influential, and the father and daughter lived happily ever after. Sir Walter’s two other daughters did not hold this position. Mary, of course, had been misunderstood, because she had become Mrs. Charles Mazgrove. But even though he had a delicacy of thought and kindness, and as a rule, every person knew his worth with understanding and intelligence, he had no respect and closeness to his father or to his sister … they did not buy his words, he always had to be comfortable and Take it easy … that was all, that’s it.
Of course, he loved his adopted daughter and was close to Lady Russell. It was his dear friend. Lady Russell loved all three girls, but it was only by seeing them that the memory of their mother came alive in her.

A few years ago, Ann Elliott was a very pretty girl, but she soon ran out of water. His father did not see anything tooth-breaking at the height of his prosperity (enough that his delicate face and sheep’s eyes were different from his father’s), let alone by the time he was pale and thin and did not attract his father’s favor at all. The one who did not have much hope that his name would one day be included in a page of his father’s favorite book, now had no hope at all. “All the love of Nisar’s father was given to Elizabeth, …”

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