Journey of souls: case studies of life between lilies by Michael Newton, translated by Mahmoud Danaei, has 344 pages and fifteen chapters and has been published by Niko Nashr Publications. What is in this book is based on the efforts of people who have come to me in search of help, and I have hypnotized them, because I think this method is a reliable tool for discovering the truths of the afterlife. The description of the soul’s journey to other worlds is based on the memories of those who have come to me for hypnosis therapy over the years.
These real memories show that the purgatory world is a real and tangible world and in it an atmosphere full of love, compassion and peace reigns. The wonders of the purgatory world and its various stages indicate the ultimate goal of creation and the perfection of creatures. That is, they have all the divine blessings and all creatures can be watered as much as their effort and capacity. The following are the chapters of Journey of souls: case studies of life between liliesbook:
Chapter One: Death and Departure
Chapter Two: The Gate of Purgatory
Chapter Three: Return to Homeland
Chapter 4: Sinful (Isolated) Souls
Chapter Five: Introduction to Purgatory
Chapter Six: Change and Transformation in Purgatory
Chapter 7: Replacement
Chapter 8: Our Guides
Chapter 9: Beginner Souls
Chapter Ten: Medium Souls
Chapter Eleven: Advanced Souls
Chapter Twelve: How to Choose the Next Life
Chapter Thirteen: Choosing a New Object
Chapter Fourteen: Traveling
Chapter Fifteen: Another Birth.
Journey of souls: case studies of life between lilies
The contents of the book Journey of the Soul are the result of research by Dr. Michael Newton, which has been conducted over forty years of treatment and examination of hundreds of specific cases. He, who has turned his attention to the various states of the psyche and the soul, has achieved some of the states of the soul and the purgatory world and its various qualities. These real memories show that the purgatory world is a real and tangible world, and in it an atmosphere full of love, compassion and peace reigns.
Are you afraid of death? Are you worried about what will happen to you after death? Is it possible that you have a soul that came from another place and returned there after your physical life? Or is it just a delusion and delusion caused by the fear of death?
“Journey of the Spirit (a journey into the spiritual worlds, visiting different classes of purgatory with hypnosis)” is the result of forty years of research and treatment by psychologist Michael Newton. In this research, he has paid more attention to the various states of the psyche and the soul, and has achieved some cases of the states of the soul and the purgatory world and its various qualities that are worth pondering.
He has provided the results of his research over the years, through teaching at American universities and participating in numerous seminars, workshops and conferences.
The research of Dr. Newton and other scientists who have done extensive scientific research in this field indicates the strengthening of the principles of religions. Among them: there is a God Almighty, Almighty, One, Merciful and Ruler of the universe. There is a world other than the material world, but more subtle and enlightened, which is the eternal abode of the soul.
Humans do not have only one elemental form, including organs and organs. Rather, beyond this physical and material dimension, there is a spiritual dimension, which has a heavenly origin and carries the tail of godliness, and it is this spiritual dimension that distinguishes man from the animal and creates a moral dimension in him. It is a moral dimension that allows man to be altruistic, to sympathize with his fellow human beings, to rejoice in their happiness, to be conscientious, to be grateful, to be kind and compassionate to his fellow human beings, to be diligent in serving his fellow human beings, and …
This research also confirms that there is a real account and book and no one can escape from it and no one’s rights are lost.
The contents of the book Journey of the Soul are very interesting, instructive, and at the same time fascinating, not only in terms of content, but also in terms of how to gather information about the afterlife. Most importantly, this is the first book to be written about the state of the soul after the death of the body and the details of purgatory, with access to the cache and subconscious mind of many people.
Journey of souls: case studies of life between lilies
I have been thinking about this for days, and I have been talking all night, why did I come unaware of my own condition? What was it like for me to come? Where am I going last? I have not left my homeland. I wonder why he made me or what he meant. Hit
When you look into someone’s eyes … even the person you see for the first time … sometimes you feel like you know them. Your body does not understand why … but the soul remembers that person.
Usually each soul is allowed to spend time in one or two easy worlds and is not supposed to do much important work. After such a period of hard life on Earth, I was offered. Is life on Earth considered difficult and difficult? Yes, in some worlds, the soul has to endure distress and even physical suffering. In some other worlds there are more intellectual problems. The earth has both kinds of hardships. If we can do our job well under difficult conditions, we will be given points and rewards. (With a smile) Those who do not go to many different worlds consider us adventurous.
Throughout life, however, the destiny of our “karma” is designed in such a way that no trials or tribulations occur beyond our power and endurance.
Oh, the good day that I fly to fill the air of my friend in the air
Yes, sometimes we have dreams, for example, when we play with other children, we create stories and talk about imaginary friends, but in fact those stories and those comrades have come true … and have been forgotten. Babies in the first years of life know things that are beyond the imagination of adults. Well, now, just before you are born, tell me what you are doing.
People who believe in the existence of the soul think that all souls come together in a certain space after earthly life. Many of my subjects still have this perception before they are put to artificial sleep. But when they wake up, they are surprised to learn that there is a special place for every soul in purgatory.
Spirits often leave the host (their body) moments before their actual death and when their body is suffering.
The ancient Greeks believed that human beings go through stages of ignorance, immaturity and aggression in their successive lives and must reach the stages of compassion, patience, honesty, forgiveness and love. In the second century AD, the religious way of thinking of Christians was the same as that of Plato and Neoplatonists. That is, they believed that not all souls were the same and were on different levels. The highest of all was considered the “Absolute Supreme One” or God the Creator, from whom all souls emanate and take root in human beings, and eventually these souls must progress and rejoin that Creator spirit.
Journey of souls: case studies of life between lilies
One of the most difficult concerns of all people who want to believe in something superior to themselves is to think about the cause and origin of all this evil in the world. The first example given in this case is the subject of Satan (evil deeds). When I ask hypnotized people how the Merciful and Compassionate God allows the suffering of His servants, I am amazed to find that there are very few differences in their answers: All subjects say that the Creator created our souls. Deliberately keep complete calm out of reach, so that we can work harder to achieve it.
The reason why the soul in purgatory sees images similar to the places it has seen or lived on the planet, and the unforgettable memories of a house, school, garden, mountain, or beach come to mind, is that in fact a kind spiritual spirit wants to Remembering those familiar sights is like a mirage, we feel comfortable and familiar in purgatory. Our earthly memories never die. They remain in the “spiritual mind” forever as a dream
The key to progress is to realize that we have been creatively given the ability to correct our course at some point in every life and to have the courage to change it if our path is wrong and does not lead us to our destination. By overcoming fear and accepting risk, the fate of karma changes for us and we are faced with a new choice. At the end of each life, instead of an open-mouthed monster waiting to swallow us, we can become harsh critics of our own actions in the presence of our teacher and mentor. That is why it is said that the philosophy of karma of successive lives is both just and accompanied by grace, mercy and forgiveness.
My profession is “Hypnotherapy” and my main job is to correct behavioral disorders for the treatment of mental disorders. Much of my work is helping patients connect their thoughts and emotions, so that they can achieve a new identity and behave healthier and more normally. With the cooperation of patients, we try to understand the meaning, role and result of each of their beliefs. Because I believe that none of the psychological problems are imaginary.
It is not possible to study life after death without raising the issue of the law of cause and effect and the justice of karma. According to karma, the result of good and evil deeds affects the way of the next life. The phrase “nothing happens in our lives” does not properly express the philosophy of karma. But this proverb can teach us a lesson. Our actions affect our eternal destiny and there is no way we can escape it, especially if we have violated the rights of others.
(Spirit journey)
In my opinion, when we seek help from a superior spiritual force, we should not demand an immediate change in the whole situation. How we progress in life is based on planning. But in every situation, we have different ways in front of us to reach the goal and we are free to choose them.
After a while … not too long … she was brought back to earth as a woman … the people around her were very violent … everyone was materially raped … it was a special choice for her that Experience rape.
Journey of souls: case studies of life between lilies
Sinful souls are divided into two groups: one group is those who do not want to accept the fact of the death of their body and because of personal anxiety and worry, strongly resist returning to purgatory. The second group are those whose souls have been severely damaged and mutilated as a result of committing or collaborating with criminal crimes in the guise of humanity. The first group has chosen to be isolated (they had no other choice), but the second group is deprived of contact with other spirits for an indefinite period of time by spiritual guides.
Is hell to separate good spirits from bad spirits forever? The statements of various subjects have convinced me that there is no place for the soul as much as physical life on earth with suffering and pain and sorrow. Subjects tell me that all ordinary souls are taken to a place after the death of the body where they are received with patience and love.
If a person commits suicide in earthly life, will his soul be punished in purgatory? There is punishment here in a different way than on the ground, and there is also the aspect of education. Claudis will be unhappy that I left the field early and did not have the courage to face the problems. Suicide has not solved my problem and everything is the same. Now I have to go back to another physical form and face the same problems. In the meantime, I have missed a lot of opportunities and I have regrets and regrets.
How valid is the use of artificial sleep (hypnosis) in revealing the truth? The brains of people who fall into artificial sleep slowly drop from the “beta” stage of awakening, and their fluctuations go down from the middle stage to the various levels of the “Theta” stage. The theta stage is artificial sleep (hypnosis), not natural sleep. When we sleep, we reach the final stage of the Delta. Where the received messages enter the subconscious realm and become our dreams.
In the theta stage, the superconscious mind does not suffer from anesthesia and unconsciousness. So we have the ability to receive and send brain messages, and all memory and memory circuits are open and working. In hypnosis, people talk about the images they see and the conversations they hear and the source of the subconscious mind. Subjects can not lie in answering questions, they may only misinterpret what they see in their subconscious mind.
My clients include both men and women who are fully committed to religion and those who have no particular belief base at all. But most of them are located between these two poles, with a wealth of different beliefs about the philosophy of life.
People who believe in the existence of the soul think that all souls come together in a certain space after earthly life. Many of my subjects still have this perception before they are put to artificial sleep. But when they wake up, they are surprised to learn that there is a special place for each soul in purgatory.
Sometimes a subject tells me, “There is a force within me that compels me to do bad things.” In fact, people who think they are influenced by the forces of good and evil and therefore have no control over their actions are mentally ill.
(Spirit journey)
Humans are very selfish and at the same time subject to their own feelings and emotions. They are able to express bitterness and indifference, but they also have a great capacity for love and altruism. In this world, the planet, there is both courageous behavior and reactions of fear and weakness. Everyone is engaged in contradictory actions.
It is interesting for us to be able to understand to those who live on the planet that their existence is eternal and that they can prosper through benevolence and love for others. They must strive for their progress and excellence with passion and perseverance. This position given to us in earthly life is very interesting to us. But malice is also seen in human beings! This is because of their emotions, but this is not always the case. When human beings are under pressure and unhappiness, they better express their abilities and become very honorable and kind.
How is it possible to attain the soul through artificial sleep (hypnosis)? Consider that the human mind has three concentric spheres, each of which is smaller than the previous one and is located inside it, and each represents a layer and a degree of mental self-awareness. The first outer layer represents the “conscious” mind, which is the source of our critical and analytical reasoning. The second layer represents the “subconscious” mind. The same area that goes into artificial sleep before the rest of the episodes, to access the archive of memories from this life and our previous lives.
Journey of souls: case studies of life between lilies
The third layer, the innermost of them, is what we now call the “superconscious” mind. This layer reveals the highest center of “self,” that is, when we are in a state of manifestation of a superior force. The superconscious mind retains our true identity and is intertwined with the subconscious mind, which contains memories of the material forms of our previous lives. The superconscious may not be just a mental layer, but the soul itself. The superconscious part represents the highest manifestations of our wisdom and perceptions.
Spirits often leave the host (their body) moments before their actual death and when their body is suffering. Who can blame them?
Those who die are not saddened by the grief of their own death, because they know they will see those left on earth again in the spirit world and possibly in later lives. But on the other hand, those who mourn at funerals often feel that they have lost a loved one forever.
(Spirit journey)
Although spirits already know the shape of their bodies, statistics from the United States show that 90% of men and women are dissatisfied with their appearance. This is due to the power of conscious forgetfulness. That is, we forget that for some reason we chose that look for ourselves. In the world today, imitating a pleasing appearance has caused many troubles and illnesses. Of course, facing and reacting appropriately to this situation is also part of the program that the soul must learn in the world.
Do we remember how many times each of us looked in the mirror and said, “Is this my real face?” Or “Why am I like this at all?” Trouble becomes more serious when we are unable to do the things we are willing to do because of the limitations of our bodies. I have often come across subjects who categorically consider their shape, appearance, and body to be the main cause of their failures and illnesses. (Spirit journey)
The phrase “nothing happens in our lives” does not properly express the philosophy of karma. But this proverb can teach us a lesson. Our actions affect our eternal destiny and there is no way we can escape it, especially if we have violated the rights of others.
We are able to feel the comforting presence of the spirit of the newly deceased, especially during or immediately after the funeral.
Spiritual transformation involves transformation and progress towards perfection, which is achieved through continuous and constant confrontation and overcoming the problems and struggles of earthly life.
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