Speak to win


Title: The power of expression

Author: Brian Tracy

Translator: Asadullah Haqqani

Publisher: Atisa

Subject: Lecture

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 234 p

Language: Farsi



The book Speak to win : how to present with power in any situation is one of the best-selling books on teaching expression and the art of narration; Which has been able to attract many audiences by providing practical tips and principles. By reading this book, you can acquire many expressive and artistic skills and be able to communicate better with others.

You are one of the greatest speakers in the world who shares their experiences of the power of speech and speech and everyone can learn these skills by reading this book.

Brian Tracy is the author of The Power of Expression
Brian Tracy is the President and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company dedicated to educating and developing individuals and organizations. Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you think. Brian Tracy is the author of more than 45 best-selling books that have been translated into many languages. He has authored and produced more than 300 audio-visual training programs, including “Worldwide” and “Psychology of Success, Better Sales”, which have been translated into more than 20 languages.

He speaks to the general public and corporations on the subject of “personal and professional development,” as do the executives and employees of many of America’s largest corporations. His motivational lectures and seminars on leadership, sales, self-esteem, goals, creativity, and the psychology of success have created rapid change and long-term results.

Among the works of this author, the following list can be mentioned:
The way to influence hearts
Swallow your frog
Charm and body language
Time Management
The power of planning
Part of the book Power of Expression
“The ability to speak in front of a group of people is very important to your success. Speaking well will respect you, and it will increase your self-esteem during the interview. In fact, it is this self-esteem that makes you happy and energetic in interviews and can attract the attention of others. By speaking well, you can convince different people in the shortest time and get closer to your goals in the next steps…

Good speaking skills can be learned. Many people who have good speaking skills sometimes fail to articulate certain issues. Those who stand in front of thousands of people and speak calmly and calmly, sometimes when they want to talk about themselves, their tongues become dumb and their minds are empty of every word and sentence.
Now your goal should be to become one of the top ten speakers in the world as soon as possible. Always remember that all ten of them were scared to speak in front of thousands of people one day, and their frozen hands trembled during the speech. “This is an explanation of the principle that the strongest day has always been one of the weakest.”

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