Introducing the book Reinventing your life : how to break free from negative life patterns by Jeffrey Young and Janet Closco
Are you constantly drawn to relationships with people who treat you coldly?
Do you feel that the people closest to you do not care enough about you or understand you?
Do you feel that you are inherently deficient and that no one can accept or love you?
Asa, because you prefer the needs of others to your own, you never get what you want?
Do you never know what your needs really are?
Do you feel that something bad is happening that makes the usual wound cause you terrible fear?
No matter how much public praise and approval you receive from others, do you still feel dissatisfied, frustrated, and ignorant?
The authors of this book, who are experts in the field of cognitive therapy, have identified, semiotics, etiology and treatment of 11 destructive and repetitive behavioral patterns that are related to negative self-image. The authors illustrate how each of these dysfunctional patterns is formed in childhood and become the basis for self-assessment in adulthood, along with biographies of real patients.
This book is a powerful tool for treating clients’ problems based on cognitive therapy and schema therapy approaches. Dr. Aaron Beck, the founder of Cognitive Therapy, writes in the book’s introduction: “Young and Closco have been able to develop effective tools for changing interpersonal and professional relationships based on creativity and thoughtfulness. Following a change in interpersonal and work relationships, life will change dramatically. “This book shows that the authors have a particular clinical insight, sensitivity and compassion for solving interpersonal and occupational problems.”
Create Your Life is a psychology book written by Jeffrey Young and Janet Closco. Alireza and Mohammad Reza Gholami have translated it….
Yang and Closco are among the greatest psychologists. They believe that the root of many human personality problems is in his childhood…
These two people explore these problems and offer simple solutions to overcome them…
This book mentions 11 important points of personality patterns that we constantly repeat in life and calls them life traps…
The author of the book has tried to express these traps simply and the reader can easily identify the traps of his life!
It also introduces powerful techniques for making changes.
This book uses an experimental and evolutionary approach, and in addition, it has cognitive, behavioral, lubricating, and experimental therapies.
Finally, this book offers a solution to your most painful problems.

Re-create a summary and excerpt from the text of your life book
“A life trap is a pattern that begins in childhood and is reflected throughout life. What our families do with us as children is the beginning of this pattern. Maybe we were abandoned, criticized, over-supported and over-cared for! We were raped, rejected or deprived.
Anyway, we were damaged in some way. Eventually, that life trap becomes part of us. Some time after we leave the house where we grew up. We continue to create situations in which we have been mistreated or ignored. We are repressed or controlled, and we generally create an environment in which we have already failed to achieve everything we wanted.
These are the pitfalls of life that determine how we think, feel, act, and pass them on to others. They evoke strong emotions such as anger, sadness and anxiety. “Even when we ‘apparently’ have everything (social status, an ideal marriage !, respect for people who are close to us, career success), we often do not taste the sweetness of life or believe in our success.”
2- Introducing the book Reinventing your life : how to break free from negative life patterns in Aparat
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