Hallaj by Ali Mirfatrous In addition to Hallaj’s life and biography, according to a part of Iranian history, which is better to say the dark part of the second and third centuries AH, our country has been under the tyranny and razor and oppression of the Abbasid and Umayyad caliphs.
And during this tyranny, the revolt and uprising of the people, which took place at different times and was suppressed by the tyranny and dictatorship of the caliphs. And, of course, the point that was different in this book from another book he wrote about Hallaj is that Hallaj was an atheist, not a Sufi of two fires who chanted the slogan of Ana al-Haqq out of love for God. And Hallaj says that man has claimed to be a god, but this is my perception, maybe I have misunderstood.
Although the whole book is full of references to other books, I am still pessimistic about the correctness and impartiality of its narration. History, on the other hand, is always written by conquerors, and perhaps the reason for this pessimism is that it was the first book I read in the eyes of the defeated people of that time, and there are probably no coherent and definite sources of their fate and truth. And Hallaj’s life is written in this book, which is published in the late sixties and is a book that is not very thick, he talks about Hallaj’s life and social and personal personality.
The author of this book, Ali Mirfatrous, tries to write Hallaj’s ideas by understanding himself and his interpretation of this historical figure. The cover of the book is paperback and the size of the book is paperback. This book has been written by other authors such as Herbert.

For Abdullah Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abi Tahir
Introduced to Hussein ibn Mansour Hallaj, he was born in the year 244 AH in the village of Tour, which was near Sepidar in Fars province.
He lived in a Zoroastrian family that had recently converted to Islam. His family was Sunni.
Mansour Hallaj started learning, reading and writing Persian and Arabic in Dar al-Hifaz Shahr.
And at the age of twelve he memorized the Qur’an.
To better understand the concepts and learn the sciences of Sufism, he went to Sahl bin Abdullah Testari. And in his presence he gained grace and was covered with portulaca. During his life, he traveled a lot and saw many ups and downs.
Hallaj, because of his beliefs and some of his writings, was opposed by a group of Islamic scholars and scholars, who called him an infidel. And he was sentenced to apostasy.
Finally, on the twenty-fourth of Dhiqaad in the year three hundred and nine AH, the death sentence was issued by the order of the Caliph Abul-Fazl Jafar Moghtadar. After being tortured, he was hanged and cut into pieces, burned, and thrown into the Tigris River. Among the works left by him can be
Tawasin, Al-Hayakal, Al-Kibrit Al-Ahmar, Noor Al-Asl, Jasm Al-Akbar, Jasm Al-Asghar, Bostan Al-Ma’rifah and Diwan al-Ash’ar
1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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