Good night stories for rebel girls


Title: Brave Girls

Author: Elena Foili

Translator: Milad Khan Mirzaei

Publisher: Transparent

Subject: English teen stories

Age category: Adolescents and adults

Number of pages: 204

Language: Farsi



Introducing the book Good night stories for rebel girls : 100 tales of extraordinary women by Elena Favili and Francesca Cavallo
“Brave Girls” is a book written by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo. In this book, you will meet 100 brave and successful ladies of history. Brunette sisters, Helen Keller, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth I, Brenda Chipman, Florence Nightingale, Emilia Earhart, Cleopatra, Isabel Allende, Jane Austen, Margaret Thatcher, Maria Reiche, Leila Lombardi, and many other bold daughters. They grew up and achieved their dreams and even more.

About Good night stories for rebel girls : 100 tales of extraordinary women
In ancient times, zoos did not know much about the animals they cared for. It was a rare occurrence for foreign animals to survive on a trip to the United States. Visitors were accustomed to seeing dead animals and dolls. (The inside of the dead animals were stuffed like dolls with different materials to stand up again and look real!). And, of course, it was hard for an artificial animal to engage with human emotion.

Ruth’s husband made a big decision. He wanted to bring a panda alive from China to America. Unfortunately, he died a few months after arriving in China. Ruth was a fashion designer in New York and did not know much about China. She loved adventure but now she had lost her husband.
So he thought to himself, “I’m finishing what Bill started. “I will go to China and bring a live panda.” Ruth traveled to China and began exploring dense forests and ancient monasteries. He followed the rivers during the day and made fires at night. One night Ruth heard a voice. He followed the sound through the forest and found a baby panda in the crack of a tree. She hugged him but did not know what to do.

He breastfed the panda and when he returned to the city he bought a fur coat so that the baby panda would feel better when he was next to him. Ruth named the panda Su Lin and took her with him from China to the Chicago Zoo. Tens of thousands of people saw the funny Su Lin and learned that all wild animals deserve respect and love.

This book is written for you to read and look for the common points of these women’s lives, points that stand out like the golden keys to success in life. The Bronte Sisters: Three sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anna, lived together in a cold, abandoned house in the north of England. They were usually alone and wrote stories and wrote poems for fun.

One day Charlotte decided to send her poems to a famous English poet and ask for his opinion; But he received a sharp response: “I do not like your poems at all. “Literature is a man’s job!” But Charlotte continued to write. One night Charlotte stumbled upon a poem on Emily’s desk. He asked her why she had not shown them her poems yet, because they were so beautiful to Charlotte. At first, Emily became angry because she had read her personal notes without permission; But after Charlotte’s offer, he suddenly fell silent. “Charlotte asked him to help them write a book of poetry, and Emily agreed.”
In Bold Girls, Elena Favili and Francesca Cavallo turn the life stories of heroic women into magical and inspiring stories for teens.

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is a women’s rights book that you wish you had grown up with as a child. This book contains true and inspiring stories of mythical women from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams and sixty images of painters from all over the world. Women who are good role models for their homosexuals and their performance strengthens girls’ sense of self-confidence.
The stories of Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo in this book replace princesses with women who have changed the world. The authors of the book tell the story of the lives of girls who said no to inequalities and did not give in to the hardships of life. Great ladies stories for women who want to change the world. This is a book that should be in the bed of every young girl and woman.

The authors in this book go to women who have done great things, women, some of whom have gone down in history and some who remain anonymous, although this anonymity does not diminish the importance of their work, perhaps this is a sign of importance. It’s the work of writers who have tried, along with famous women, to reach out to lesser-known women who have done great work.

With this approach, the content of the book inspires girls with ambitious thoughts in mind, who give up their decision as soon as they encounter the first obstacles. The reader of the book is confronted with a very important point in the narrated stories, and that is nothing but having a hopeful heart and a strong will to overcome these difficulties.
Among the women chosen by the authors of the book and whose life stories have been narrated can be found from all walks of life, women who belong to different cultures and have lived in different times and places. This diversity makes the readers of the book, no matter how different or living in different countries with different cultures and religions.

Being a woman has certain conditions (if we do not want to call it difficult), this specialness varies according to what society and with what cultural and political characteristics, and especially religious, we live. That is why, in the eyes of most of us, if a woman wins the presidency, she has done more important work than a man who has won the presidency, even in countries where women and men are legally equal. Has been.

In a part of the book Good night stories for rebel girls : 100 tales of extraordinary women, we read:
There was a girl living in Poland named IRNA who was in love with her father.
IRNA’s father was a brave doctor when typhus broke out in their hometown of Warsaw. He could stay away from illness and not endanger his health; But he decided to stay with the patients and he became ill himself.
“If you see someone drowning, you have to rush to their rescue and save them,” he told his daughter IRNA before his death.

When the Nazis began persecuting the Jews, he practiced his father’s words and helped them save and preserve their children.
He named the children Christians and gave them to Christian families to be safe. IRNA wrote the new and original letters of the children on sheets of paper, hid them in tubes and jars, and then buried all the jars under a large tree in her friend’s garden.
Sometimes younger children cried secretly during the movement, so he trained a dog to bark at his command to mislead the Nazis.
He hid children in bags, sacks, boxes and even in coffins, saving 2,500 children in three months.
IRNA removed jars of jam from the ground after the war and returned many children to their original families.

Index of the book
Ada Lovelace

Alfansina Estrada

Emilia Earhart
Amna Al-Haddad
Anna Makasinsky
Anna Polytkauskaya
Artemisia Gentileski
Ashley Fayolk
Astrid Lindgren
Balkisa Chibo
Brenda Chapman
Brunette sisters
Catherine the Great
Sholita Climers
Claudia Rogerini
Coco Cloak
Cora Coralina
Elizabeth I.
Euphoria Cruz

Florence Nightingale
Farida Kahlo
Grace Hopper
Grace O’Malley
Harriet Tobman

Helen Keller
Hillary Rodham Clinton
IRNA Sandler
Isabel Allende

Jane Austen

Jessica Watson
Jill Tarter

Julia Child
Kate Shepard

Leila Lombardi

. Jamieson
Malala Yousafzai

Margaret Hamilton
Margaret Thatcher
Margarita Hawk
Maria Montessori
Maria Reishe
Maria Zebla Maryan
Marie Curie
Mary Anning
Marie Edwards Walker
Marie Com
Matilda Mantua
Maya Angelo
Maya Gabira
Melba Leston
Michelle Obama
Milo Castro Zaldaryaga
Mirabal sisters
Nancy Wake
Nani from the Marons

Nate Stevens
Polycarp Salavaryata
Rita Levy Montaelchini
Rosa Parks
Ruth Bieder Ginsberg
Ruth Harkens

Serena and Venus Williams
Simon Byles
Tamara de Lempica
Virginia Woolf
Wang Zheni

Wilma Rudalph
Xi’an Zhang
Or Asantova
Yoko Ono

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