Girl, wash your face


Title: Wash your face, girl; Put aside the lies you believe about yourself to know your true self

Author: Rachel Hallis

Translator: Tahereh Bahadoran

Publisher: Your works

Subject: Christian women – way of life / psychological stories / women’s self-esteem / success / self-improvement in women

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 232

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


Introduce Girl, wash your face
Wash Your Face Girl by Rachel Hallis’s bestseller helps you identify and disprove the lies you have told yourself all your life.

Rachel Hollis deals with the lies that women and girls have known for years. In addition, it helps you to choose happiness and take control of your life yourself.

Wash your face in the book, daughter of John! (Girl, wash your face) Tells you different stories that are weird, embarrassing, sad or crazy and shows you that your life is only your own hand and this belief is not possible unless the lies that Take what you have in your life out of your way.

Wash your face, daughter John! Annoying lies like I’m not good enough, I should have been ahead of this, starting tomorrow, and so on, and it shows you an important truth. The fact that you are the only one responsible for what you become.
In this book, Rachel gives you her tips and tricks in a humorous way, along with real-life examples from her daily life. In fact, his writing style and the combination of solutions with his memoirs have made this book one of the most fascinating books in the world and has been included in the best-selling books of the Amazon and The New York Times.

If this author tells you to wash your face, turn on the tap immediately because he is the coach that every woman needs, from mothers to working women.

His words are a fascinating combination of what a promising coach and your best friend say. His honesty shocks the reader. In fact, this book is a gift to all women who want to grow up and have the courage to build a good life for themselves.

In this book, which is Rachel Hallis’s first non-fiction work, you will see that she is less of a fan leader, and more of a life coach. This means that by reading it, you are not merely inspired by the author, but you close the book while you have the right tools to achieve your dreams.
Rachel is one of the few people who can make you laugh and think about your whole life in one paragraph.

Finally, Rachel Hallis helps you to have the courage to admit that you are strong, brave and warrior. You will only live once after you give up what you deserve less and know your true worth.

In a part of the book, we wash your face, daughter of John, we read:
When you really want something, you will find a way. But when you really do not want something, you find an excuse. How does your subconscious mind perceive the difference between what you want and what you pretend to want? Looks at the history of how you faced similar things in the past. Have you kept your word? When you decide to do something, do you finish it? When we have a problem, we look for the lowest standard level, and the lowest standard level is usually the highest level of our training. This sentence sounds a bit unusual, so let me explain.

If you have decided to run fifty kilometers today, how far do you think you can go easily without stopping? You will reach the highest level of your training. So if the maximum distance you can easily run is six kilometers, you will be analyzed in and around the area. Surely the adrenaline rushes you a little further and your mindset is not without its effects; But usually your body returns to a state that it recognizes and feels more comfortable with.
The same is true of promising yourself.

If you set a goal for yourself – for example, “I want to write a novel” or “I want to run ten kilometers”, your subconscious will make it happen based on past experience. Therefore, when you get tired on the fourth day and do not want to run, you return to the highest level of mental training. What happened the last time you were in such a situation? Did you insist, make a habit, and do it? Or did you make an excuse and postpone it?

Index of the book

Chapter One: Lies: Something else makes me happy
Chapter Two: Lies: I’ll start tomorrow
Chapter 3: Lies: I’m not good enough
Chapter 4: Lies: I’m better than you!
Chapter 5: Lie: It is enough for me to love him
Chapter 6: Lie: “No” is the last answer
Chapter 7: Lies: I’m not good at sex
Chapter 8: Lie: I do not know how to be a mother
Chapter 9: Lies: I’m not a good mother
Chapter 10: Lies: I Should Have Been Ahead
Chapter 11: Lies: Other people’s children are much cleaner, better, more disciplined and more polite!
Chapter 12: Lies: I have to make myself smaller
Chapter 13: Lies: I Want to Marry Matt Damon
Chapter Fourteen: Lies: I’m a Writer
Chapter 15: Lies: I will never get rid of this situation
Chapter Sixteen: Lies: I Can’t Tell the Truth
Chapter Seventeen: Lies: My Weight Defines Me
Chapter 18: Lies: There is only one right way to be
Chapter 19: Lies: I need a hero
Rachel Hallis, author of the book Wash Your Face, John’s Daughter
Rachel Hallis is one of the best and most popular writers known for her book Be a Girl. He writes most of his books on psychology, often for girls, and tries to avoid disappointments. The most important thing for this writer is the beliefs that girls have.

According to Rachel Hallis, no girl can be bad or hopeless, all girls have value, and that value depends on themselves and their right and wrong beliefs. If you want to have the best life with your family and make the most progress, we recommend that you choose this book for reading.
All the writings and words mentioned in this book are from a girl who understands them all and knows how to behave. This book is considered one of the best books that Rachel Hallis has published. Other books we can mention are the following:

Be yourself girl
Stop apologizing
Do not be ashamed girl

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