Brief answers to the big questions by Stephen Hawking, a renowned cosmologist and author of the best-selling book, A Brief History of Time. Hawking reminds us of his latest comments on the biggest human questions in this book.
– How did it all start?
– Is there another intelligent life in the universe?
– Can we predict the future?
What is inside a black hole?
– Is time travel possible?
– Will man survive?
– Do we have to go to space to live?
– Will artificial intelligence overpower us?
These are some of the questions that Hawking addresses in this latest book;
The book is from Hawking’s personal archive and dates back to when it was being made at the time of his death. Thus, “Short Answers to Big Questions” has been completed in collaboration with Hawking University colleagues, family, and heritage managers. Scientists, technocrats, prominent business figures, political leaders, and the masses often asked him what he thought of the big questions of the day. Hawking kept a vast private archive of his answers in the form of lectures, interviews, and articles, which became a book on a variety of topics with passionate arguments from one of history’s greatest minds.

Stephen Hawking, the renowned cosmologist and author of the best-selling book, A Brief History of Time, reminds us of his last comments on the greatest human questions in his book, Brief answers to the big questions.
The book “Short Answers to Big Questions” answers questions from our time. In this book, Hawking discusses his discoveries and perspectives on everything from how the universe formed to black holes and alien intelligence and the importance of space domination, as well as the dangers of artificial intelligence. This book consists of 4 sections: Why are we here? Are we going to survive? Will technology save us or destroy us? How can we be successful?
Introducing the book Short answers to big questions
The book Short Answers to Big Questions, the latest work by Professor Stephen Hawking, published after his death, is a collection of manuscripts and theories of this great scientist.
Humans have always been looking for answers to important questions. Questions like: Where did we come from? How did the universe begin? What is the plan and meaning behind this world? Is there another outside of this world? Is time travel possible?
The book Brief Answers to the Big Questions is not just a science book in physics or astronomy. In this book, Hawking seeks to answer the ten most important questions that human beings face. These questions have both a scientific and a general aspect.
There is no doubt that from a scientific point of view, Hawking is one of the geniuses of the present age, but apart from science, Hawking, like any other human being, had personal views; Among them was his critical approach to religion – which brought him many criticisms – and was far from the realm of science and logic.
Stephen Hawking was Professor of the Lucasian Mathematics Chair at the University of Cambridge for thirty years, and over the years he has won numerous awards and titles, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He also co-authored several children’s books with his daughter, the first of which was called A Window to the Universe.
Scientists, technology entrepreneurs, senior business figures, political leaders, as well as the general public, often asked Stephen Hawking for big, important questions. Steven kept a large archive of his answers in the form of lectures, interviews and writings.
This book used Steven’s personal archive and was being completed before his death. The book is now being completed in collaboration with Steven’s family and his college colleagues.
In a part of the book, we read brief answers to big questions:
What we usually think of as “life” is based on a chain of carbon atoms and several other elements, such as nitrogen or phosphorus. It can be assumed that other things live with different chemical structures – such as silicon – but carbon seems to be the best option because of its chemical richness.
. Carbon atoms, with their properties, require a certain amount of physical constants, such as quantum chromodynamics, electric charge, and even space-time dimensions.
If these constants had significantly different values, the nucleus of the carbon atom would not be stable or the electrons would collapse in the nucleus of the atom. At first glance, it looks very interesting as if the world is precisely arranged. Perhaps this is evidence that the world was specifically designed for the human race.
But such arguments must be carefully considered, because according to the humanistic principle, our theories about the universe must be consistent with our own existence. This is based on the obvious fact that if the universe were not suitable for life, we would not ask why it is precisely regulated.
In the case of the humanistic principle, two interpretations of “strong” and “weak” can be used. For the strong anthropomorphic principle, it is assumed that there are many different worlds, each with different values of physical constants. Some of these values allow for the existence of things like carbon atoms that can act as building blocks of living systems. Since we have to live in one of these worlds, we should not be surprised that the physical constants are precisely regulated.
Contents of the book Brief answers to the big questions
Introductory speech
About the author
A word from the publisher
Foreword: By Eddie Redmin
Introduction: Written by Professor Cape S.
What is the need to ask important questions?
Question 1: What is behind this world?
Question 2: Where did it all start?
Question 3: Is there another intelligent life in the universe?
Question 4: Can we predict the future?
Question 5: What is inside a black hole?
Question 6: Is time travel possible?
Question 7: Will we survive on earth?
Question 8: Do we need to migrate into space?
Question 9: Is artificial intelligence ahead of us?
Question 10: How do we build the future?
Closing remarks: Lucy Hawking
1- Introducing the book Brief answers to the big questions on YouTube
2- Introducing the book Brief answers to the big questions in Aparat
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