The Business school


Title: School of Business; For those who love helping others

Authors: Robert T. Kiyosaki; Sharan El Lecher

Translator: Davood Amiri

Publisher: Nik Farjam

Topic: Success in business / multilevel marketing

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 192

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book The Business school by Robert Kiyosaki
The book Business School by Robert Kiyosaki aims to acquaint you with all the problems and different parts of network marketing and help you to advance your career path with the right mental background.

In this book, Robert Kiyosaki states that network marketing is a real school for learning business. A school that teaches theory while forcing you to practice your knowledge. He is no doubt the author of The Business School with an in-depth look at network marketing.

Relying on his mentor and leader, the wealthy father, Kiyosaki, like his other works, describes the values ​​of this new phenomenon. According to Robert, network marketing is very important, but many people are unaware of it. Values ​​that are more than just making money! By reading this book and being aware of the core values ​​of this approach to business, you can make your best decision in this regard.

In other words, this book will help you to understand this issue and make the right decision.

Deciding whether or not network marketing is right for you? If you are new to network marketing or planning to get into this part of the business, this book is definitely here to give you some hidden networking capabilities and opportunities; Features you have never been able to touch.

The acceptance of the business and network marketing industry has been the headline of various authors since the mid-1990s; Now, as one of the first promoters of the rich father’s message, Kiyosaki hopes to help people in a decent way to control and direct the material things of their lives.

Learn more about Robert Kiyosaki:

Kiyosaki rose to incredible fame with his book Rich Dad, Beepol’s Father. He is a successful investor, speaker and writer who has published extensively in the field of business. Kiyosaki’s thoughts and ideas are very practical and have a tremendous connection to the real life of the people in the community.

Selected sentences of the business school book:

If you want to get rich, you have to own a business or be an investor.
Network marketing business is a revolutionary way to get rich.
– The richest people in the world build networks. Other people are looking for a job.
– I recommend a network marketing business to others for its life-changing training.
– The network marketing industry is growing faster than traditional dealerships and business systems.
Network marketing system is more equitable than other wealth acquisition systems.

In a part of the business school book, we read:

In my opinion, this new way of doing business, that is, the business of network marketing, is a revolution, because now, for the first time in history, it is possible for everyone to enjoy wealth, although so far it has been reserved for the lucky few. Of course, I am aware of some profiteers of greedy and fraudulent people in this business who wanted to make a lot of money in the blink of an eye.

Again, if you go back and look at this way of doing business, you will see that it is a completely valid social system for enjoying wealth. Network marketing business is not suitable for greedy people.
By design, it can be said that the most perfect type of business is for those people who like to do good to others. To put it simply, the only way a business and network marketing business can do that is to help others get rich as they get rich. In my opinion, it is a revolutionary phenomenon as much as Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were revolutionary in their time.

Before the end, I know that most people are generous.

On the other hand, I do not condemn greed, because a little greed and selfishness according to the rules of mental health are necessary for human beings. But when it gets too big, it causes others to protest, and often everyone shakes their head in disgust.
Because most people are generous and like to help all kinds of people, this business system allows people to help more people. But it’s also worth noting that the network marketing business is not for everyone, if you are someone who really wants to help others achieve their financial goals, know that this system is worth the time. .

About The Business school

The following is an example of a large number of letters that I usually receive: Hello, Mr. Kiyosaki. Hope you feel good. I’m Susan and I want to talk to you about my husband Allen.

He has read all your books and deserves to become a great and successful businessman. I talked to him about writing this letter to you and consulting on a specific topic. Of course, I have not read any of your books and I do not know what you think about what I am saying.

My husband Allen has been spending all his time at a network company that offers a variety of vitamins and cosmetics. The president of the company has hired people and set up a network with them to distribute products.

If I did not feel that my husband was wasting time, I would not object, but I think he does his best to make someone else succeed, and in the end not only does he not have an income, but another person receives the result of his efforts.

They told Allen that by joining the company, he would start his own business, and by this trick they attracted him and sold their products to him.

But I do not see my husband’s name anywhere. How can a company belong to him when his name is not on the products? Another point is that he has been working for the company part-time for about a year and has not yet received much money.

That’s why I think he’s wasting his time. I want him to invest in his own name and for himself (not for someone else). And I think he would be more successful if he gave up network marketing and started a company of his own. I think they are abusing him, I wrote this letter to you because Allen has read all your books and has a special respect for you.

I hope he accepts your advice in this regard. Because he does not pay attention to what I say. Maybe he’s right and I do not understand. Anyway, if I knew why I thought I was wrong, I would be relieved. Thank you in advance for taking the time to respond to this letter. Your Honor Susan. My Answer You may have guessed that my office is full of these letters that I unfortunately do not have the opportunity to reply to everyone.
I brought Susan’s letter to the book first because I usually encounter these kinds of questions and concerns.

Of course, most of these concerns are true. By the way, I was impressed because Susan had spoken so frankly and honestly.

In view of all these rapid changes in society in the present age, it is very important not to have intentions and answers to these questions and concerns is the main reason for writing this book. A lot of people like to know why I recommend network marketing even though I’m not active in it myself.

I am writing this book to answer these questions once and for all. The volume of the book clearly shows that my answer is not just a simple yes or no. Finally, I do not think network marketing is good for everyone.
By reading this book, I hope you can better decide whether this is right for you or not. If you are in business now, reading this book will help you to better understand what you have learned and your previous feelings.

Even if you do not want to do this in the future, I still recommend reading this book because you will discover some of the hidden values ​​and opportunities in these networks. Opportunities and values ​​that many people overlook. In other words, there are opportunities in this business that are worth more than money. Thank you in advance for reading this book without any special orientation. Sincerely, Robert Kiyosaki

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