Complete English Conversations Tutorial


Title: Complete ASEAS English Conversations Tutorial

Author: Seyed Saeed Hosseini Torghi

Translator: Nasim Amiri

Publisher: Science and Knowledge

Subject: English language

Age category: All ages

Number of pages: 384

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


Introduction to the book ASE (Complete English Conversation Tutorial)

Learning English is a concern for many people. Seyyed Saeed Hosseini Torghi, in his complete self-study book, ASEASE Conversations, has tried to teach the most practical topics in the best way. This 384-page book is a pocket and has been published by Elm-o-Danesh.

About English and ASEAS
English is a language of West Germanic origin that was first used in England in the early Middle Ages and is now one of the most common languages ​​in the world. English is the only official language or one of the official languages ​​of about 60 independent countries.

The language is widely spoken in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. English is the third most widely spoken mother tongue in the world after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. Today, English is widely taught as a second language around the world. English is also the official language of the United Nations and the European Union.

The English language was developed and developed over a period of 1400 years. The earliest forms of English were brought to the island of England by Angola Saxons around the 5th century AD, this is called Old English from English. Middle English was formed around the 11th century AD with the conquest of England by the Normans.
The modern form of English was formed after the 15th century with the invention of the printing press. Due to the high political and military power of the British Empire, English spread throughout the world between the 17th and 20th centuries. At present, in both written and digital forms, English has by far the highest number of published scientific and technical documents in the world.

Modern English is not just a verb, but conveys complex phrases and meanings through the use of auxiliary verbs and restructuring. Apart from small differences in pronunciation, small grammatical points and the choice of somewhat different words, English is spoken in the same way in different parts of the world, and English, the languages ​​of the world, can easily communicate with each other through this language.

A little about learning English with ASEAN
Learning English may seem strange and difficult to many, and simple and elementary to many. Here we talk a little about simple or complex parts of English.

Why is learning English with ASEAS so easy?
The difficulty of a language is largely relative. But you should know that learning English is easier than almost all other European languages. Some of the reasons are:

English does not have gender: English names do not have gender. Unlike the closest languages ​​to this language, German and French, which both have gender for names, we do not have such a rule in English. The gender of the names is not limited to German and French. A large proportion of languages, such as all Eastern European languages ​​(Russian and most Slavic languages), Arabic and related languages, Spanish and related languages, have gender for nouns. So English makes your job very simple in this regard.
Verbs are not used: In English, verbs are almost not used (during the lessons we explain why we said “almost”!). This is in contrast to many languages, including German, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish and even Persian. Not spending verbs makes it very easy to use them in a sentence.
Uses Latin script: English for writing writes Latin script. A script we were all familiar with even before learning English. This makes reading and writing in this language much easier (compared to languages ​​that use other scripts such as Hindi, Chinese, Russian, etc.).
Persian and English are distant relatives: Although Persian and English are relatively distant, there are still many similar structures between the two languages. One of the similarities of all Indo-European languages ​​is having a fixed base for verbs. Other grammatical structures such as pronouns, the use of verbs and است are similar in these two languages.
There are many common words: There are many common words between Persian and English. These words, which are almost all entered from English to Persian, help you to learn this language more easily. Due to the widespread influence of English, especially in specialized and technical fields, many of us are already familiar with many words of this language.
What parts of English are difficult for Persian speakers?
Due to the experience of Persian speakers in their mother tongue, certain parts of the English language are usually problematic for Persian speakers. Some of the most important are:

English pronunciation: Pronunciation in English is one of the first points that catches your attention. Unlike Persian in English, words are not necessarily written as they are said. In fact, English does not have a unified structure for pronouncing words. For this reason, you must keep the pronunciation of the words separate. This is very important when learning new words. (Phonetics has always been used to learn this during lessons.)
Tenses: Most tenses in English have almost no equivalent in Persian. That is, for example, the simple present tense can not be equated with any of the tenses in Persian. This is even more true for times like the perfect present. It will be possible to learn the exact meaning of these times through practice.
Definition letters: In Persian, we do not have a definition letter for the definite article. While in English, the definite article the indicates the identity of a noun. This difference makes many Persian speakers unaware of how to use the definite article the in English. Misuse of this definite article is very common among beginners. Over time, you will become accustomed to using the definite article correctly.
Prepositions: The structure of using prepositions in Persian and English is very different. In fact, the prepositions between these two languages ​​are not equivalent. Sometimes we use a preposition in a sentence in Persian, while in the English equivalent of the same sentence there is no preposition (on the contrary, this happens a lot). You need to take the time to get acquainted with the prepositions and use them correctly.
Phrasal verbs: Phrasal verbs are verbs that are made by combining a preposition with a verb and have a completely different meaning than the main verb. These verbs have no equivalent in Persian and at first seem confusing to Persian speakers. You will get used to using them over time.
Types of pronouns: In English, we have different personal pronouns for the subject, object and possessive, which have no Persian equivalent. Of course, learning these pronouns is usually not very difficult, and with a little practice you can master them.
How long does it take to learn English?
According to general research in the field of linguistics, learning a new language for an ordinary person takes about 1100 hours. This means that you need at least six months to learn English at an acceptable level

. Of course, it takes between one and two years for most language learners to go from elementary to advanced level. Do not forget that faster learning also means faster forgetting. To learn properly, you need to devote enough time to learning on a regular basis.

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Seyed Saeed Hosseini Torghi



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