Tuesdays with Morrie


Title: Tuesdays with Murray

Author: Mitch Album

Translator: Reza Zare

Publisher: Rain Rain

Subject: Faculty, Brandis University, autobiography, patients, psychological aspects

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 192

Language: Farsi



Introducing the book Tuesdays with Murray by Mitch Album
Tuesdays with Murray by Mitch Album is one of the New York Times best-selling and best-selling books, and has been at the top of the best-selling books of the year list since October 1997.

Tuesdays with Murray is a very true story of the last moments of the life of a great man and a master professor of sociology.

Perhaps the charm of Tuesdays With Morries and being the top-selling book of the year since October 1997,

Not only in the United States but all over the world, because of the profound concepts of life in which it is discussed, such as love, death, marriage, etc.
Or maybe its main value is due to the fact that its story is true, that “Oprah Minfrey” made a TV movie based on this book and it was also broadcast on Iranian TV.

A book full of serenity and beauty, in which Mitch Albom, a prolific American writer whose works have been translated into 45 living languages ​​and is the basis for the production of television films, on the last fourteen Tuesdays of the life of his teacher “Maury Schwartz” – Master The mastermind of sociology – who is struggling wonderfully with the severe and incurable disease of ALS –

It discusses a specific topic, and we read each of them in a chapter of the book.
And finally, a simple, intimate book, full of comforting sentences with a special twin feeling for the reader that can be read together from beginning to end and learn life lessons that can not be found in any classroom or university;

Especially for those who want to start reading books.

Selected sentences from the book Tuesdays with Murray:
– Either love each other, or die.
– Eventually you will die one day, but not for long and not forever. So do not despair.
– A teacher is effective in your immortality. You can never say how long this effect will last.
– Destiny gives in to many people.

It is man himself who puts himself in danger.
– I die every night when I sleep. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am born again.

Excerpt from the book Tuesdays with Murray
Murray said with a smile, “Mitch, things are not as easy as you think, but nevertheless I know a few rules that apply to love and marriage.”

If you do not respect the other side, you will face problems.

If you do not know how to compromise with your spouse, you will face problems.

Also, if you can not speak clearly about what is happening between you, it will be troublesome, and if there are no common values ​​between you, you will get into trouble.

Your values ​​should be similar. Mitch Field What are the most important values? Belief in the importance of marriage.
Murray took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and with a sigh he closed his eyes and said, “I personally believe that marriage is the most important thing you have to do in life, and if you fail to try it, you are deprived of the whole experience.” .

Review of the novel Tuesdays with Murray, written by Mitch Album
“The last life class of my old master was held once a week in his house, next to a window in his study, so that he could watch the small okra plant with its pink leaves.

Classes are held on Tuesdays and after breakfast. The subject of our lesson was “the meaning of life”. “The teacher taught what he knew from experience.” These are the words with which Mitch began his book album.

Tuesdays with Murray is the author’s most influential book, telling the true story of Mitch’s relationship and meeting with his teacher, Murray Schwartz.

Mitch Album, who is also the author of the famous book “The First Phone Call from Heaven”, has written this book in a fluent and beautiful tone that forces the reader to attend meetings with Murray with Mitch Album.
Tuesdays with Murray can be considered both a biography and a philosophical novel.

This book is full of instructive lessons that can change the reader’s view of the world.

Mitch opens a new window to the world for the singer on Tuesdays with Murray. The window that originated from the point of view of Murray Schwartz, the person Mitch who looks at the album as seen.

More than 39 million copies of Murray’s romances have been sold worldwide.
Tuesdays with Morrie, originally titled “Tuesdays with morrie,” was first published in 1997 in the United States in English.

A new edition of this book, to which a post-commentary has been added, was published in 2007.

Murray Tuesdays has been translated into more than thirty different languages ​​and sold in 34 countries around the world.

Dr. Bernie Siegel said of Murray’s book Tuesdays:
“This book is an indescribable treasure. Understanding mortality is a great teaching and source of enlightenment. “Having a mentor to share this experience with us is the key to Frost.”

Different works have been made based on Tuesdays with Murray.
The first English-made television film based on Mick Jackson was made in 1999. Another adaptation of the book is a play directed by David Osburnsen.

The play, which premiered in 2002, stars Alvin Epstein as Murray and John Tenny as Mitch. This play attracted a lot of comments.

An overview of the story chapters of Tuesday’s with Murray
Murray Schwartz, the protagonist of Saturday romance with Murray, has contracted a disease that is gradually paralyzing his limbs.

The disease destroys his limbs bit by bit and leads him to death.

In the last days of his life, Murray has a meeting with Mitch Album every Tuesday, the narration of each of which is given in a chapter in the book Tuesdays with Murray.

The titles of the chapters in the book Tuesdays with Murray are as follows:
Lesson schedule

University student



First Tuesday: We talk about the world

Second Tuesday: I’m talking about regret for myself

Third Tuesday: I’m talking about regret


The fourth Tuesday (from) we talk about death

On the fifth Tuesday we talk about family

Tuesday Sixth We talk about emotions

Tuesday 7th We talk about the fear of aging

Excerpts from the book Tuesdays with Murray
– Either love each other, or die.
– Eventually you will die one day, but not for long and not forever. So do not despair.
– A teacher is effective in your immortality.

You can never say how long this effect will last.
– Destiny gives in to many people. It is man himself who puts himself in danger.
– I die every night when I sleep. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am born again.

About the author of the book Tuesdays with Murray: Mitch Album
Mitch Album is an American writer, screenwriter and journalist. He also has experience as a presenter on radio and television.

Mitch Album was born in 1958 in New Jersey and is now 61 years old.

Mitch’s album is best known for its book Tuesdays with Murray. He writes stories with inspiring themes and that is why he has attracted a lot of attention.

Mitch is also the album of a very prominent journalist and is one of the most prominent writers in the Detroit Free Press.
He lives with his wife in Detroit, Michigan.

Mitch has other highlights on his album, except Tuesdays with Murray. Mitch’s other works include “The First Phone Call from Heaven,” “Five People Are Waiting for You in Heaven,” “Another Man You Meet in Heaven.”

He mentioned “Lord of Time”, “Another Day”, “The Last Lesson”, “Frankie Parasto’s Magic Strings” and “Have a Little More Faith”. Among these works, you can find various translations of “The first phone call from heaven”, “Frankie Parasto’s magic strings”, “Another day”, “5 people are waiting for you in heaven”,
The book “Another person you meet in heaven” is written in continuation of the book “5 people are waiting for you in heaven”.

Who is this book suitable for?
Tuesdays with Murray is a very meaningful book. It is a book in which life lessons are taught.

Murray Schwartz, the main character of the book, as a person who has accepted death and somehow stands at the end of life, has a different view of the world and has reached a certain peace and confidence.

The book Tuesdays with Murray is suitable for anyone who wants to think more precisely about the meaning of life.

Anyone who knows life more than the daily routines that human beings face today and wants to face the realities that human beings often try to avoid can read this book.
This book has been able to scrutinize death and the fear of death and has talked about it beautifully.

Tuesdays with Murray is a good book for anyone who cares about concepts such as mortality, death and the aftermath.

Tuesdays with Murray are a wonderful historiography of the moments the two men spent together, and through this book, Mitch has shared Murray’s enduring gift with the world.

Tuesdays with Murray is one of the most influential and best-selling New York Times publications, which has been at the top of the best-selling books of the year list since October 1997.
Based on this book, Oprah Minfrey produced a television film, which was also broadcast on Iranian television. It has been translated and published in Murray in thirty-four countries in thirty-four languages.

It has also been the best-selling book of the year in Japan, Australia, Brazil, and the United Kingdom.

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