The sixth extinction : an unnatural history


Title: The Sixth Extinction

Author: Elizabeth Colbert

Translator: Forouzandeh Dolatyari

Publisher: Rain Rain

Subject: Extinction, environmental disasters, mass extinction, animals

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 298 p

Language: Farsi

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The sixth extinction  is an Abnormal History by Elizabeth Kelberg, translated by Nick Gorgin. The book, which won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize in the non-fiction category, is about an impending extinction that threatens life on Earth.

About the sixth extinction book
The sixth extinction book on the New York Times bestseller list, as well as the New York Times bestseller list, speaks of impending extinction that has put various species at risk.

The Earth has witnessed such events many times since its inception. The five events are so great and terrifying that they deserve the name of five great events. One of the most important was the impact of meteors on Earth, which eventually led to the extinction and extinction of the dinosaurs. But now the next event is so big that we may see the destruction of the earth again. This time all of us humans who have manipulated natural life on earth for our own comfort are defeated and mark the sixth extinction. An extinction that is even more devastating than the impact of meteors on Earth.
Elizabeth Colbert provides a comprehensive account of terrestrial life and species extinction, using the concept of extinction history and describing amazing species that have already become extinct. He also shows in this book how destructive the sixth extinction, which is human heritage, is. At the end of this book, the mind turns to the question, what exactly is the meaning and concept of being human?

This work also won the title of finalist of the National Book Critics Circle Award. USA Today called the book stunning, and the Boston Globe called it “surprisingly subtle, quite engaging and entertaining.”

Who do we recommend the sixth extinction book to?
We invite science book lovers to read the sixth extinction book. With explicit prose and an informed look, this story helps everyone realize how dependent their lives are on the health and well-being of the environment in which they live.

Part of The sixth extinction : an unnatural history
It is said that it is better to start with ambiguity. The story goes the same way: it begins with the emergence of a new species that began perhaps two hundred thousand years ago. This species does not yet have a name; None has a name yet. But it deserves to have a name.

This one, like any other toddler, is in a precarious position. The number is small and its biodiversity is limited to a small strip of East Africa. But its population is slowly increasing and it is quite possible that it will decrease again and reach several thousand pairs.

The members of this species are not very agile and strong and productive, but they have a dramatic ability to deal with problems and gradually move to different areas, with different climatic conditions, different predators and different prey. It seems that none of the usual constraints of habitats or geographical features bind them.
They cross rivers, plateaus and mountains; In coastal areas, snails are collected and, a little further away, mammals are hunted on land. Wherever they live, they adapt and take the initiative. When they get to Europe, they encounter creatures that are very similar to themselves, but larger and perhaps more muscular, and have lived on that continent for a long time. They mingle with the inhabitants of this new continent and then, for some unknown reason, destroy them altogether.

It turned out later that this story had a scary ending. As the population of this species grows, it encounters animals that are two, ten, or even twenty times larger than itself: giant cats, powerful bears, elephant-sized turtles, and five-foot-tall sloths. These species are more powerful and often wilder, but because they reproduce slowly, they are now extinct.
This evergreen species is a land animal, but it crosses waters and sets foot on islands inhabited by evolution: birds that lay eggs the size of a watermelon, blue horses the size of pigs, and giant lizards. But because these animals were accustomed to living in isolation, they were not prepared to defend themselves against these newcomers or perhaps their companions (mostly mice), and thus many of them died.

This trend continued many times over thousands of years until this kind of invasion (which was no longer emerging) practically spread to the four corners of the world. During this period, several events occurred more or less simultaneously and caused this creature (which later took the name of the wise man) to multiply itself in unprecedented dimensions. Within a hundred years its population had doubled, and again doubled and again. The vast forests were completely destroyed. Humans do this deliberately to feed their bellies, but inadvertently transfer living organisms from continent to continent and alter the biological composition of the earth …

The story of the sixth extinction is told in thirteen chapters, at least as I have decided to define it. Each tells the story of a species that is symbolic – the American Mastodon the Great, the Ammonites, who disappeared with the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous.

The generation of creatures mentioned in the first chapters is already extinct, and this part of the book deals mainly with the great extinctions of the past and the intricate history of their discovery, which began with the work of the French naturalist Georges Covier. The second part of the book is more about the present – what is happening in the Amazon rainforests that are becoming more and more fragmented, the rapidly warming Andes Mountains and the Great Australian Dam.
For reasons that are usually appealing to reporters, I decided to go to these areas – due to the presence of a research center on site or one that I had invited to accompany me on an exploratory trip. In this way, by going to different areas, with the right guide, I realized the extent of the changes that are currently taking place.

One chapter deals with a series of deaths that I noticed more or less in my own backyard (which most likely happens in your own backyard as well). If the subject extinction is frightening, group extinction is much more terrifying. In the following chapters, I will try to address both aspects of the issue: the excitement that comes from what we find out and the horror that comes with it. I hope the readers of the book know the value of this truly exceptional period in which we live.

Back cover:
What will happen to us in the extinction that is being done by us? One possibility is that we, too, will eventually perish with the transformation of nature. By disrupting this system – destroying rainforests, changing atmospheric compositions, acidifying the oceans – we are jeopardizing our survival. When widespread extinction occurs, it puts the strong in a position of weakness and destroys the weak. By cutting off other species, man cuts off the branch on which he is sitting.
Another possibility is that human genius will overcome any catastrophe caused by human genius and human beings will continue to survive.
This book seeks to gather scientific evidence from around the world to show how the sixth extinction will determine the fate of life.

In this book, Kohlberg makes man think more than anything else, what does it mean to be human?
In this book, he tries to show that in the “sixth extinction” that many believe is taking place on Earth right now, unlike other past extinctions in which either asteroids hit the earth or volcanoes became active, this time humans are the main culprit. are; This is the first time in Earth history that a species has caused the mass extinction of other organisms. This trend is actually due to human consumption patterns.

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