Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action is a summary of the most important contents of the book Why Start with by Simon Sink. This book teaches the reader how great leaders inspire everyone to take action.
About the book with Why Start by Simon Sink
Start with Why is a curious, fascinating book that will surely make the reader continue to ask the deceptive question: Why? Why do some people succeed while others fail? Why can some groups manage a working group and endure the challenges in their path to success?
What sets some people apart from others in their success? This book answers all of these basic questions and helps the listener find the right path to career success. This book is a complete guide for all those who love their job or want to expand their business.

About the book how great leaders inspire everyone to take action
Some simply carry the title of leader and some lead in practice. The second group is our inspiration, not the first. We follow these individual or organizational leaders not because we have to, but because we want to. We follow those who lead, not because of them, but because of ourselves. This book is for those who want to inspire others and those who are looking for someone to inspire.
This book is about a natural pattern, mindset, behavior and speech that enables some leaders to inspire those around them. These “innate leaders” may have been born with the gift of inspiring others, but this ability is not exclusive to them. We can all learn this pattern.
With a little discipline, any leader or organization is able to inspire others, both inside and outside the organization, to advance their ideas and vision. We can all learn how to lead. The purpose of this book is not only to provide solutions to the problem of inefficient ideas and methods. Rather, it serves as a guide that focuses on and reinforces effective ideas and methods.
2- Introducing the book Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action in Aparat
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