Christopher Ryan’s Sex at Dawn is a controversial book whose approach to a variety of topics challenges all your notions of sex, marriage, family, and society.
Introducing the book The Nature of the Human Sex
Forget everything you’ve ever heard about humans being born from apes. We are not descended from apes, but we are one of them; to be more precise, modern humans, or homosapines, together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, form the family of “great apes.” We have a common ancestor with chimpanzees and separated from each other almost 5 million years ago…
Contents of Sex at Dawn:
Chapter One: Don’t Forget the Yucatan.
Chapter Two: What Darwin Did Not Know About Sexual Desire
Chapter 3: A Closer Look at the Conventional Narrative of Human Sexual Evolution
Chapter 4: The Big Monkey in the Mirror
Chapter Five: Who Lost What in Paradise?
Chapter Six: Who Are Your Father?
Chapter Seven: Dear Mommy
Chapter 8: Ambiguity about marriage, mating, and monogamy
Chapter 9: Paternal Certainty
Chapter 10: Sexual Jealousy, a Guide to Greed for a Neighbor’s Spouse
Chapter Eleven: The Wealth of Nature
Chapter Twelve: The Selfish Mem
Chapter Thirteen: An Endless War Over the Existence of War
Chapter Fourteen: Short Life
List 15: A little big man
Chapter Sixteen: The Most Accurate Criteria for Measuring a Man
Chapter Seventeen: Sometimes a penis is just a penis
Chapter Eighteen: O In Prehistory
Chapter 19: When Women Are Sexually Aroused

The book The Human Sexual Nature by Christopher Ryan – Complete Volume – From Prehistory to the Present
The book that has been prepared is a book about sexual and marital issues, the power of sexual instinct, has been deposited in human nature for the survival of the generation and the continuation of life. Also, in youth, which is the period of all-round human development, human instincts, and above all, sexual instinct, grow significantly.
The rebellion of some instincts, especially the powerful instinct of lust, confronts the young man with a crisis and occupies the young man’s mind and heart. It also isolates the power of reason and thought and closes the way to truth.
The Infallible Imam (as) refers to this issue as follows: “The air of the soul is the strongest force that dominates man, and it is this force that prevents man from the truth.”
The force of lust and the air of the soul is the age-old enemy of the intellect, and by its rebellion, it captures the intellect, as the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (as), repeatedly pointed out to everyone that: Under Hui Amir; “How captive is the intellectual who is under the control of the emir and the commander.”
Excerpts from Christopher Ryan’s book Human Sexual Nature:
Forget everything you have ever heard about humans being born from apes. We are not descendants of apes but we are one of them! To be more precise, modern humans (Homo sapiens), along with chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans, form the surviving family of “great apes” (gibbons are “smaller apes”). ).
We have a common ancestor with two members of this family – the bonobos and the chimpanzees – and separated about five million years ago. Between evolutionary periods, this separation is called the “day before yesterday.”
Excluding humans from apes is a view that most primates consider to be completely fabricated and unrealistic these days.
If we are a creature above nature and consider ourselves different from other creatures, it is simply the feeling of having a shaky, sluggish foot floating over the ocean. Even if we never slip, our inner nature can bring us down at any moment. To kill.
Many of us humans have come to believe that we are a special and unique species among living beings, that we are the creatures of Ashraf, and that we are free from the abominations and humiliations attributed to the animal world.
Some of us surrender ourselves as if we are angels of nature and our essence is nothing but purity and innocence, originality, rationality and wisdom.
But the reality is something else. Like bonobos and chimpanzees, we are the rebellious descendants of ancestors who had an insatiable thirst for sex.
Such a view may seem a bit exaggerated at first glance, but it is a fact that should have long ago become a public insight.
Conventional notions of monogamy impose on us the burden of a misguided narrative that insists humans are different from other beings.
To dispel these misconceptions, we need to look at the basics of human sexuality, and how did we get to this point?
In the following, we will describe how the cultural transformations that began about 10,000 years ago presented such a threatening picture of sexuality that it has led religious leaders to boycott it for centuries, and doctors and scientists have criticized it. Classify as a type of deviation and disease.
Forget everything you’ve ever heard about humans being born from apes. We are not descended from apes, but we are one of them; to be more precise, modern humans, or homosapines, together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, form the family of “great apes.” We have a common ancestor with chimpanzees, and we separated almost 5 million years ago.
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