In Four Dialogues Plato (Menon, Federus, Te Tetus, Hippias the Great), Plato discusses topics such as love and virtue.

Introducing the book Four Treatises by Plato
Plato was an Athenian philosopher in ancient times. He was the founder of the Platonic school and academy, the first institution of higher education in the Western world.
He is widely regarded, along with his teacher, Socrates, and his most famous disciple, Aristotle, as one of the most important and influential figures in human history and a central figure in the history of ancient Greek and Western philosophy. Plato is also often cited as one of the founders of Western religion and spirituality.
Alfred North Whitehead once remarked, “The safest general feature of the European philosophical tradition is that it contains a collection of Plato’s footnotes.” Plato was the originator of written dialogue and dialectical forms in philosophy. Plato is also considered the founder of Western political philosophy. His most famous contribution is The Theory of Forms Known by Pure Reason, in which Plato offers a solution to the problem of generalities known as Plato (vaguely called either Platonic realism or Platonic idealism). His philosophical influences have usually been with Socrates, Pythagoras, the pre-Socrates, Heraclitus, and Parmenides, although few of his predecessors remain, and much of what we know about these figures today comes from Plato himself.
Biography of Plato
Plato was probably born in Athens 427 BC. His birth coincided with a time when ancient Greece was at the height of its greatness, and perhaps had fallen a little from the summit of its former glory. Greece’s territory at that time was much larger than the territory within the borders of Greece today. The territory of ancient Greece covered most of the area on the present-day shores of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and stretched from Asia Minor to Marseilles and from Egypt to the Danube.
Plato was born into an Athenian noble family. Little is known about the details of his life title, but it is certain that he, like other Greek freedmen, was trained in the group’s usual program of learning music and gymnastics. Music in the Greek dictionary of that day had a broader meaning and included not only the meaning we infer today, but also the art of memorizing and expressing poetry.
Memorizing Homer’s poems formed the basis of this type of art education, and considering that these poems contained personal ideas about morality and religion, teaching them to children at a time when their brains were ready to absorb such ideas was not only beautiful sensitivity. Worship, but also strengthened and strengthened their moral feelings and character. The effect of such poems on the spirit of the children of that day can be compared with the effect that reading the Bible has on the thoughts and ideas of Christian children, because the Christian child is also attracted to the influence of the teachings of the Bible, which is far more important than literature. And the writing style is biblical.
We do not need to ask what job Plato was trained for. His family rank determined this in advance. Given the expectations of such Greek nobles, he had to prepare himself for ordinary participation in the social and political life of Athens.
But in his youth Plato was deeply influenced by Socrates – one of the most prominent figures whose name appears in the scroll of history. And in most of his surviving works he has given us a clear picture of the intellectual personality and moral character of this man who appears as the main speaker in those works.
1- Introducing the book Four Dialogues Plato on YouTube
2- Introducing the book Four Dialogues Plato in Aparat
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