You started finish it


Title: You started, finish it

Author: Peter Hollins

Translator: Taktam Saeedinia

Publisher: Giwa

Subject: Psychology

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 144

Language: Farsi



The book You Have Started, Finish It by Peter Hollins is a translation of Tact of Saidnia.

The art of accomplishing, acting, performing, and self-control

You started the book, finish it! Written by Peter Hollins and translated by Taktem Saeidnia, this book is the art of doing, acting, performing and self-control. We often say we will do something and may start a happy weekend, but at the first sign of difficulty, tiredness, boredom, or busyness, we easily put it aside and forever in the mental, virtual, or verbal garage. We keep.

When you start, do, and finish what you start, you actually open that common ground and take control of your life. This book teaches you how to get the job done.
How accurately can you do what you start and finish? You have probably heard these phrases many times, but what do you mean?

These kinds of sentences mean making your intentions come true. You often say that you will do something and you start it with full motivation in the first week, but at the first sign of difficulty, fatigue, boredom or busyness, you easily put it aside and hide it in your mind forever. When you’re done and finished, you’re actually opening that common ground and taking control of your life.

What if we get things done?

It is a difficult path to accomplish, but its benefits make this trip worth the effort. If you get used to doing things, you will be able to increase your productivity, maximize every opportunity, and realize the full potential of your potential.

If you are a person who pursues and does your work, your relationship will also improve. You will find that if you always keep your word, you will gain the trust of your supervisors, colleagues and staff. Most importantly, you will have better relationships with your spouse, children and friends. They know they can trust what you say, because they see that you live up to your plans and keep your word.

In addition, getting things done will help you have a better relationship with yourself and force you to relate more closely to your wants, needs, abilities, and fears, so instead of being enslaved to subconscious fears and societal pressures, take responsibility. And you take control of your life.

Select the sentence of the book you started and finish it: The art of doing, acting, performing and self-control:

The art of doing things allows you to build the life you really want instead of accepting your current life.
– Before you start your work, gather all the information and materials you need, so that you can work non-stop and reach the determination to move.
Reduce transaction costs by applying hard and tedious adverse behaviors as well as making desirable and easy behaviors desirable.
– Manage your time better by understanding how much each task will actually take and by considering your own change of mind and inefficiency.
Create a scoreboard for each major task. It keeps you motivated and makes you strive for growth and development.

In the part of the book you started, finish it: The Art of Doing, Acting, Performing, and Self-Control by Peter Hollins:

What drives you to pursue and accomplish what you start? How can you stay motivated?

Consider a woman named Sally. Sally is an idealist, so she started a charity to help the poor, but did not anticipate the many challenges and problems along the way. He did not realize that working in a non-profit, non-profit environment was a business, and that his work was more a business than helping people.

Whenever he had a problem raising money, competing with other charities, helping and giving and doing business, and getting others interested in his motivation, he felt pressured and under-represented. “Why is it so hard to encourage people to care about each other?” He asked himself.

Sally soon lost interest in the work, only enduring a lot of negative emotions and associations. He hated writing scholarship letters and attending charity events. A few months later, he lost the motivation that was so important to him.

Everyone wondered why he gave up what was so important to him.

The main reason for Sally’s failure was that she was unable to anticipate and plan for the negative aspects of her foundation. He thought he would help people more and would not bother to fund it. Because he relied only on goals that motivated him to do his job. He did not help himself to overcome the negative aspects of his foundation business.

If the road of perseverance was a way with fences on both sides, it would be very easy to move forward without shaking hands. If you have no other choice, you can very well lower your head and work, work, work. But no, this road is full of glamorous dodgers, glowing diversion signs and attractive resorts. Temptations and deceptions are associated with many things these days; Something as simple as a red screen notification fills our minds with pleasurable interactions and attracts us to the phone as much as possible. Yes, of course we can not completely eliminate the world of stimuli and temptations. But they are not the main problem at all. The main problem is that we do not know how to deal with them properly and …

You started reading the book, finish it! Who do we recommend:
We recommend this book to all those who are interested in a full life.

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