Where the crawdads sing


Title: Where Crabs Sing

Author: Delia Owens

Translator: Zahra Aloushi

Publisher: Nik Farjam

Subject: American story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 382 p

Language: Farsi



Where the crawdads sing by Delia Owens was released in August 2018. This work was very well received after its publication and was translated into several different languages. It was one of the New York Times bestsellers in 2018 and 2019, and topped the list of the best-selling books in the world for 45 weeks.

This book has a fluent prose and a criminal story that has received a lot of attention. Delia Owens wrote this enjoyable and readable work in two parts, Swamp and Swamp, and began the story with the following sentence: “Swamp is not like swamp. A swamp is a bright place where plants grow in the water that flows up to the sky.

It is a place where its calm streams carry the bright sun to the sea and its long-haired birds with unexpected dignity, as if they were not made to fly; “Despite the noise, thousands of snow geese are happy.”
American zoologist Delia Owens has written a mysterious and tumultuous story about the life of a girl who is immersed in the natural world, based on years of experience and activity in the wild and living in the wild. In “Where Crabs Sing,” he flips through the events of the girl’s life and confronts the reader with a series of reading events.

About the book Where Crabs Sing

“Where Crabs Sing” is an enigmatic story about a girl named Kia Clark who is rejected by her family as a child and then lives alone in the forest with her father. The girl has been living with her naughty father in the heart of the pristine nature of North Carolina since she was three years old. Named the “Swamp Girl”, this capable and intelligent girl experiences years of isolation in the forest and nature, and spends her childhood differently from all her peers. The girl is suspected of criminal cases following an unfortunate incident for a citizen of that area. Chase Andrews’ body was discovered in 1969, and locals immediately suspected Kia Clark. This girl suddenly enters a mysterious and criminal adventure and encounters urban people.

Where Crabs Sing is the 2018 bestseller
“Where Crabs Sing” is Delia Owens’s first book, which brought the author worldwide fame. In this work, the author has gone to the behavioral and personality aspects of a human being and, in fact, a child, which has received less attention until today. He speaks of individualism, isolationism and, in contrast, social life. The New York Times writes of the work: “Where Crabs Sing is a description of the struggle for survival, of hope, of love, of loneliness, of despair, of pride, of prejudice, of flexibility. The main character of the story, Kia Clark, is nicknamed the Swamp Girl… That’s enough in her description: Sorrowful beauty. “A novel to protect nature through a crime story.”

About Delia Owens
Delia Owens is an American writer and zoologist who studied for a doctorate at the University of Georgia. He immigrated to Africa in 1974 and worked in the northern Luangwa National Park. He has been active in the field of wildlife and zoology for several years and has published several articles. “This novel has a special place in my heart,” he said of the book “Where Crabs Sing.” Kia can be any little girl, but she is an exception.

Who are we all? He represents who we can be if we need to be. I believe in him with all my being. Kia teaches us that we have more power than we think; Yes, we may long for belonging to a community, but when we are alone, we can find incredible strength for survival and even progress. “When we do our best, we are more likely to belong to a group.”

Translation of the book Where Crabs Sing in Persian
The book “Where Crabs Sing” written by Delia Owens and published by Amout Publishing and translated by Artemis Masoudi in 1398. This book was quickly translated into Persian after its publication and was very well received by the audience. “Artemis Masoudi”, the translator of this work, born in 1974, has completed his studies in English and general linguistics.

Among his other translated works is “Look Behind You!” He mentioned “Sibel Hogg”, “Eleanor Alifant is absolutely fine” by “Gil Hahnemann” and “The First Phone Call from Heaven” by “Mitch Album”. This work has been published in Iran by the publisher with the permission of the author. This work has also been translated by “Jandaghian Bidgoli” and published by Roozgar Publishing.

In the part of the book where crabs sing we read:
That was the only thing he remembered about the little white church that his mother had taken him to once or twice. The last time they went there was on Easter Sunday, before their mother left, but the only thing Kia remembered about the holiday was screaming, blood, someone falling, and her and her mother running. So he took all the memory out of his mind.

He looked through the trees at his mother’s garden of corn and turnips. It was full of weeds now. Certainly there were no roses there. “Forget it at all. “No god will come to this garden.”

Sand holds secrets better than mud. The sheriff kept the car at the beginning of the path of the fire tower so that they would not pass by the traces that someone had left with his car on the night of the murder, but when they walked on the path and looked for the tire of a car other than their own, with every step, grains of sand. They created deformed movements and dimples.

Then, in the hollows of the gully and the swampy parts of the tower, a multitude of minor events unfolded: the raccoon had gone through the mud with his four children; A snail had formed a lace-like pattern that had been shattered by the passage of a bear, with a small tortoise lying on a cool flower with its abdomen forming the shape of a soft, shallow bowl.

“Like a clear picture, but there is no sign of a human except our car.”

“I do not know,” Joe said. Look at these smooth edges, then a small triangle. “It could be a sign.”

“No, I think it’s a piece of turkey footprint that a method deer has stepped on and geometrically shaped.”

After another quarter of an hour, the sheriff said, “Let’s walk to that small bay, to see if anyone has sailed there instead of picking it up by van.”

As they sniffed the scent of the plant in front of their faces, they stepped into the narrow entrance. Wet sands showed traces of crabs, herons, and flute birds, but no trace of humans.

Joe pointed to the large amount of grains of sand that formed almost a complete semicircle: “But look at this. “It could be the trail of a round-bottomed boat pulled ashore.”

“Not. See how the wind pushes this broken grass stalk back and forth on the sand! This is how he made this semicircle. “Just a trace of grass in the wind.”

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