Veronika Decides to Die Famous Brazilian writer Paolo Coelho narrates the life of a girl who apparently has no problem in her life, she gets bored and decides to die.
Veronica, a young girl who is looking for the dead, finds life. He wanders through life and death for nearly a week, but his awareness of death makes him live harder and do things he has never done before. Veronica thinks about what she does not have and re-evaluates her life.
Veronica seems to have everything she wants. She goes out for fun at night, meets attractive men, but she is not happy. There is little in his life. That is why on the morning of November 11, 1997, he decided to die. He commits suicide with the pill and his suicide fails and he is transferred to a psychiatric center for treatment, the doctor tells him that he will die in a few days.
The listener becomes involved in the story from the very beginning, the story carries with it the same fast rhythm to the end of the listener to find out the fate of the central character of the story, the one who has decided to kill himself.
This story follows Veronica in these critical days, as Veronica is surprised to find that she has been admitted to the hospital where she is being treated. In this situation, he discovers things he had never allowed himself to do before: hatred, fear, curiosity, love, and these experiences gradually make him realize the fact that every second of his life is a choice between life and death.
The sick Veronica falls in love with a schizophrenic boy, and this love frees him from emptiness and gradually ignites the desire for life in him. Until the doctors announce that Veronica is not alive for more than a month and she must end this endless love.
Veronika Decides to Die is more about madness and the need to find a different way of life, for those who are often bothered by the prejudices of others, simply because they do not think like others.
Paulo Coelho is a contemporary Brazilian writer. His novels are popular among the general public in different countries of the world. He was elected UN Ambassador for Peace in 2007 for his humanitarian work. His books have been translated into 73 languages, 135 million copies of his books have been published worldwide and have reached 168 countries. These works have won many literary awards for the author. The Alchemist, Paolo Coelho’s most famous novel, is one of the best-selling novels of the last decade of the twentieth century.
Excerpts from the book Veronica Decides to Die:
Awareness of death. It encourages us to live more intensely.
– People never learn by hearing anything. They have to find out for themselves.
– People only go crazy when they want to escape from their daily lives.
Prison never trains a prisoner, it only teaches him to commit more crimes.
– What am I real? It’s what you are, not what others make of you…
– Soon he had the last experience of his life and this experience was completely different, death.
– We are allowed to make many mistakes in life except the mistake that will not destroy us.
The truth is that human beings are happy to hear about the misery of others. Because it makes them believe that they are happy!
– Among all the animals of the world. Only humans are executed by humans. No more animals will be executed.
– He had no idea, but he tasted the thought that he would soon find the answer to a question that everyone is asking themselves. “does God exist???”
In a world where everyone is fighting for their survival at any cost, what judgment can be made about those who decide to commit suicide to die?
If God exists, He will undoubtedly be merciful to the creatures who decide to leave this earth sooner, and may even apologize for forcing us to spend our time there.
About the book Veronika Decides to Die
Suicide with a gun, jumping from a tall building, hanging himself, none of these solutions matched her gentle feminine spirit. Women who decide to commit suicide use more sensitive methods – such as cutting their wrists or taking a large number of sleeping pills. Rejected princesses and Hollywood actresses provide examples of many of these types. Veronica knew that life was always waiting for the right moment to act.
And so it was. In response to his complaint of insomnia, two of his friends each gave him two packs of strong sleeping pills, mostly used by nightclub musicians. For a week, Veronica had placed the four packages on the table by her bed, welcoming the imminent death — completely without emotion — and saying goodbye to what people called life. Now it was time; He was glad he had gone through all these steps, and he was bored because he did not know what to do with the time left.
He thought again about the nonsensical question he had read. How could a computer story start with such stupid information: “Where is Slovenia?” Having no more interesting work available, he decided to read the whole story, and found that this computer game was invented in Slovenia – in the same strange country that no one knew except the people who lived there – because it was the center It was considered cheap work. A few months ago, when the product was launched, the French producer hosted a party for journalists from all over the world in a palace in the city of Valad.
Veronica Decides to Die is a film adaptation of the book of the same name
Published by the famous Portuguese writer Paolo Coelho in 1998.
Coelho writes this story with the experience of staying in a mental hospital.
This book is the story of 24-year-old Veronica who decides to commit suicide despite her normal life.
But in search of death, he finds life.
According to the author, this book is about those who do not fit into the usual forms of society.
Is about madness and the need to find a different way of life,
For those who are often bothered by the prejudices of others,
“Just because they do not think like others.”
In the end, the reader is faced with the decision to “conclude” the second title for the novel after reading it and say:
Veronica decides to be “free.”
In 2009, a film version of the book, directed by Emily Young, was released in the United States.
Although the film is not as sophisticated as the book
But seeing it along with reading the original book is not without grace.
Psychological analysis
The existential themes of this book became an excuse for its psychological analysis.
The film begins with the fantasies of 24-year-old Veronica.
He walks and imagines the future in his mind…
A not-so-beautiful image of the stereotypes of public life.
Good work, falling in love, getting married, having children, being cold and estranged from a spouse, betraying and reaching a stage in life
That he gets so tired that he can only bear it, not life!
Life is miserable;
He prefers to say goodbye to a life full of suffering and helplessness before the real experience.
“Veronica decides to die!”
He gets home and takes his pill to carry out his decision to die.
As he wanders between life and death, his eye falls on a magazine that reads, “Green is a new black”;
Such a statement in those moments full of despair aroused his anger even more
And he decided to email that magazine the last thing he did in the world.
Finds the magazine’s email address and writes to them:
چنین “Such slogans drove us crazy!
There is no way to escape.
“I’m killing myself instead of living in this crazy world!”
Veronica gives her the gift of a miserable life to meet it and goes to greet death.
When he opens his eyes, he first thinks he is dead
But the nurse explains where he is and what happened to him!
He carries bad news for Veronica, the news that his heart has suffered from serious complications due to taking medicine and he will finally survive for a few weeks!
But this is just the trick of her psychiatrist who wants to make Veronica aware of life in the shadow of death.
Existential psychotherapists believe that facing death can make a person’s life doubly enjoyable.
“Limiting the possibility of obtaining a pleasure increases the amount of that pleasure,” says Freud.
We know many heroes who have undergone great changes in the face of death.
However, this is not the case for everyone, and discouragement and despair may be reinforced in them
But there are those who give up negativity when they feel the stroke of death.
They leave themselves in the lurch of life and try to use the little time they have left.
Exhausted by the rain of blame, Veronica stops struggling to die
Because he knows he will die soon.
Of course, he spent several days in the hospital trying to access medicine for suicide
He finally surrenders.
Her psychiatrist arranges for Veronica to visit her
To talk about his condition.
During their conversations, it turns out that Veronica is a leading girl, approved by everyone and successful
Of course, he himself is not happy playing the popular role of others!
A role that is not his own, and he shouts his protest like this:
“I hate my parents!” They did not live their own lives even for a moment.
Veronika Decides to Die
“I hate most of all the zombies in the subway who forget all their dreams or any truth they can make come true.”
In fact, he protests against the hateful aspects of his life.
Not to be abandoned, not to be real and not to live.
Another character in the story is Edward, who lost his fiancé in a car accident
And a strong sense of guilt at his guilt led him to a psychiatric hospital.
He does not communicate with anyone and has not spoken a word for a long time!
Veronica’s therapist thinks that if an interest develops between Edward and Veronica
Both will benefit from that relationship!
Veronica helps Edward recover by giving thought
And Edward makes Veronica’s life meaningful by tasting it.
Frankel, one of the pioneers of existential psychology, uses the term “racial existence” to refer to mental disorders.
And he believes that the inability to find meaning in life is one of the most important causes of mental disorders.
Frankel believes that a person manifests his humanity by searching for meaning in his life
And this is a great progress for man
To even ask about the meaning of his life!
Since meaning must not be “found” or “created” in life
Veronica decides to be “free.”
Veronica’s therapist tries to help her find meaning by preparing the environment.
There are three ways to create meaning in existential therapies:
Love a human being, create and finally find meaning in suffering!
The first way is to fall in love with the valve that Veronica therapist is looking for.
During the film, Edward did not communicate with anyone
He is approached by Veronica through the sound of a piano playing
And gradually communicates with him.
Veronica experiences an extraordinary feeling alongside Edward
And is upset that he will die soon
He has two requests from his therapist:
The first is to give him medicine to keep him awake and make the most of his short life
And second, to let him out of the mental hospital to do the things he always liked but did not do!
He never lived freely and according to his will
And now he wants to express all his feelings and interests
In other words, “Veronica decides to be ‘free’!”
Last night I realized I had to live!
There are many things I do not know about myself.
Edward and Veronica both run away from the hospital,
The story ends but their lives begin!
“If you close the door, the night will continue forever. Let the sun rise and say hello forever…”
About Paolo Coelho
Paolo Coelho was born in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is a contemporary Brazilian writer, in Latin America and many other countries, in addition to having countless fans, he is also known as a spiritual master. Coelho was born into a family with a housewife mother and an engineer father. As a teenager, he decided to become a writer, but his mother because of her father’s engineering job and the fact that engineers are logical and she does not know what it means to be a writer? Paolo opposed this decision. And he always told her that she should study law first and then write in her spare time. But he did not give up.
His disobedience to tradition led his family to send him to a psychiatric hospital at the age of sixteen. And he managed to escape three times there. At the urging of his parents, he enrolled in law school and lost the dream of writing for a while, but could not survive and left school and traveled around the world for a while. He advocates the release of drugs such as marijuana and cocaine because he blames the ban on experimentation. He has a bitter experience in this field. In 1960, he turned to drugs. It has also been the United Nations peace envoy on poverty since 2007.
His writing style is drama, psychology and self-help. He was also a songwriter, but after his arrest as a sabotage activity (the ruling government at the time considered his poems dangerous and threatening) he turned to the same writer he had always loved and loved.
He published his first book, The Archives of Hell, in 1982, but failed. But after that, his book Alchemist became known as one of the best sellers in Brazil. The book has been translated into more than 70 languages, and for this reason, his name was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as a living author whose book has been translated into most languages in the world. He has published thirty books so far.
He is also active on many social networks and has attracted many followers on Twitter.
Coelho traveled to Iran in 2000.
1- Introducing the book Veronika Decides to Die on YouTube
2- Introducing the book Veronika Decides to Die in Aparat
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