To have or to be


Title: To have or to be

Author: Eric Fromm

Translator: Akbar Tabrizi

Publisher: Morvarid

Subject: Ontology, personality

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 220 p

Language: Farsi

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To have or to be I have heard these words many times, but today I want to write a page about it. Sometimes I think to myself whether it is really necessary to have or not. Is it possible to experience being without having?

What is the difference between the two? And what is the border between the two ?!

Think of the old days? How they kept everything in a box as if keeping and taking care of things was necessary to live well. If someone had something in the past, they would keep it well because they said it was old and beautiful.

But why do we lose so easily today?

Is this a model of having? We try to have everything modern and new. I wish the issue was decided to be just as modern, but the situation gets worse when it is not just a matter of buying and being up to date, it is a matter of ownership.

My dentist, my lawyer, my hairdresser, my laborer, these are signs of ownership. In his valuable book, To Have or To Be, Eric Fromm describes the nature of having:

“Having” makes every person and everything dead and lifeless and subject to the power of others. “

It is the human being who is afflicted with the object of domination, the means by which they decide. Consumer and monopolist man.

Consumption is also a form of possession and the increase in consumption increases when the previous consumption loses its satisfactory property.

This is why Freud said: A person who thinks exclusively of possession is a nervous person.

Unfortunately, today’s world is strangely possessed and the pleasure is in having the means, and that is why the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction is not lasting and human beings get tired quickly and seek to change their means.

But being, being deals with the inside and essence of the person. To be means to expand my abilities, to be means to judge me without my car, my mobile phone, my watch.

Being means love, affection, self-sacrifice, forgiveness, friendship and good mood, and it seems that it is difficult to choose between these two words!

Who is Eric Fromm?
Eric Fromm is a German-American psychologist, sociologist, and author. Eric Fromm’s reputation in Iran is due to his books on psychoanalysis and psychology.

His books are best-selling not only in Iran but all over the world due to their logical and complete course. The main idea of ​​this author was that by applying the principles of psychoanalysis, many human cultural diseases can be cured.

Biography of Eric Fromm
American-German writer, psychologist, psychologist Erich Fromm was born on March 23, 1900 in Germany. His name is pronounced Erich in German and that is why this name appears in some databases and books.

Eric Fromm completed his studies at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich and continued his specialization at the Berlin Institute for Psychoanalysis. He immigrated to the United States in 1934 and taught at Columbia University in New York.
He also served on the Durrani Forum at the Independent National University of Mexico. Eric Fromm moved to Switzerland at the end of his life and died in Switzerland in 1980.

Eric Fromm Theory
Eric Fromm is one of the most important German theorists. His theories of psychoanalysis, such as Alfred Adler and Karen Horne, are close to those of the famous philosopher Sigmund Freud.

Freud believed that humans were not formed flexibly by biological instinctual forces.
Eric Fromm added a section to this theory. He believed that social and cultural elements affect human personality, and that is how human beings have evolved throughout history.

He believed that our personal conflicts arise from the kinds of communities we build. However, we are not doomed to suffer, but we can solve these problems with a little knowledge and effort.

Take a look at Eric Fromm’s thoughts
One of Eric Fromm’s most important thoughts has been about love and what it is.

Eric Fromm has collected his thoughts on love in The Art of Loving. You can find comprehensive knowledge on this subject by reading this book.

“The theory of love must begin with a theory of man and human existence,” says Eric Fromm in The Art of Loving.

Love or things similar to love can be found among animals, but their dependencies are essentially part of their instinctive equipment, and only remnants of this instinctive equipment can be seen in humans that play a role.
What is certain about the existence of man is the fact that he emerged from the realm of animal kingdom and instinctual adaptation but surpassed nature (although he never leaves nature and is part of it) because somewhere he severed his connection with nature and from Paradise (state of oneness with nature) was expelled, even if it intended to return.

Angels have blocked his way with fiery swords and he can not return to it. Man can progress only by cultivating his wisdom; “By finding a new human-like harmony, not a pre-human harmony that has been irreversibly lost.”

Works of Eric Fromm
Eric Fromm has more than twenty books in his literary career. The famous author’s books were first published in English and in the United States, and later translated into other languages, including Persian.

The art of making love

Escape from freedom

Man for himself, a study in the psychology of ethics

Psychoanalysis and religion

Forgotten language; Understanding and interpreting dreams, children’s stories and myths

Healthy society

The mission of Sigmund Freud

The true nature of man

Will man win? Truth and myth in world politics

Beyond the chains of thought

Christian dogma and research in religion, psychology and culture

The human heart and its tendency to good and evil

You must stay with the gods

Revolution of Hope

Psychoanalytic crisis

Anatomy of human destruction

To have or to be?

In the name of life

Being an art

Quotes from Eric Fromm
If one truly and sincerely loves someone, he will surely love all people, the world and life. If I can say to someone, “I love you,” I must also be able to say, “I love everyone in you, I love the whole world with you, I even love myself in you.”

If someone tells us that he loves flowers, but we see that he often forgets to water his flowers, we will not believe his love for flowers.

Love is a serious desire to live and nurture what we cherish. When there is no serious desire, there is no love.
Love is the only wise and satisfying answer to the problems of human existence.

Irrational love is love that increases human dependence and causes anxiety and enmity. Rational love, on the other hand, is a love that sincerely relates one person to another and at the same time preserves his or her independence and oneness.

The essence of love is to suffer for something and to cultivate it; That is, love and suffering are inseparable. Man loves what he has suffered for, and suffering paves the way for what he loves.

Excerpts from having or being a book (text pleasure)
This desire for “godliness” does not exist without religious institutions attacking religions.

Rather, it means that the Catholic Church must apply the spirit and essence of the Bible, and the beginning of this transformation is a change in its bureaucracy.

Nor does it mean that socialist countries should become non-socialist, but that their imitation socialism should become genuine and humane socialism.

The secret of the flourishing of medieval culture was in the faith and insight of the people to the “heavenly paradise”. Modern society thrived because insight empowered people to spread the “earthly paradise of progress.”

But in our century, this insight, like the Tower of Babel, has collapsed and is on the verge of destruction, to bury everyone under its ruins.
If heaven and earth were heavenly theses and antitheses, only a new synthesis would replace chaos: a synthesis between the spirituality of the late medieval world and the evolution of thought and science from the Renaissance to the present. This is the synthesis of “being” heaven.

If we dare to accept the law that the world is unstable and nothing is stable, we will achieve great peace.

Features of having or being a book
Eric Fromm is a New York Times bestselling author

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