Time Management


Title: Time Management; Proven ways to get more done in less time without even thinking about it

Author: Brian Tracy

Translator: Assadollah Haqqani

Publisher: Atisa

Topic: Time management

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 240

Language: Farsi

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Time management from Brian Tracy’s Success Library collection helps you to have two hours more time each working day and double your output and productivity.

Brian Tracy’s latest book in Persian in 2014 with the subject: Time Management

Twenty-one methods that make you have 2 hours more time each working day
The success of these techniques has been proven to thousands of managers, and as long as you have four well-known productivity factors with you, they will be successful for you as well.
The book “Time Management” deals with the following issues
How to control interruptions, emails, meetings and phone calls
Four key factors of productivity
Allocate time for high priority tasks
Overcoming procrastination and procrastination
Methods of assigning and deleting tasks
And dozens of other practical tips

About Time Management Book

What you will learn in this book are 21 important ways to effectively manage time that almost all very successful people have discovered and applied in their lives. Achieving success with Time Management book techniques has been proven for thousands of managers, and it will be successful for you as long as you have the four famous factors of productivity – passion, determination, willpower and discipline with you.

In this book, Brian Tracy deals with a variety of useful topics, including: How to control interruptions, emails, meetings and phone calls, four key factors of productivity, allocating time for high-priority tasks, overcoming procrastination and procrastination Jobs, methods of assigning and deleting jobs, and dozens of other practical tips.

Your ability to manage time as a manager, as much as any other job, determines your success or failure.

Time is an essential and irreplaceable resource for success. This is your most valuable asset. It can not be saved or lost time. Everything you need to do takes time, and the better you use your time, the more successful you will be and the greater your rewards.
Time management is critical to maximizing personal health and productivity. The amount of control you have over your time and life is an important indicator of how much inner peace, harmony, and mental health you have. Feeling unable to control time is a major source of stress, anxiety and depression. The better you organize and control the important events of your life, the better you will feel every moment, the more energy you will have, the better you will sleep and the more you will do.

The benefits of becoming a great time manager are enormous.

It’s the same distinguishing quality of successful people versus unsuccessful people. All successful people make good use of their time. All unsuccessful people make poor use of their time. One of the most important rules of success is “creating good habits and turning them into your master.” In this book, you will learn how to develop good habits and then let them shape you.

Remember that time management is actually life management. Managing good time and personal productivity begins with valuing life and every minute of it. You have to tell yourself, “My life is precious and important, and I value every minute and hour of it.”
“I want to make good use of these watches to make the most of the time I have.” The good news is that time management is a managerial skill and management skills can be learned. Time management is like riding a bike, typing with a keyboard, or exercising, and consists of a set of methods, strategies, and techniques. It is a set of skills that you can learn, practice, and master with willpower and repetition.

In a part of the time management book, we read:

Some of the most productive people I know have set up autoresponders for their emails. The text is something like, “I only reply to my emails twice a day because I’m too busy. If you have sent me an email, I will try to reply to you as soon as possible. “If your job is urgent, call a number and talk to someone.”

The busy journalist told a story about his two-week trip to Europe. He did not have access to his email all that time. When he returned home, he received more than 700 emails. He knew that answering them would take hours and several days. So he took a deep breath and pressed the “Clear All” button.

His attitude was simple.

“I avoid being a slave to those who send me emails and expect an immediate response,” he said. “Instead, if one of these emails is important, whoever sent it will send it again.”
He was right. Ninety percent of the emails he deleted were never resent, and important emails he deleted were resent within a few days.

Decide not to let email take control of your life. Instead, commit to using email as a business tool. Give quick and direct answers. Check emails twice or less a day. It is even better to turn off the e-mail on the weekends and spend more time with family and friends or do personal chores.

Index of the book

Chapter1: Psychology of Time Management
Chapter2: Identify your values
Chapter3: Think about your vision and mission
Chapter4: Go to the Future and Look Back
Chapter5: Make written plans
Chapter6: Draw projects on the chart
Chapter7: Make a to-do list
Chapter8: Set Clear Priorities
Chapter9: Stay on track
Chapter10: Identify your key results
Chapter11: Leave the work to others
Chapter12: Focus Firmly
Chapter13: Overcome Procrastination
Chapter14: Create Large Pieces of Time
Chapter15: Control Intervals
Chapter16: Categorize your work
Chapter17: Manage the Phone
Chapter18: Hold Effective Meetings
Chapter19: Read faster, remember more
Chapter20: Invest in Personal Improvement
Chapter21: Organize your work environment

About the author of the book

Brian Tracy, born in 1944 in Charlottetown, Canada, is one of the authors of self-help books, many of which are illustrated. Brian Tracy is one of the most famous speakers in the world. The subject of his seminars and presentations includes leadership, sales, effective management and business strategy. Tracy is a creative writer who has gained a lot of experience in her life. Brian Tracy’s most famous works include Swallow Frogs, Forbidden Excuses, Personal Success, Brian Tracy’s 120 Rules, and Power of Expression.

About the book

This book is about time management and is designed to give you hundreds of valuable ideas that you can use immediately to organize your life and activities and make the most of your desires and needs to achieve happiness. Brian Tracy’s book Time Management is the result of twenty years of research and training in personal effectiveness and is based on Brian Tracy’s 25 years of experience in marketing and sales, management and consulting in more than 500 companies.

The Time Management book shows a comprehensive system that helps you make better use of your time and increase your productivity and income.
Time management, which includes individual tools and techniques, shows how to: Get two extra productive hours a day, make better and faster decisions, focus on worthwhile activities, manage plans (multitasking) more efficiently, solve problems Overcome people who waste time, stop procrastination once and for all.

Book Review

Perhaps few are unfamiliar with the importance of time and the need for effective management. So far, various books on time management have been published. Some of these books offer time management solutions with confusing language and complex formulas. Brian Tracy, meanwhile, addresses this issue in the fifth book in his new collection. Time management is one of the important topics that Tracy has repeatedly emphasized in her work and personal life and has collected and presented many points in this regard.

Tracy emphasizes in her book Time Management:

Your ability to manage time as a manager, as much as any other job, determines your success or failure. Time is an essential and irreplaceable resource for success. This is your most valuable asset. It can not be saved or lost time.
This author is the world of success; Referring to the important role of time management in improving productivity; Here are the differences between successful and unsuccessful people: The benefits of becoming a great time manager are enormous. It’s the same distinguishing quality of successful people versus unsuccessful people. All successful people make good use of their time. All unsuccessful people make poor use of their time. One of the most important rules for success is to develop good habits and turn them into your master.

Tracy believes that the key to achieving high levels of efficiency and productivity is to build good habits in yourself forever and emphasizes that you go to your most important job every morning. You need to make it a habit in your life to swallow your frog every day before doing anything without spending too much time.

A few golden tips for time management Brian Tracy

Time management is critical to maximizing personal health and productivity.
Managing good time and personal productivity begins with valuing life and every minute of it.
Time management does not mean being busy all the time! It means using your time the way you want to spend it.
Everything you need to do takes time, and the better you use your time, the more successful you will be and the greater your rewards.
Excerpts from the book
Time management is a tool that takes you from your current location to your destination.

Time management is a set of personal rules that, if followed, will allow you to achieve and do what you need to achieve success in life and achieve happiness and orgasm in life.

The starting point for developing time management skills is to know that time management is actually life management.

When you master time, you will also have complete control over your future.

Concluding remarks
Brian Tracy’s time management book shows you satisfaction, efficiency and earning more with effective and time-saving strategies. As a result, by practicing what you learn in this book, you will have at least two extra busy hours every day, which is very good and you can change your work and personal life, as well as achieve your goals. Time management is the way to achieve personal efficiency, self-esteem, self-esteem and consequently happiness. With time management you can overcome any obstacle and have complete control over your whole life and future, and one important point is that time management is a skill such as typing or cycling, and like other skills, it can be practiced and repeated. learned.

In this article,

we summarize Time Management, one of Brian Tracy’s great works, and review the lessons we can learn from this book. According to the teachings of this book, we must learn time management to achieve success; Because effective time management must increase productivity and increase productivity leads us to success.
We all have goals in life that we want to achieve at a specific time. One of the most important and essential resources we have to achieve our goals is time. Time is our most precious asset and it is not possible to save it. When time is lost, it is no longer possible to return or recreate it. Brian Tracy, one of the world’s foremost writers on personal growth and development, has written a book on time management to help us make better use of this precious wealth.

Proper time management is so useful and effective that it can affect all aspects of our lives.

In fact, by studying Brian Tracy’s book Time Management and following the teachings of this valuable and brilliant book, we can achieve inner peace and good mood. If you want to get acquainted with this brilliant and magical book and learn its important lessons, join us until the end of this article.
Brian Tracy is one of the most famous authors and speakers in the field of personal growth and development around the world, and every book he writes sells at least millions of copies and impresses a world.

He first became famous with the book Swallow Your Frog, but after that he created much better and more valuable works, and this is how his fame spread everywhere, and he even traveled to Iran and, incidentally, gave a speech on this trip.

Born in Canada in 1944, he is one of the most successful and self-made people in the world. He was born into a poor family but was able to become a very famous and rich person with a lot of work and effort. He has a sentence that can help us a lot:

Throughout my career, I have discovered a simple truth, and that simple truth has led me to greater success in better situations. I found respect and happiness in the fact that a person can focus his mind only on one important goal and do all the necessary things correctly and not give up until he achieves the result. That’s the point of all my books.
In fact, from the above it can be well understood that Brian Tracy attributes success to three factors:

Focus on the important goal

Try and do all the necessary things correctly and correctly
Continue until the result is achieved

Brian Tracy is the author of many books on success, and his best works include The Power of Planning, The Power of Expression, Crisis Management, and more. In this post, I will focus on one of his most successful work on success. It can be said that time is one of the most important elements that has a direct relationship with success, and its optimal and effective use increases the possibility of success in life.

To make better use of time, you must be able to manage it, and to manage it better, you must increase your knowledge of time management and methods of using it. Brian Tracy’s time management book is one of the best books written in this field that I have personally read and I can say that after the third chapter of the book Seven Habits of Effective People which is related to time management habit, it is the best book that I have read in this regard and I intend to introduce you to this work, albeit briefly. …

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