Think again


Title: Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Do Not Know

Author: Adam Grant

Translator: Farzaneh Haj Khalili

Publisher: Milkan

Subject: Thought and thinking / questioning / cognition

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 312

Language: Farsi



Introducing the book Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Do Not Know by Adam Grant
Think Again is a work by Adam Grant, author of Debt and Debit Books and Option B. Think Again by purchasing the copyright in Iran and with the official permission of the author, translated and published simultaneously in Iran, all over the world.

In this book, Adam Grant talks about mental readiness and the power to think again and again and to re-learn what we have learned in the past to make timely decisions in life and achieve goals.

Think about the book again
According to popular definitions, intelligence is the ability to think and learn. The prevailing perception is that the smarter you are, the more complex your ability to solve problems and the faster you can solve them.

But in today’s complex world, there is another set of cognitive skills that may be more important than intelligence: the ability to reconsider, rethink, and forget what has been learned.

“Suppose you have just finished the questions on a multiple-choice test and you have doubts about one of your answers,” says Grant. There is still some time, do you have to stick to your initial opinion or change your answer?

About three-quarters of students believe that revising the answer will hurt them. Kaplan, a large training company, advised: “Be very careful when changing the answer. “Experience shows that many students who change their answers will eventually choose the wrong answer.” With all due respect to the empirical teachings, I prefer the accuracy of the evidence. A team of three psychologists, after a thorough review of 33 research studies, concluded that most of the revisions in each of these studies resulted in the elimination of the wrong answer and the selection of the correct answer. This phenomenon is incorrectly called initial conjecture.
In this book, Grant talks to you about the value of revision. About using some kind of mental flexibility saves you from critical situations.

The purpose of this book is to examine revisionist approaches. He has sought the most convincing evidence and some of the most skilled revisers in the world. The focus of the first part of the book is on opening our minds. In this section you will also find out why a futuristic entrepreneur is trapped in the past, why a government candidate favors Impaster Syndrome (a psychological phenomenon in which people can not accept their success), how a Nobel Prize-winning scientist makes a mistake Enjoys how the world’s best predictors update their perspectives, and how an Oscar-winning filmmaker struggles constructively.

The second section examines ways to encourage others to reconsider. You see the approach of an international debate hero to win debates and the success of a black musician in persuading white supremacists and putting aside their aversion to black. You will see the power of a particular kind of listening that helped a doctor change the mindset of parents about the vaccine and help a legislator convince the commander of the Ugandan army to attend peace talks.
The third section is about our approach to building communities of lifelong learners. The role of a lab of difficult conversations on people’s social lives will show you how our best communication approaches to controversial issues such as abortion and climate change. See the role of teachers in schools in how they can teach students the power of revision by comparing classroom space to a museum, promoting a carpenter’s view of projects, and rewriting old and authentic textbooks. You will see how NASA took control of the workplace to create a culture of learning in the workplace with the first Hispanic woman in space to prevent the aftermath of the Columbia space shuttle disaster. This section concludes by reflecting on the importance of reviewing the best designs.

This book is a call to let go of outdated knowledge and ideas, as well as to establish our self-image not on the basis of vote stability but on reliance on flexibility. Grant believes that if you master the art of review, you will have better conditions for work success and your life will be more satisfying. A review can help you create new solutions to old problems and correct old solutions to new ones. This is a way to learn more from those around you and live with less regrets. One of the signs of wisdom is knowing when some of the most valuable tools – and some of the most popular parts of your identity – will be released.

Who do we recommend reading the book Think Again
If you are interested in books on psychology, motivation, personal growth and success. You will enjoy reading the book again, think again.

About Adam Grant
Adam Grant was born on August 13, 1981 in the United States. He is a writer and professor at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School. Adam Grant grew up in Detroit, Michigan and is best known for his early academic honors at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School.

Selected sentences from the book Think Again:
The smarter they are, the harder it is for them to fail.
Ignorance over knowledge will lead to self-confidence.
Boring someone in an argument is different from convincing them.
When “conflict” is like a cliché, “complexity” plays an important role.
– It is rare to find someone who wants to hear something he does not like to hear.
Think part of the book again
Mike’s first success came when he invented the fast barcode reader for camera films, a phenomenon so significant in Hollywood that it earned him an Emmy and an Academy Award for Technical Achievement. Of course, this device was a small invention compared to the next invention that made his company the fastest growing company on the planet. Mike’s flagship device soon caught the attention of a large number of people, bringing in a range of loyal customers from Bill Gates to Christina Aguilera. “It’s really changed my life,” Oprah Winfrey said in an exaggerated statement. “I can not live without it.” Even when President Obama entered the White House, he refused to hand over his device to the “secret service.”

Mike Lazaridis’s idea for BlackBerry was a wireless communication device for sending and receiving emails. In the summer of 2009, the company monopolized almost half of the US smartphone market. But in 2014, its market share fell below 1%.
When a company falls head over heels like this, we can not identify a single cause of its downfall, so we try to describe it in human terms: BlackBerry could not adapt. But adapting to a changing environment is not something the company has to do – the people who work in it have to do so in a wide range of their day-to-day decisions. As the founder, chairman, and CEO of the organization, Mike was responsible for all technical decisions and decisions related to BlackBerry products. Although his attitude can be seen as a spark for the evolution of smartphones, his inability to reconsider caused the death of the company and virtually destroyed its invention. Where was the mistake?

Most of us are proud of our knowledge and expertise and we love to stick to our beliefs. In a stable world, such a mindset would make sense, and the stability of our beliefs would bring significant benefits. But the problem is that our world is changing rapidly, and we must take the time to reconsider and refine our thinking, equivalent to the time we spend thinking.
Revision is a set of skills and, of course, a way of thinking. We already have many of the mental tools we need. We just have to remember to dust them off from time to time by taking them off the shelf.

Change of vote

Given the advances in technology and access to information, we are seeing an increase in knowledge, at a very high rate. The amount of information and knowledge received daily by each person in 2011 was almost 5 times more than 25 years ago. In 1950, it took almost 50 years for medical knowledge to double. In 1980, the period of doubling medical knowledge reached seven years, and in 2010, three and a half years! Accelerating change means that we need to question our beliefs more easily than ever.

Index of the book
Part One: Personal Appeal
Chapter 1: A preacher, a prosecutor, a politician and a scientist step into your mind
Chapter 2: The Outcast and the Cheater
Chapter 3: The Fun of Making a Mistake
Chapter 4: A Good Boxing Club
Part II: Interpersonal Review
Chapter 5: Dancing with Enemies
Chapter 6: Enmity over Diamonds
Chapter 7: Vaccine promoters and good-natured interrogators
Part Three: Collective Review
Chapter 8: Emotional Conversations
Chapter 9: Textbook Rewriting
Chapter 10: This is different from our usual way
Section 4: Conclusion
Chapter 11: Avoiding Short-sightedness

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