The Ten commandments


Title: 10 Steps to Peace of Life

Author: Laura Schlesinger

Translator: Mina Ghaffari

Publisher: Standard

Topic: The way of life

Extensive title: Ten steps to the comfort of life

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 188

Language: Farsi



Introducing the book The Ten commandments : the significance of Gods laws in everyday life  by Dr. Laura Schlesinger.

Dr. Laura Schlesinger received her Ph.D. in Physiology from Columbia University and holds a postdoctoral fellowship in marital issues. She is the author of seven valuable books called The following: 10 steps to calm your life. Take care of your husband. 10 Stupid things that ruin women’s life. 10 Stupid things that ruin men’s lives. Ruins 10 stupid things that ruin a couple’s life Bad kid Good life.

What is peace in life?

Relaxation does not mean laziness and drowsiness! Peace means setting the forces and putting them all in one direction, in line with the goal, not fighting them. Calmness means looking broader and not clinging to trivial details and issues.

What is peace in life?

Defining peace is not an easy task, yet we may be able to define it as a life free of violence (physical, mental, spiritual, and all its other forms) with respect, understanding of differences, and a sense of urgency. External peace goes back to the world and inner peace goes back to each person’s conscience.

External peace: The concept of external peace, which we all know as peace, means that we can respect and love each other despite cultural, religious and political differences.

Inner peace:

We must first cultivate peace within ourselves; That is, we need to recognize and overcome fear, anger, prejudice, and lack of social skills (which lead to violent behaviors). If we can not control our internal violence, the external storm will never subside.
Life at its best is chaotic. We are all always in a hurry, doing several things at the same time, trying to do everything for everyone, and rarely making enough time for ourselves. We are all looking for peace, but usually we do not do what is necessary to achieve it, and we look for ways to achieve peace that only increase the chaos of our lives.

The main source of peace is within human beings and is in fact an inner feeling. However, environmental and external factors are also influential. Peace means enjoying life, hoping for the future, meeting social needs, security and social support. The presence of people who love you or you love them actually adds to your quality of life. Lack of anxiety disorders and depression all play an important role in mental health and relaxation.

Ways to create peace in life

1) Know that control of nothing in the world is in the hands of anyone but yourself.
You are the only thing you have complete control over. When you understand this, and change your perspective and actions accordingly, your life will become more relaxed. When you try to control other people or situations that are beyond your control, you are only wasting your time and adding to the chaos of your life.

2) Cut some of your relationships and create new ones.
It’s not easy, but if you want a quiet life, you have to do it. There are one or two people in our lives – or maybe more – who do not have much of an impact on our lives. Of course, this does not mean finding friends who have done nothing for you.

It’s not a matter of what these people have done for you. The question is how much they have helped you emotionally and how much they have raised your energy level. We mean friends who have countless problems in their lives and every time they see you they only weave negatives about those problems.

Breaking up with people is hard work.

In some cases, you can not completely remove them from your life, but you can limit the extent of your relationship, which is completely in your hands. You can replace these people with others who value your relationship and your life, and you can be sure that you will wonder how dramatically your energy level, your peace of mind, your happiness and your life as a whole will change after this move.

3) Reduce the clutter of your life.
This does not mean throwing out all your belongings. No, we mean tidying up your closets, floors and furniture at home and at work. Get rid of clutter you do not need, do not use, and can easily live without. You can give these items to others, sell them or throw them in the trash.

4) If you have differences in your personal relationships and you are still upset about it, improve your relationship.
Go and talk to the person and share your feelings with him. If necessary, apologize and forgive, or apologize to your partner and forgive him. If that relationship is worth keeping, rest assured you can maintain it.

Otherwise it will cause incompatibility and discord which you will have to cut later.

5) Re-evaluate your budget and expenses.
Money complicates everything and does not give you peace of mind. It has long been said that money does not bring happiness, but this statement is not necessarily true. Would you be happy if you could not pay the rent and the landlord evicted you? Certainly not. Would you be happy if you could not afford to pay for your children’s education? Not. Would you be happy if you could not pay your bills and taxes, travel once a year, or buy new clothes for your children? It turns out not.

Money brings you security and comfort and plays a very important role in our overall happiness. Cut out unnecessary expenses and save more money. Look for more lucrative jobs and make sure your family is financially secure.

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