The Last Day of a Condemned Man


Title: The Last Day of a Convict

Author: Victor Marie Hugo

Translator: Shahla Insani

Publisher: Secretary

Subject: French stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 208

Language: Farsi

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The Last Day of a Condemned Man is a novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1829. This novel, which was a very shocking work in its time, is a profound and shocking story and a very important book in the field of social analysis.

A man excluded from society and sentenced to death wakes up every morning thinking that this day may be the last day of his life. It is only the hope of freedom that is a little comforting to him, and he spends his hours thinking about his former life and the time of his release.
But as the hours go by, he knows he has no power to change his destiny. He must step on a path that many before him have experienced; The path that leads to the guillotine.

The Last Day of a Condemned Man

The Last Day of a Convict and Claude Benoit is a novel and a short story by the great French author Victor Hugo. In 1829, Victor Hugo published the novel The Last Day of a Convict without mentioning the author.

About The Last Day of a Condemned Man

The narrator is a man who will be executed shortly afterwards. We know nothing about that man. We do not know what his name is, nor do we even know what crime he committed, but we understand his fears and anxieties very well.

A few years later, in 1832, a new version of the novel was published with a long introduction and the signature of Victor Hugo. In the introduction to this new edition, Victor Hugo wrote his intention to write this novel, which can in fact be considered a sermon against the death penalty, and to substantiate what he had written by giving clear and precise examples.

The novel The Last Day of a Condemned Man is also very profound and has a powerful prose.
Claude the Poor is also a story about a poor worker who is called Claude the Poor. Hugo wrote the story based on the real life of the worker, who told only the facts.

Claude was a capable and shrewd worker who was illiterate. He was out of work for a winter and his family was in dire straits, so he was forced to steal. The result was three days of heat, food and bread for his wife and children and five years in prison for him …

In both of these works, like his masterpiece, Hugo portrays the poor, corners of French history and society, and criticizes the wind.

To whom do we recommend reading a book on the last day of a convict?
We invite those interested in fiction, especially the works of Victor Hugo, to read this work.

About Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo is one of the great poets, novelists and playwrights of the French Romantic style. Hugo is world-renowned as one of the best French writers, and his works refer to many of the popular political and artistic ideas of his time, as if recounting the contemporary history of France.

Victor Hugo, the third son of Captain Joseph Leopold Sigiso Hugo (who later became general) and Sophie François Treche Bouche, was born on February 26, 1802 in Besançon. Hugo was heavily influenced by his mother. His mother was a king friend and a fanatical follower of freedom in Voltaire’s ways, and it was only after his mother’s death that his father, that brave soldier, was able to arouse his son’s admiration and love for him.

Victor Hugo’s childhood years were spent in different countries. He studied briefly at the College of the Nobles in Madrid, Spain, and later in France under the tutelage of his tutor, Revue’s father, a retired priest. At the age of twelve, Hugo entered the Cordesier’s, at the behest of his father, and spent most of his primary education there.
Homework did not prevent him from reading and writing Victor’s literary compositions. With the publication of a long poem of happiness, which was a picture of every moment of life, he joined the ranks of poets. Before the age of 20, Victor Hugo was able to publish his first long story, the book Bog Jargal, and with the publication of this book, he became a writer.

Contrary to his mother’s interest in law, Victor Hugo pursued literature, and his poems attracted the attention of members of the French Academy. As a young man, he received two awards from the French Department of Education and worked with his brothers to establish a literary magazine.

His early poems were praised by Louis XVI, so he received an annual stipend. During these years, Hugo met with a group of French writers and founded the school of Romanticism. At the age of twenty-five, he wrote his first play, Cromwell, with a detailed introduction to the school of Romanticism, and in 1829 published The Last Day of a Convict.
He became a member of the Academy in the mid-nineteenth century and was elected to the French Grand Legislature. Hugo pursued social and political activities, calling for public education, the abolition of slavery, the abolition of the death penalty, and poverty alleviation.

Victor Hugo was not only praised for his outstanding literary personality in French literature, but also for his role as a politician who helped establish and maintain the Third Republic and democracy in France.

At the age of 20, Victor Hugo married his childhood friend Adele Fouche. Adele Fuchs was a brunette girl with black hair and arched eyebrows who was 16 years old at the time. Adele Fouche was Victor Hugo’s first love and Victor admired her very much. Victor and Adele have known each other since childhood, the Fouche and Hugo families were very close and their children grew up together.
Victor Hugo had two sons and two daughters. His eldest daughter, Leo Poldin Hugo, drowned in the River Seine in 1843. His youngest daughter, Adele Hugo, became mentally ill following a failed love affair with a British Navy officer. Hugo continued to write until 1878, due to the psychological damage inflicted on him. After this year, his health gradually deteriorated.

May 22, 1885 Victor Hugo dies at the age of 83. His death caused national mourning and more than 2 million people attended his funeral.

Excerpts from the book The Last Day of a Condemned Man

Damn; In this matter, it is not my fault at all, but from the poisoned soul of a person sentenced to death who withers and corrupts everything.
It seems to me that as soon as my eyes are closed, I will see a great light and abysses of light in which my mind will be immersed indefinitely.

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