The greatest minds and ideas of all time


Title: Awakening of the Mind

Author: Will Durant

Translator: Reyhaneh Asgari

Publisher: Atr Kaj

Subject: Cultural life – history

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 192

Language: Farsi



The greatest minds and ideas of all time is a book by Will Durant.

Whenever a person has been researching for more than half a century and writing an eleven-volume collection of the comprehensive history of human civilization, it is natural for people to want to know what the result of this work and effort has been, to know which period in his opinion , People and achievements have been superior or more important than others, for example, Durant in his scroll of honor of human thought to whom the title of the greatest thinkers in human history?

To whom does he really call the greatest poets: those whose words draw notes on the fabric of the human heart that resonate for hundreds, if not thousands, of years after their death? What are the best educational, purposeful, and useful books that should be read?

During his career, Durant met with growing public demand for such expert evaluations, or in writing articles including personal comments on the Top Ten Thinkers, Top Ten Poets, and One Hundred. The best educational book “,” The Oil of the Top Ten Human Advances “and” Twelve Important Events in World History “answered. Some of these articles were published in journals and others were presented as lectures.

However, it was not possible for anyone to achieve his results in these cases. Unless, of course, he bought a magazine for his comments or was lucky enough to attend one of those lectures. Fortunately, all of these articles have been collected in Awakening of the Mind.

William James Durant was an American philosopher, historian, and author. His most important work is The History of Civilization, an 11-volume collection of books written by his wife, Ariel Durant.

In this book, he has been able to create a new school of historiography using the works of other historians (from Herodotus to Arnold Twain B.), who have lived since the beginning of human written history. Unlike other historians, whose only focus is It was based on historical events and the course of human civilization. In his work, he also pays attention to the factors that make civilization throughout history.

There is a quote in this regard, which is as follows: “Civilization is a river with two shores” ∗. This quote implicitly points out that historians have often paid utmost attention to the river in the course of history, which is usually turbulent and tumultuous and does not allow for correct interpretations and interpretations.
In contrast, he proposes another view in which the margins of history and civilization (shores) can be as important as the text of history itself. According to him, all the people who built houses and sculptures throughout history and wrote poetry also played a role in the formation of civilization. Will Durant, in his Lessons in History, which he wrote in the last years of his life, says that the history of nations must be written in the light of new scientific phenomena.

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