

Title: The Power of Silence; The power of introverts in a world that can not stop talking!

Author: Susan Kane

Translator: Nahid Sepehrpour

Publisher: New Development

Subject: Introversion and extroversion / relationships between people

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 391

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking by Susan Kane
The Power of Silence is an interesting work by Susan Kane that explores the issue of extroversion and introversion from a specific and different angle. The book, which won the Goodreads Award, also made the Amazon and New York Times bestseller list. (The file of this book has been updated with a new edition on 04/21/1400.)

About the book The Power of Silence:
Different cultures cultivate different personality types. A single temperament can be considered bad in one society, and good in another. The same is true of the extroversion-introversion duality.

Susan Cain, in her critically acclaimed book The Power of Introverts in a World That Cannot Stop Talking, conducts a comprehensive study of how different cultures perceive individuals’ temperaments, and their judgments of extroverts and introverts. have given.

In this work, you will read why isolated people are often ridiculed or ignored in modern culture. By taking advantage of the lives of the greats of science, art, politics, technology, etc., as well as analyzing the interviews he has conducted with countless introverts, Susan Kane has revealed to you a great power that is hidden in an aura of silence and isolation. He praises silence in a world full of talkativeness and nonsense.

Kane proves that many of the ideas that people in different societies promote about different personality types are openly wrong and unsupported. He shows why and under what circumstances the silence of the recluse becomes unrealistic; To the extent that this puts them under a lot of stress.

Short Story: The Power of Silence offers you new and amazing criteria for better judgment of your own behavior and that of those around you.

Honors of the book The Power of Silence:
Nominated for the Guardian Award
Nominated for the Andrew Carnegie Medal in the Unknown category
Winner of the Goodreads Prize in the Unknown category
– Appear in the bestseller list of Amazon and New York Times

Excerpts from The Power of Silence:
– Brilliant, enlightening and powerful. (Jonathan Fields)

– Kindness is powerful … Loneliness is socially constructive … These conflicting ideas, among many arguments, take silence to a quiet corner and absorb its brilliant, thought-provoking message. (Razab Mouse Counter)

– A book containing useful information and taken from comprehensive research. (Judith Orloff)

– Brilliant research on the human psyche. Undoubtedly, it is equally beneficial for extroverts and introverts. (Vulture Magazine)

Who is the book The Power of Silence suitable for?
Behavioral and psychological enthusiasts are the main audience for this book.

Learn more about Susan Kane:
He is the author of best-selling works and the founder of Quiet Revolution. In The Power of Silence, Susan Kane makes it clear that modern culture underestimates the power of introverts and leads them to isolation. According to Kane himself, he had spent his entire life thinking about writing this book.

In a part of the book Quiet, we read:
1939, Easter Sunday. Lincoln Memorial. Marianne Anderson, one of the most extraordinary singers of her generation, takes the stage, with a statue of the 16th President of the United States behind her. A caramel-skinned royal woman stares at a crowd of 75,000: men in brimmed hats, women in Sunday suits, and a huge sea of ​​black and white faces.

“He begins to speak, and as his voice rises, he utters every word with sincerity and clarity: ‘My country belongs to you, the pleasant land of freedom.’ The crowd listened to him with tears in his eyes. They never thought such a day would come.

And of course, this would not have been possible without Roosevelt. Earlier that year, Anderson planned to sing at the Washington, D.C.
Eleanor Roosevelt, whose family fought for the revolution, resigned from the Revolutionary Daughters of America and helped Anderson sing at the Lincoln Memorial, setting off a national storm. Roosevelt was not the only one to protest, but he shifted political power to the issue, jeopardizing his reputation in the process.

For Roosevelt, who seemed to be basically no one who could be indifferent to the sufferings and problems of other people, such actions, which stemmed from social conscience, were not at all unusual. But others thought it was remarkable …

Index of the book Quiet
Author Notes
Introduction: The two poles north and south of Khalqukho
Part One: The Extrovert Ideal
1: The Rise of a Powerful Friendly Friend – How Extraversion Became a Cultural Ideal
2: The Myth of Charismatic Leadership – Personality-Oriented Culture, One Hundred Years Later
3: When Collaboration Destroys Creativity – The Rise of New Team Thinking and the Power to Work Alone
Part Two: Your Biology, Your Self?
4: Is our mood our destiny? – The essence, training and hypothesis of the orchid
5: Beyond the Mood – The Role of Free Will (and the Secret of Public Speaking for Introverts)
6: Franklin was a politician, but Eleanor spoke with a clear conscience – why are the cold-blooded overestimated?
7: Why did Wall Street fall and Warren Buffett rise? How introverts and extroverts think differently (and produce dopamine)
Part 3: Do all cultures have an extroverted ideal?
8: Soft Power – Asian – Americans and the extrovert ideal
Part 4: How to make love, how to work
9: When should you show yourself to be more extroverted than you really are?
10: Communication Gap – How to Talk to Your Opposing Personality Type?
11: Cobblers and Generals – How to raise silent children in a world where they can not hear their voices?
Result: Wonderland
A note describing the sacrifice
A note on the words introverted and extroverted

About the book The Power of Silence
In The Power of Silence, Susan Kane tries her best to remind her audience that both extroverts and extroverts are equally useful to society, and this is the case. The general public is more inclined to be extroverted, and even when hiring, being extroverted is a privilege, and unfortunately this is very harmful to society.

Because many successful people in the world have been introverted. In The Power of Silence, Susan Kane shows how much power these people have been underestimated so far and how much this is hurting societies. He says that the ideal extraversion has been prevalent since the twentieth century and has penetrated deep into the culture of society.

In this book, he warns introverts not to underestimate the power hidden in their silence. He praises silence in a world full of voices and speeches, not all of which are necessarily audible. Kane proves that many of the ideas that people in different societies promote about different personality types are openly wrong and unsupported.
He shows why and under what circumstances the silence of the recluse becomes unrealistic; To the extent that this puts them under a lot of stress. Let us not forget that people who are usually silent have the attribute of “thinking”.

The Power of Silence has won the Goodreaders Prize for Behavioral Psychology and Creativity and Genius and is the best-selling book on Amazon. Other honors in this book include being nominated for a Guardian Award and nominated for an Andrew Carnegie Medal in the Unknown category.

“A brilliant study of the human psyche,” Vulture magazine wrote of the book The Power of Silence. “It is undoubtedly beneficial for extroverts and introverts alike.”

Quiet Related books 

1- Introducing the book Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking on YouTube

2- Introducing the book Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking in Aparat

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