Letter To A Child Never Born


Title: Letter to a child who was never born

Author: Oriana Fallaci

Translator: Star Sadat Aghamiri

Publisher: Ambassador Pen

Subject: Imaginary letters

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 120

Language: Farsi



Letter To A Child Never Born can be called the best book by Oriana Fallaci.

This book is written from a first-person perspective, in the form of a letter from a young woman who’s supposed to be the author herself, to the fetus in her womb, to inform her unborn child about the world’s problems and atrocities.

Letter To A Child Never Born is a cry of anger at what has befallen mankind, but also of the love of motherhood. A small book that is full of feelings of joy, fear, kindness, despair, anger, hope, depression and anxiety from the first line to the end.

Oriana Fallaci may be the main topic of discussion in this book, but in general she justifies all the existing views about women.
The author has addressed his mental questions, which every human being, especially every woman, may ask himself many times during his life;

Such as giving birth to a child, lifestyle, how to live, being a man or a woman, justice, love and …

The book has sold more than four million copies worldwide.

Other works by Oriana Fallaci include “Life, War and Nothing Else”, “Weak Sex”, “If the Sun Dies”, “A Man” and so on.

During his political and literary careers, Fallaci won numerous awards, including the Annie Taylor Prize at the Center for the Study of Popular Culture in New York and the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Selected sentences in a booklet to a child who was never born
– I have made my decision to stay with you: you will come into the world and I made this decision after seeing a photo of you.

– The day Eve picked the apple from the tree, nothing called sin was born, but a glorious virtue called disobedience was born.

Love is the feeling that comes to a mother when she hugs her helpless and small child.

Finally, how can a man who is unable to conceive understand the feelings of a woman who has a child in her womb?

– The priest thinks you belong to God, my friend thinks you belong to your mother and others think you belong to the country.

About the author of a book to a child who was never born
The author of the book to the child who was never born is Oriana Fallaci, who was born in Florence, Italy in 1929 and died in 2006 (age 77).

As of 2007, this popular book has sold over four million copies worldwide.

Prior to writing the book, Oriana worked as a journalist for an Italian newspaper.

If we want to give a little description of the life of this Italian novelist, it is necessary to say that he was born during the reign of Mussolini in Italy.

His father was a staunch opponent of Mussolini.
Oriana was only nine years old when World War II broke out (in 1938). Oriana Fallaci had stated in her writings that neither side of the war was different.

But of course the young girl had to be on her father’s side and help him.

Oriana Fallaci has repeatedly thought that since she started writing in Italian newspapers;

He was able to understand the miracle and power of words.

The young journalist, because of his mastery of rhetoric, high political understanding, as well as his courage and bravery, was able to make rapid progress and join and write for major European publications from a small local newspaper in Italy.

His understanding of political issues made him a favorite subject for writing, a war between rulers and oppressors.

Over the years, Oriana has written many books on various wars, including the Vietnam War.
He has twice traveled to Iran as a political journalist from Italy.

Once for an interview with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and once for an interview with Imam Khomeini and Bazargan.

Oriana Flacci eventually died of cancer in Florence, the city where she was born.

Critique of the book to a child who was never born
Critics argue that the book is more concerned with women and gender issues than with the literary quality and appeal of the text.

In parts of the book that question existence and non-existence, he also answers the questions that Camus addressed in his work.

In some parts of the book, the author’s own ideas can be seen. Fallaci did not believe in the existence of God, he wrote the book in such a way that the mother of this child also does not believe in the existence of God.

And he constantly asks his child for signs and symptoms to answer his doubts.

In some parts of the child, he is helpless and seeks justification through science and nature.
An interesting and positive critique of this book is its twinning when it is read.

This issue is also believed by the readers of this book.

According to readers, when a person is immersed in a book and reads the mother talking to the fetus, she feels pregnant and the fetus is inside the womb.

It is as if the fetus has been there for several months and has grown.

Oriana Fallaci shows an interesting and explicit contrast in the book.
Where the child has not yet entered this world but has the power of awareness and decision making.

Throughout the book, Fallaci forces audiences (especially women) to ask themselves questions about the philosophy of life.

Questions like “If life is torture then why accept it?” “Why should their generation exist at all? The purpose of existence is to wait for death.”

Ultimately, the answer to these questions rests with the unborn child.

Excerpt from a textbook to a child who was never born
The fascinating book Letter to a Child Who Was Never Born is written in 128 pages.

The text of this book is written so simply and effortlessly that if you take a day off, you can finish it and enjoy reading it.

A very impressive part of this article has been collected for you to help you choose this book as your next book. You may be interested to know how the author begins the story:

“I realized your existence tonight. Just like a drop of life that: has no source. With my eyes open, I was lying in complete darkness and ambiguity.

Suddenly, a spark of confidence and awareness shone in the heart of darkness.

You were there, you were there.
My heart stopped pounding, and when I heard it throbbing and chaotic again, I felt like I was engulfed in a terrible and dreadful depth of doubt and hesitation.

“I’m talking to you, but an annoying beast has taken over my whole fabric …”

As mentioned earlier, the book is full of contradictory feelings. The author first writes about the beautiful feeling of motherhood in the language of the child’s mother.

This feeling can be easily understood by women who have become mothers. The mother goes on to say that there are problems on the way that make the audience feel bitter. Here is a part of this feeling:

“Your father called a second time. His voice trembled. She wanted to make sure my doctor had confirmed my pregnancy.

I told her I was pregnant. He asked me again, “When will I finish?” I hung up the phone for the second time, without listening to him.
What I do not understand is why when a woman announces that she is legally pregnant, everyone celebrates for her and if she has an envelope in her hand, they carry it for her and beg her not to do heavy work and to rest completely.

Well, congratulations, let’s sit here, relax.

But when they find out I’m pregnant, they become cold and silent or talk about abortion.

I call this a conspiracy; A plan to separate you and me. There are moments when I feel worried, who will win? We or those who want to separate me and my child.

Maybe these thoughts came to me after your father’s phone call, bitter thoughts that I hoped to forget, and the wounds that I thought I had overcome intensified with your father’s phone call.

The wounds that had remained on my soul from the past and had obscured the meaning of love for me.
My wounds have healed and the wounds are barely visible, but one phone call is enough to make them painful again. “Like the old pains that change over time.”

This part of the book explicitly describes the father’s insistence on abortion and the mother’s heartfelt dissatisfaction with the loss of her child.

From the difficulty of being separated from her unborn child, but she feels it with all her being and talks to her at all times.

This part of the book conveys to the audience the mother’s sense of what will happen to her after the loss of that child.

Part of the book where the author addresses the issue of gender is the phrase, “How can a man who is unable to conceive understand the feelings of a woman who has a child in her womb?” »

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