Laughable Loves is a collection of stories about love and relationships; Relationships that were supposed to be accompanied by deep love; But in fact they are so devoid of love that they look ridiculous and funny. The heroes are clearly weak in understanding each other. This lack of knowledge causes these relationships to collapse with small mistakes.
In the book Funny Loves, Milan Kundera explores, peels, analyzes, and exposes his heroes to the reader, doing so with compassion, kindness, and without judgment.
The artist and intellectual Milan Kundera has selected some of Freud’s most important complexes and twisted them with such dexterity that it captures our deepest and darkest human interests. Funny love stories are amazing and enlightening. The world of Kundera is complex and full of ridicule and paradox. Life is often cruel and humiliating, ridiculous and angry.
The book includes seven short stories: “Nobody Laughs”, “The Golden Apple of Eternal Desire”, “Autostop Game”, “Banquet”, “Let the Old Dead Make room for the Young Dead”, “Dr. Howell After Twenty Years” And “Edward and God.” All seven stories have a love background, loves that are led in completely different directions by simple accidents and events. For example, the story of no one laughing: it is about a boy who jokingly gets into a serious issue that affects his whole life, or the autostop game: it is about a girl and a boy who jokingly enter a game that escapes It is not possible.
Milan Kundera is considered by those who deal with literature to be the greatest writer and heir to the European novelist tradition. One of Kundera’s most iconic books is The Bar of Existence. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature several times.

In a part of the book Laughable Loves, we read:
The girl really did not like to be forced to tell the young man to stand by a tree for a moment during their journey (the young man always drove non-stop for hours). He always got angry when the young man asked him with a false surprise why they should stop. He knew his chastity was stupid and old. Many times, his boss noticed that others were making fun of him for his chastity and deliberately provoking him. He always blushed before the thought of blushing.
She always wanted to feel comfortable with her body like most women around. He even invented a method for this perceptual self: he repeated to himself that each person would receive one of the millions of possible bodies at birth, just as one of the millions of rooms in a giant hotel might receive only one of them. To receive. In this case, the body will be something lucky, impersonal, pre-prepared and borrowed.
The girl repeated this to herself in different ways; But he could never believe it. The duality of soul and body was alien to him. He was very much the same as his body; That’s why he was always anxious.
She even experienced this anxiety in relation to the young man; A young man who was now a year old knew her and was happy with her; Probably because the young man never took the girl’s breath away from her body and the girl could live with him completely. There was a certain joy in this union;
But the distance between happiness and suspicion was not great; And the girl was full of suspicion. For example, she often thought that other women (those who were not anxious) were more attractive and seductive; And he was afraid that the young man, who did not hide the fact that he knew such women well, would one day leave her for one of them (it is true that the young man said that he had so many women that it was enough for the rest of his life , But the girl knew that the young man was still younger than she thought).
She wanted the young man to belong completely to her and she to belong completely to the young man; But he often thought that the more he tried to offer the young man more, the more he would take from him: there are many things that a light and superficial love gives to a person. He was worried that he could not combine seriousness with lightness.
This work is about love; A kind of love that Kundera calls Laughable love.
In this work, the intellectual, artist, and creator of the novel The Unbearable Style of Existence (the Load of Existence), Kundray has hand-picked some of the most important complexes of Freud, the great psychologist, and twisted them with such dexterity that our deepest and darkest human interests shows.
Laughable love stories are amazing and enlightening. The world of Kundera in these stories is complex and full of mockery and paradox, and shows life as cruel, humiliating and angry, and most importantly, the coercion that rules their space.
“Martin has the ability to do things I do not have the ability to do. He stops every woman on the street. I must say, I have benefited greatly from this skill over the many years that I have known him; Because I love women as much as he does, but I do not have such audacity and courage. On the other hand, his mistake was that he intended to pursue his acting tastes by himself.
“So, usually without being bitter in his words, he would say that he is like a footballer on the offensive line of a football team who passes the balls to his teammates relentlessly and modestly to score with one shot and reap a cheap honor.”
In “Laughable Loves,” Kundera analyzes and analyzes her heroes, exposing them naked to the reader. He does this without any judgment.
The protagonists of this work are sadly and at the same time ridiculously unable to really know each other and create a desirable emotional relationship, and everything that should be internal and soulful between them is superficial and empty. Such interaction is devoid of all transcendent aspects of love, and what they call love is ridiculous and pathetic.
In the stories of this book, human beings are caught in situations that they have created by themselves; But getting out of it is hard for them. It takes the human condition into its own hands and puts it in a positional algebra.
1- Introducing the book Laughable Loves on YouTube
2- Introducing the book Laughable Loves in Aparat
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