Jesus the Son of man


Title: Christ The Son of Man: Christ from the Perspective of Others

Author: Gibran Khalil Gibran

Translator: Simin Panahifard

Publisher: Aso

Subject: Jesus Christ / American Stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 296

Language: Farsi



The Book Jesus the Son of man : his words and his deeds as told and recorded by those who knew him is a work by the Lebanese author “Gibran Khalil Gibran” who, in the words of the translator: Has done.

Introducing the Book of Jesus the Son of man : his words and his deeds as told and recorded by those who knew him

It has occurred to me many times that he was just a dream; A dream that countless men and women have dreamed in the deepest dreams and the quietest dawns. It is as if each of us, who express this dream to each other, thinks of it as a fact that has actually taken place, so much so that we give it a body of our imagination and a sound of it out of our desire, and in the end, make it innate. We set the truth for our existential nature. But the truth is that Christ was not a dream, because we have known him for thirty years, and in the light of noon we have seen him with our own eyes.

We touched his hands and followed him from here to there. We have heard his words and we have seen his deeds. Has it ever occurred to you that we ourselves are just an idea in search of other ideas or a dreamer passing through the city of dreams!
Big events are always alien to our lives, although their natural nature is rooted in the nature of our nature. Although they come and go suddenly, their true nature goes hand in hand with years and generations.

Index of the book
Lands of the world
The birth of Christ
The speech of Christ
My first meeting with Christ
Christ, ‌ Leading Physicians
Call me and brother
We killed him for good
Christ and children
The bride of Shahrqana
Old gods, new gods
Christ in action
Christ and the hypocrites
A tip on the mountain
The various letters of Christ
Christ the Wizard
Christ, the skilled carpenter
A letter from prison
The first teachings of Christ
Christ was not fallen
In the description of Saul Tarsusi
A wish that was not fulfilled
مسیح‌; A human being, an idea?
Mirrors and messengers
Death of Stephen
Grandpa’s doubts
Masih the apostate
Sadness and smiles
Christ the Poet
Examiners and hypocrites
Christ is hard-hearted
Death of John the Baptist
Money changers
The end of the disciples of Christ
The Wonders of Christ
Surprise and beauty
He was a stranger among us
The youngest Sheikh Sahandrim
Ten years later … Two streams from the heart of Christ
His mouth was like a pomegranate heart!
Life and existence
The second wedding celebration
Addressed to priestess women
Let the dead bury their dead
The fate of Christ
Among the blue lilies
My uncle’s adolescence
The words of Christ and his movements
A man who hates the memory of Christ
Christ is the word of the Lord
Semitic Gods
Oriental beliefs and superstitions
Slaves and the expelled
Christ against the prison wall
Benefits of wealth
Merciful Christ
Right neighbor
Christ’s youth and adulthood
Christ is confused
His death was the death of all humanity
Stubborn Christ
Love and power
The fate of Judas Iscariot
Christ and the Goddess (Ban)
Christ was humble
Dinner before Easter
The last words of Christ
Christ, the Great Leader
The Last Supper
How did I carry his cross?
Biography of my child
Thirty years later
Nineteen centuries later
Detailed list of announcements
Introducing the book of Christ, the Son of Man: (Volume 6 of the collection of works of Khalil Gibran)
Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) is a Lebanese-American writer and poet. “Christ the Son of Man”, written in 1928, depicts the image of Jesus Christ from the perspective of his friends, relatives, and even enemies, and finally expresses the author’s view as a man from Lebanon after nineteenth century.

In a part of this book called “Neutrality” which is from the language of Jerusalem shoemakers, we read: “I did not like him, but at the same time I did not hate him.
I did not listen to his words, but listened to hear the echo of his voice, whose voice made me tremble. Everything he said was vague to me, but the melody and music of his voice were clear in my ears. “In fact, if I had not heard what people said about him, I would not have been able to tell whether Christ agreed with the Jews or not.”

He has a different view from other Christians and believes that Christ is not a god incarnate in human form but a human being who has reached the highest and highest degree of perfection in every sense of the word. ” Christ says that some of them are real and their names are mentioned in the Bible, while others are unreal and come to life in his imagination.

In the last piece, “The Man from Lebanon,” in which he is, in fact, none other than himself, he expresses his personal beliefs about Christ, praising him with words full of love, and depicting the whole world in such a way that the eye is appearing. Evind.
He refers to Christ as the “Servant of the Poets,” the “Lord of Silent Wishes,” the “Hero of Golden Dreams,” the “Servant of the Light,” and the “beating heart of the world,” and believes that Christ suffered on behalf of all so that they might live comfortably.

The translator points out: “Some of the contents of the book, such as the crucifixion of Christ and the marriage of Mary Azra, contradict what is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, but the image that Gibran paints of impresses every eager reader, and because the whole “The book is written with a great love for Christ and shows the special devotion of repentance to him, it comes from the heart and inevitably resides in the heart.”

Related books

1- Introducing the book Jesus the Son of man : his words and his deeds as told and recorded by those who knew him on YouTube

2- Introducing the book Jesus the Son of man : his words and his deeds as told and recorded by those who knew him in Aparat

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