For whom the bell tolls


Title: Ringtones for which it sounds

Author: Ernest Hemingway

Translator: Rahim Namvar

Publisher: Look

Subject: Spain, Civil War

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 360 pages

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


For whom the bell tolls is a 1940 novel by Ernest Hemingway, an American author. The novel tells the story of Robert Jordan, an American soldier who joined the International Brigade in the middle of the Spanish Civil War. As an explosives expert, he is tasked with blowing up the bridge that stands in the way of the enemy. Jeffrey Meyer, author of Hemingway’s biography, believes that it is one of Hemingway’s best works, along with The Old Man and the Sea, Farewell to Arms and the Sun.

The Bells for the Bells, which can be attributed to the idealism of the intellectuals of the 1930s and their need to commit and compensate for their deviations, was the author’s first popular novel.
The subject of the book is the Spanish Civil War between the Republicans and the fascist monarchists. Robert Jordan, an American, has volunteered for the Republican Army, and after being commissioned to blow up a strategic bridge, he joins a group of Segovia guerrillas. The group is dominated by a woman named Pilar, who symbolizes Spain and its desire for freedom.

The men are: Pablo – Pillar’s husband, Augustine, Fernando, Khitan, Rafael, Andres, who are the sub-characters of the novel.

But there is also a young girl named Maria who has been raped by the fascists and rescued by Pilar. Jordan becomes a partner of the guerrillas and falls in love with Maria. Death spins over their heads; Pilar, Jordan, and the snake feel close to it. Therefore, they have to spend their whole life in these few days.
Love is a medicine for the passage of time, loneliness and death, and due to the presence of these three, it reaches such an exciting level that it goes to the depths of the body, nature and objects.

At this time, the fascists attack and the nearby guerrilla group suppresses them. Jordan realizes that the bridge explosion will be of no use. However, the army headquarters decides to launch an offensive. Jordan does his mission, but breaks his leg when the bridge explodes. He orders the others to flee, and he himself sits behind the machine gun on the edge of the forest, waiting for the enemy to arrive. Undoubtedly, he wanted to live, but now he accepts death, because it results in death.

Hemingway, in his book Bells for which they sound, has effectively abandoned the dryness and violence of his former style, which had become his queen. Pages from this book are mixed with lyricism, and although it sometimes depicts the same movement of “human destiny” in the play of love and death, it often leads to emotional romanticism.

“Robert Jordan” is a young American who lived and worked in Spain before the Spanish Civil War. The civil war flared with the arrival of much of the army in support of the opposition to the Republican government. On one side a coalition of all kinds of left forces (communists, socialists, anarchists and liberals, etc.) and the supporters of the republic, and on the other side the army and the monarchists and the church and their supporters who became known as the fascists. Passionate youth from the farthest corners of the globe rushed to the aid of Republicans, while many governments supported arms embargoes.

Robert joined the Republican Party and specialized in demolishing the bridge. The beginning of the story coincides with sending him on an important mission: to destroy a bridge behind the enemy front at exactly the planned time, neither sooner nor later, because large-scale operations are to be carried out in those areas at the same time.

Roberto fights alongside the Communists in the Spanish Civil War. He has a mission to go to a bridge in the forest and blow it up when the attack starts so that the enemy can not cross it. He is supposed to contact a local guide named Anselmo, who is a kind old man. In the remaining days of the attack, Roberto is identifying the place and lives with a local partisan group led by Pablo, where he falls in love with a girl named Marian and …

Well, the story is about these two or three days of Roberto living with Marianne and other local forces and fighting them.
Robert travels with a landlord to the desired location, which is mountainous. Where one or two small guerrilla groups operate. The group that Robert goes to is nominally led by an old guerrilla named Pablo, but because of his recent drunkenness and spirits, his wife is practically omnipotent. They also have a young girl who was rescued from the fascists in a previous operation (you can imagine Ingrid Bergman in your mind!) … an important and decisive operation … a high probability of death for everyone … three days left. .. Love … An attractive and clean narration from the master of narration … Who or what are the bells really sounding for death ?!

For whom the bell tolls

A book directed by Sam Wood, starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, is one of the films that has been very loyal to the book. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Color Videography, Best Soundtrack, and Best Scene Design. Casablanca and won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.
Ernest Hemingway had experience of World War I as well as Spain. Regardless of the author’s interests and opinions, this story, especially in the second layer, looks at the reasons for the defeat of the Republicans, which I will mention in the following. There are 5 works by Hemingway in the list of 1001 books, one of which is this book. This book has been translated at least 5 times so far:

The bells are ringing for Ali Salimi

Who are the bells ringing for? Rahim Namour

This is the death knell of Mehdi Ghobraei

The bell for which Kiomars Parsai sounds

Parviz Shahdi mourns the mourning bell

Beautiful parts of the book Bells for which they sound
Killing does not teach anything to anyone. Slaughter and slaughter have no result except to sow the seeds of hatred.

A person who only thinks of saving his life is a danger to others.

Shut up and do not talk about what you do not understand.

Do you not know what an incurable pain it is for a person to be physically ugly all his life, but to know that his inner self is beautiful and good-natured?

What is the use of us winning the war but losing our goal from the revolution?

How can we fight and conquer without having faith in the final victory?

I hate to leave something that is so good and leave.
“But if I stay with you, it will be easier. It will be better for me.”

Introduction and ending of the Spanish Civil War and who’s the last bell !?

It is important to know how and why the Spanish Civil War broke out. First, that this war was a prelude to World War II (which really changed the face of the world). . Stay in other directions for later …

In 1931, the government of the Republic was established in Spain, and some reforms were key in this country, among which we can mention two fundamental and critical programs, namely, land reform and the reduction of the church’s power. Large plots of land were divided among the peasants, and the church lost control of its schools, and the activities of some religious sects, such as the Jesuits, were banned and their followers expelled from the country. In addition, the republican government’s agreement to grant autonomy to the states of Catalonia and the Basque Country created a rapprochement between the big landowners and the clergy, nationalists, monarchists, conservatives and the like under the banner of nationalism.
In the 1936 elections, after a series of hands-on left-and-right governments, the United Left Front, including the Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists, won, and shortly afterwards, the army, backed by the Nationalists and led by General Franco, staged a coup and took control of parts of the country. And thus the civil war began.

Most countries in the world agreed to remain neutral in this war and not to provide arms to the parties to the conflict, but this neutrality took on a special form that is not so foreign! Germany and Italy helped the nationalists a lot and intervened practically and publicly, and in this three-year war, they both gained experience and solved the problems of their weapons in order to later serve the above-mentioned neutrals!

The Soviets, on the other hand, provided assistance to the other side. Despite the fact that Soviet weapons could not compete with German rivals, there was a fundamental problem on the Republican front that, despite some advantages, ultimately conceded defeat. German and Italian forces fought under Franco and had so-called “unified management”, but on the opposite side, Stalin’s aids were such that a certain faction of Republicans would prevail. Basically, there was no integrated management of facilities on this side of the field, and a large coalition of forces that were thinking of liquidation after the victory did not come to fruition. A colorful front emerged whose forces were not well-trained and low-mobility due to their poor coordination.
The war reportedly left about one million casualties. Both sides engaged in a great deal of atrocity, but in the stories told, we are more familiar with the cruelty of the fascists (the nickname the Republicans gave to the other side) because the writers of these stories either fought on the Republican front or were at their mercy.

For whom the bell tolls

The story “Bells for which it sounds” also mentions some of these crimes and reminds us once again that we should not be surprised by the formation of movements such as ISIS and the like, as if these atrocities are new and specific phenomena in the Middle East.
All this savagery and cruelty on the part of some armed people towards the masses of the people of that nation is strange. This country has strange people. There is no people in the world more kind and cruel than this, who can understand this nation?

The procedure is romantic and romantic, love in ninety minutes or love in ninety minutes. This love may lead us to the point where at the end the bells mentioned in the title of the book are playing for one of the lovers. Of course, this perception is neither far nor far away. But the bell can be likened to a letter that Robert sends to the general. The courier who carries the letter crosses the lines of the Republicans and tells us what the situation is like on this front. The bell rings where the general regrets the late arrival of the letter and can do nothing. The tragedy of the story is kind of here. The bells have been rung for those unfortunate troubles, otherwise Robert’s task, which was already known and is now more specific:
I will be with you as long as one of us is alive, we are both alive.

He never dies ‌ that his heart was revived by love … otherwise he would have been depicted as a human being !!!

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Ernest Hemingway



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