Dead Poets Society


Title: Association of Dead Poets

Author: Baum Klein

Translator: Zohreh Barzegar

Publisher: Nazareh

Subject: American stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 224

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


Dead Poets Society by NH Kleinbaum was published after the film was made. The story of the Dead Poets Association book is about the entry of a modern literature teacher into a strict school with traditional rules that change the mood of the students.

The Dead Poets Association,

starring Robin Williams, won the 1989 Academy Award for Best Picture. You are reading this work translated by Zahra Taravati.

About the book

The story of the book is that a teacher of modern English literature named Keating enters a very lawful and dry high school in Welton with a fanatical principal. Welton School is governed by the following rules: tradition, honor, discipline, pride. But Keating introduces new concepts that challenge traditional school rules.

In his teachings, he says a lot about capturing the tail and enjoying the short life of this world, and teaches his students the lesson of “death consciousness.” The new teacher’s thoughts change the mood of the students, and they form an association called the Association of Dead Poets for their own meetings. These thoughts do not appeal to the fanatical school community. Hence, they seek to expel the teacher, who now has many followers among his students …

Who do we recommend the book to?

The book of the Association of Dead Poets is a fascinating and readable novel about life. Reading it is a pure and enjoyable experience for all lovers of foreign novels.

Sentences from the book

“Turn the torch of knowledge from old to young, hand in hand,” Nolan’s director solemnly declared. And every boy lit a candle in his hand.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Graduates and Students … This year, 1959, marks the 100th anniversary of the Welton Academy. One hundred years ago, in 1859, forty-two students sat in the same place and were asked questions that you are now asked at the beginning of each semester. Nolan paused exaggeratedly, then turned his gaze to and fro in a space filled with frightened and excited young faces. Then he roared: “Gentlemen! “What are the four pillars?”

When the students stood up, aware, the restlessness of the legs broke the heavy silence of the space. Sixteen-year-old Todd Anderson, one of the few students who did not wear a school uniform, hesitated when the rest of the children got up. His mother slapped him to get up. His face was depressed and sad, and his eyes filled with dust of anger and confusion. In silence, he watched the boys go around shouting in unison: “Tradition! Honor! Discipline! Pride! ”

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