Cyrus the Great from birth to the kingdom


Title: Cyrus the Great

Author: Harold Lamb

Translator: Sadegh Reza Zadeh Shafaq

Publisher: Atisa

Subject: Biography of Achaemenid Cyrus. Iran’s king

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 331

Language: Farsi



Cyrus the Great from birth to reign by Harold Lamb: He was also called Cyrus, who was also the name of his father, and the word meant shepherd.

He was called Cyrus, who was also named after his father

And the word meant shepherd, but this young man did not have a sheep job.

Of course, hundreds of herds grazed on the slopes of those mountains and approached as the snow melted on the peaks. The herdsmen were guarded by the people of the year and shepherd dogs. It was a common legend among the people that a shepherd named Cyrus was guarding his nation, leading them to bread and blessings, and protecting them from wild animals, demons, and human predators.

Cyrus the Great from birth to the kingdom:
Herodotus, a fourth-century BC historian, is the best narrator of Cyrus’ birth. According to him, Astyages was his maternal grandfather who had a dream one night that his daughter Mandana was so disturbed that he was overwhelmed by Ekbatan (the capital of the Medes) and his empire.

The king asked Moghan to interpret this dream and they frightened the king so much about the future of his kingdom that he did not dare to marry his daughter to the material elders. Therefore, Astyages, Mandana’s father, gave his daughter to a Persian named Kambodjieh, who was a native of Persia, who considered her obedient and safe, especially since Kambodjieh was also gentle and obedient.

Less than a year after Mandana’s marriage to the deficient Astyages, he falls asleep again, with a hair tree growing from his daughter Mandana’s belly and covering all of Asia. Moghan’s interpretation of this dream was more terrible than the first dream. They told the king that a son would be born from Mandana who would seize your throne. With this interpretation, the king forces his daughter to come to Ekbatan to see him. As soon as he arrives, he monitors him in Ekbatan until he gives birth to his son.

After the baby was born, the king told a noble Median named Harpagus, who was also close to him, that he should take the newborn baby and go home from Harpagus and discuss the matter with his wife. This child has a family relationship with me and since the king of Media has no son, his daughter Mandana will take his place. Then what will happen to me if I kill his son? So he decided not to kill the child himself, so he called a royal shepherd named Mehrdad and told him that the king had ordered that the child be placed on a mountain to be eaten by wild animals, and that if he did not do so, he would be punished. And you will be punished.

The shepherd’s wife, who was pregnant, was in the absence of a son who had died, and when the shepherd came home and saw his wife, he persuaded her to take care of them and raise them. Instead, they showed the dead body of their child to Harpagus and said that he was the same child. The shepherd accepted his wife’s opinion and handed over the body of his dead child to Harpagus. He was buried and the king of Media was relieved.

Cyrus soon became a prominent and efficient young man and playmate of the Amir Zadegans, and he always impressed his friends with the power of his leadership.

In the meantime, he was known as the son of a shepherd. One day, while playing with other children, he was chosen as the king. The father of the punished child complained to Astyages.

When Astyages asked him why he had behaved so brutally, Cyrus defended himself, saying that he played the role of a king and that everyone obeyed him except this boy, so he should be the one who ordered him. Has not obeyed, to punish.

Astyages realized that these were not the words of a shepherd boy, he thought for a while and remembered the incident ten years ago and ordered that the shepherd be brought to him and forced to speak by torture and threats, so the shepherd confessed that He is his grandson and his daughter Mandana.

The matter reached Harpagus, so he came to Astyages and explained why the king’s grandson had not been killed, saying, “On that day I wanted to carry out your order and not kill your daughter, so I gave the child to this man.”

The king also said, “I also had a pang of conscience for this, so we should thank God and have a great feast.” To send him to play with Cyrus Harpagus went home and sent his son to the king’s court.

Astyages was upset with Harpagus for not obeying his order, so he ordered that his son be killed and that royal food be made from his son’s body. He said it was very good, then they showed him the basket in which his son’s head, hands and feet were. Harpag realized that the king had killed his son and fed him his meat to punish him.

At the end of the party, Astyages gathered Moghan and told them the story of his grandson. The Moghans said that the dream he had seen had been interpreted and that he had become king among his peers and no longer posed a threat, but to ease his mind, send him to Persia to his parents. Astyages was overwhelmed with joy at this answer and sent Cyrus to Persia to visit his parents. Cyrus grew up in his father’s court.

At first he did not dream of rebelling against the Medes and reaching the throne, but Harpagus, who was always seeking revenge on his son from the Medes, encouraged Cyrus to revolt and secretly corresponded with Cyrus, sending him expensive gifts. He incited him against the king, and finally placed his mark on the belly of a newly hunted hare, sewed the belly of a hare and gave it to one of his own nephews, and sent him to Persia as a hunter. He brought the rabbit to Cyrus and said that he should open the rabbit’s belly. After reading Harpag’s letter, he thought of taking power from Astyages.
When his plan reached a critical juncture, he encouraged the Persian tribes to support him so that they could free themselves from the bondage of Astyages and the Medes.

Cyrus marched on the Medes On the other hand, the king of the Medes sent an army to confront Cyrus, and the general gave his army to Harpagus. When the two armies met, Harpagus joined Cyrus with a large number of soldiers.

In this way, Cyrus’ power was doubled and he succeeded in overthrowing his grandfather, Astyages. Cyrus had the utmost respect for his grandfather and kept him with him. “Great” took over …

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