

Title: Bear City (Bertown)

Author: Frederick Beckman

Translator: Aydin Pourziaei

Publisher: The Contemporary Way

Subject: Swedish stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 416

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book Beartown by Frederick Beckman
The City of Bears is Frederick Beckman’s latest work, a fascinating and profound novel about people’s big dreams, memories and loves.

Introducing the book Bear City
The city of Beartown has just been published and, like Beckman’s other works, has met with unprecedented acceptance not only in Sweden, but all over the world, and Iran can be said to be one of the first countries to offer translations of this new work.

Fredrik Backman always deals with a new subject in his novels and his stories do not become old and repetitive for the audience. Beckman always looks at the people and events around him from a new angle and shows his audience a different view of life.

In the novel Beartown, we encounter adventures that can happen in any city. The concerns of the residents of this city are close to the concerns of other cities in the world.
This time, Beckman has taken the story out of the heart of sports, and Bear City is the story of the hopes and dreams of the hockey team players. Beckman’s language is simple, and the novel’s eloquence and dialogue are real. The novel has an interesting beginning:

“Late one night in late March, a teenager went straight into the woods with a shotgun in his hand, put his gun to another man’s forehead and pulled the trigger.

And that’s the story. ”
With this fascinating beginning, the novel throws the reader into the heart of the story and the heart of the city from where the story is to be told. The city is a character in this novel and his actions are treated like other characters.

Bertown’s story takes place in a city of the same name, the City of Bears. A remote city in the heart of the forest in Sweden that has few facilities but its people love hockey and consider it the only way to save the city. The whole story revolves around the youth hockey team of Bertown, which is supposed to participate in the country’s youth hockey competition and, if successful, will send a flood of investors and sponsors to the city.

There are few people in Bertown who are not interested in hockey and do not dream of winning the city’s youth team. Many of the characters in the story all connect with the hockey team and have two lives. One is the life of team and club members on the hockey field, all of which are excellent and first-class, and the other is their normal life, which, like the normal life of all human beings, is full of sadness, worry, error and joy.
When the youth hockey team succeeds in the semi-finals and wins the game, Kevin Ardal, who is both the team captain and the best player and has a very good financial situation, organizes a secret party in their house where all the team members and some selected teammates They participate. All this celebration takes place away from the eyes of parents and it is in this celebration that the fate of the team and the city changes.

Quinn attacks Maya, and Maya is initially frightened and silent. But at the insistence of his best friend Anna and the consideration of the little girls who are playing, he is impressed and sacrifices himself so that these innocent little girls will not suffer his fate.

He tells the whole story to his parents, and just as the team bus is heading to the city where the final youth hockey match is being held, and all the city’s many years of hope for success in the game, police unload Kevin Ardal from the bus and He goes to prison.
From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true love of Kevin and Maya comes in. All the characters in the story experience savagery, anxiety, anger, doubt, and extreme nervousness, and sometimes exhibit irrational behaviors. But in the end, they talk and think that they should do the right thing.

The number of characters and names in the book is very large. Kevin Ardal, Benji, Amet, Zakaria, Bobo, Audrey, Ramona, David, Sean, Peter, Maya, Anna, Leo, Kira, Fatima, An-Catherine, etc. are some of the names of the characters in the book.

However, compared to some classics such as Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, which has about 600 characters, it is not very large. The characters enter the story only by name at a time, but later their identities are determined and the reader has no knowledge of them from the beginning.
The book City of Bears is a book that, when you start it, with all its thickness, deprives you of the possibility of putting it down. Because every page you read, you get eager to see what happens on the next page, and this series of events takes you to the end of the book.

The characters are so intimate and pleasant that even the bad characters in the story can not be hated and we accept them as ordinary people in our daily lives. These characters, while being simple and ordinary, are each a manifestation of a will and specialness. They are all great at something and they do it well.

Various human issues such as honesty, camaraderie, perseverance, team-to-person, effort and righteousness are among the central themes of the book that are considered according to the language or behavior of the characters.
Although there is no advice or rhetoric in the book, but in all its parts, a soft and indirect message about one of the human moral traits is conveyed to the audience that is absorbed without any annoyance and one wants to behave properly and all the people around him. Find out the right behavior.

What one achieves when reading this book and immersing oneself in it cannot be expressed in any language or words. Only this book should be read and for a long time I was ecstatic in the cool scent of its effect on body and soul.

In a part of the book Beartown, we read:
There is a city in the jungle that loves a game. There is a girl sitting on a bed playing the guitar for her best friend. There is a young man sitting in the police station trying not to show any signs of fear. In the corridor of the hospital, a nurse walks past a lawyer who is talking loudly on his cell phone.

As spectators in the capital, alongside sponsors and the General Assembly, who laughed at the CEO ten years ago for saying that the day would come when they would have the best youth team, men and women stood up and shouted that the Bj‌rn Bears were masters. Now everyone who has the slightest connection to the club is here, except the CEO.

A team, holding a stick, stands in the locker room waiting for the game to start. A mobile brother is sitting on a bench in his hand, waiting for his friends on the Internet to write something about his older sister.
One law firm receives a phone call from a wealthy client, and in another law firm, the mother has started a war. The girl plays the guitar long enough for her friend to fall asleep. Dam stands in front of his father and thinks that these girls will endure the story, they will be able to cope with it. And that’s exactly what he’s afraid of. Because then everyone in the world thinks, well, nothing happened!

There is a player with the number sixteen who knows what it takes to win right from the moment he learned to skate. He knows that winning is in their minds and his coach has taught him how musical hockey is: each team has its own rhythm and tempo. If you disrupt this rhythm, you disrupt their music, because even the best musicians in the world hate having to go out.

But if that happens then it will not be stopped. Moving objects tend to maintain their direction and speed, and how stupid it is to stand in front of a snowball rolling from a height.
And this is what sports people call “momentum or impulse,” although we have read in physics lessons that it is “inertia.” David has always been with Benny Rack: “When something is right in the team, everything becomes much simpler and automatically things get better and better. “But only if you can cause them a little trouble, even a little bit, then you will see that they themselves start to cause more trouble for themselves.” This is the law of equilibrium; Everything is tied to the foot.

There are still teenagers and young people in the heart of small towns who dream of becoming champions. Small cities anywhere in the world may be far from many of their dreams and goals due to lack of facilities, but an inner motivation can always revive a city that can be like a powerful and powerful bear and with all the difficulties to progress. Achieve great socialism, and teenagers and young people who boldly pursue their dreams and play the role of heroes for their people can make their city proud.

Beartown by Frederick Beckman is the story of heroes who fight for the prosperity of their city.

Synopsis of the Beartown
Next to a cold and dark forest in Sweden, there is a remote town called Bear City, which is losing its prosperity day by day with its limited facilities. The people of this city are interested in the sport of hockey and they know that if the youth team wins the tournament and reaches the final, investors and sponsors will come to this city and the city will prosper.

There are many characters in the story who interact with the hockey team. Characters whose sporting and ordinary lives are narrated with sorrows and joys.

Beckman writing style in Beartown
Beckman is a wonderful writer, he is well able to engage the emotions of his audience with the emotions and behaviors of the characters in his stories, and he knows just as well how to create unusual and beautiful stories from the lives of ordinary people. For this reason, the humor in the depth of his words allows the reader to accept and accompany the bitter events.

The novel Beartown is a story full of inner analyzes of today’s human beings who have different roles in different situations such as mother, father, friend, group and teenager in society.
At first glance, after reading this novel, we may think that Beckman made up black and white stories to cultivate heroism, but this thinking may be due to the fact that Beckman uses humanitarian concepts in his stories.

In his stories, Beckman looks at people’s lives, memories, relationships, love and hate, and laughter and tears through a new lens each time. The book City of Bears is also a new story full of different names and characters who first enter the story at first, but gradually during the story, the reader becomes acquainted with their characters.

Beckman showed his interest in sports, as he did in Brittany’s Here, and this time in the story of Shahr-e Khors, he showed that he was interested in sports. He tells his story in the hearts of the hopes and dreams of the hockey team players. “Late one night in late March, a teenager went straight into the woods with a double-barreled rifle, put a gun to another person’s forehead, and pulled the trigger,” he begins his story in simple, fast-paced language.

From the very beginning, the reader feels that he is facing a horrible crime and that a city and all its people are going to face a strange event. In the context of a small town, Beckman introduces the reader to pleasant and intimate characters, and in fact opens the way for him to accept these people as people of society and everyday life.
The main themes of the book are honesty, cooperation, teamwork, effort and human values ​​that are conveyed to the audience in the form of characters. This time too, Beckman has a bitter story in his story. By narrating rape, he builds a horrible story behind his happy story.

But the point is that the girl in the story, despite being raped, is temporarily silent about the fate of her team and city. With this behavior, Beckman shows that he sacrifices himself to achieve a greater goal, and then right at the head of Kevin Ardal, he captures the aggressor character in the story.
Beckman tells the story of the city of bears in a wise way and acquaints the reader with the different spaces of this small city and its people. In Swedish proverbs, a bear shows a person’s strength and a so-called strong person is said to have a bear inside. The novel City of Bears also tells the story of people who are looking for power and height.

Frederick Beckman and new and fascinating stories
Fredrick Backman is known as “A Man Named Oh”. Beckman began his career in 2007 as a journalist and blogger. In 2012, Beckman’s first novel, A Man Named Oh, was published. The novel became Beckmann’s “most successful” Swedish author in 2013, selling well and translating into 25 languages.

Beckman delighted his fans with the publication of a new book almost every two years after the fame of The Man Named Oh.

Beckman’s second book was “Motherberg Greetings and Say Sorry”, published in 2015. A year later, Beckman published The Britmari Was Here.

Beartown is Beckmann’s new work, released in 2016 and, like his other works, has been well received by audiences in Sweden and around the world. Beartown has long been on the New York Times bestseller list. In writing this work, Beckman also used the details and subtleties of his storytelling and, like his previous novels, wrote a moral and entertaining story.
Among Beckmann’s works, which have also been translated and published in Iran, are the books “Dealing with a Gray Woman”, “Greetings from Motherberg and Saying Sorry”, “And Every Morning the Road Goes Farther”, “We Are Against You” “,” And I love you “and” the deal of life “.

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